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Posts posted by flipperc

  1. Found the local BIG LOT sells some british things but had a surprise the other day when we went to world market and whole foods, they both had a good variety af British foods even found British bangers (they were like a cumberland sausage ), they also had digestive biscuits but I refused to pay the $6 a packet lol

  2. Does anybody know how long you have to wait before going to get your ssn after arriving in America ? I called them yesterday and was told I need to nave residency before I can get one but I was under the impression on a K1 you did not have to wait that long ??? Sorry no time line but the account me fiancee and I were using will not let us on even doing the forgot password thing :(

  3. Hi all i'm new to this so all the help i can get would be good

    My fiance and I are thinking of trying for a k1 visa but I have a

    criminal record in the UK, the offences were possession of an offensive weapon and affray

    the offences were commeted 9 years ago and I got a fine and community service, all of which have been paid and done

    can anybody please tell me if this should stop me getting a k1

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