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Posts posted by Wolffsrain

  1. You know the one great thing about America that you are so freely exercising right now? Freedom of Speech. Can you speak freely about and trash your wife's country if you were to move there?

    I can speak freely anywhere at any time, it's why we were given a mouth. Anyways,like I stated before, people are only stating their opinions and points of views. Nobody is "Bashing" anybody or anything, they are simply opinions. I'm sure there is a difference between bashing and opinion. With the replies filled with CAPS and curse words and anger I'm seeing only proves my point and that of other members further.

  2. I happen to be an educated, graceful and cultured AMERICAN woman and I really, really resent your post.

    Are you American?

    Why don't you look into moving to Canada because clearly you don't want to be here in the US. Tell whatever idiot is holding a gun to your head saying "MOVE TO AMERICA OR ELSE" to drop the weapon because I'm sure there are a ton of other countries that would love to have you talk sh!t about their citizens.

    Your reply to my post proves my point about American women. We're all just stating our opinions and points of views.

  3. I disagree. It's exactly this attitude, Americans thinking that America is the "new world" make most people hate America and/or Americans. I believe its simply called love and when two people are in love they plan their life together and decide which one is the best for them. I know hundreds of people who married American citizens and came to the US and they miss their motherland terribly. They spend fortunes going back and forth to visit their parents, siblings and loved ones.

    I also would like to set it straight, that not all US Citizens are native Americans. Most US citizens here you see, are marrying from Pakistan, India, Turkey, Africa or whatever are actually just marrying their natives.

    At one time being an American was an exception. It is no more.Not after bombing of all those lands in the name of democracy.

    I would stop thinking that being in America was so hot. It is not!

    Mostly everyone here is just looking for a soul-mate and hoping that they found the right one.

    There are some just doing it maybe to get away from their poverty stricken countries. But think about it, if you were British they would do it to go to GB, or German they'd do it to go to Germany and it goes on. This should not make you think that America is hot, This makes me think that the lives and cultures in other countries and how they must cope with life having just enough to get by or not having anything at all. This is not an excuse for their lies but this gives us something to think about and try to pick the right person.

    I also read many posts here where American men kept choosing foreign women to marry. Some admitted that they filed, once, twice, three times. All for fiancees from other countries. If the first two didn't work out, why did they do it again third time?

    Doesn't this make you wonder why American men turn elsewhere?

    I am curious.

    I totally agree with this post. My wife (from Russia) wants to come to the USA mainly because it will be a better lifestyle and also better weather to deal with. I on the other hand would love to leave the United states. I'm very tired of the way people are here, and there is a lot of racism as well. Americans are not fond of people with foreign accents and will most often refuse to lend a helping hand, which is one of the things that scares me about bringing my wife here.

    Also, as stated in the quote that American men look to marry foreign women, it's simply because almost all American women are not as educated, graceful, and cultured, as those women in the rest of the world.

  4. Hey guys, I have kind of a stupid question but I thought I'd ask...

    We submitted AOS Package and it was approved.

    However NVC sent a checklist asking for the IV Package (we have not mailed this yet).

    It says on the e-mail with the checklist that I must include the "checklist cover sheet" when the IV package is sent.

    Should I really include this "checklist cover sheet" or should I just send the original cover sheet I printed when I paid for the IV Fees?

  5. In the end you can believe whatever you want to believe. However do understand this. What might be considered correct at one govenrment agency may not be considered correct at another agency. Therefore if you might be correct according to IRS procedures, the consulate might look at things differently. Let me assure you, married filing separately is perfectly alright as there is no obligation for the other party to file a return if they are not required to do so. No disrespect to your professor but how many years experience does he have dealing with similar immigration cases and not just "Normal" tax filing situations? My accountant was unfamiliar with the laws and had to spend time to do the research for this. Many accountants I called initially, just said that you must file single as your wife is not in the country and I simply hung up on them as I knew they were wrong and just speaking out of convenience instead of doing research. My accountant took time to research and got back to me after a week and told me that according to what he discovered married filing separately would be the best option for me. My return was submitted and accepted by the IRS.

    No one is going to try and convince you here on this forum, in the end you can do whatever you feel is right. If you feel that this is the best course of action and you want to pre-emptively preapre yourself for the consulate with an explanation, then that is fine. In the end it is just a game of chance and there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to interviews. It is a subjective process and what may work for you may not work for others. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

    This is in regards to the same person stating they don't need their native documents to be translated into English. Seems there's a counter-reply she/he has to a lot of responses from members trying to help. I agree with you MCMLXXXII - "No one is going to try and convince you here on this forum, in the end you can do whatever you feel is right."

    I just feel it's wrong for people to ask for advice in these forums and then argue with members about what's wrong and what's right.

  6. OMG NVC operators keep track of how many times you call! I just got a smart... that told me " I see you call quite a bit and if you notice nothing has happened, you still do not have an interview date and will not have it till the 2nd week of April"... on a normal phone call I would of asked for a Manager or something after having such a rude person but with Immigration they are always right as per them so no point in arguing that she was rude! :angry: to the extreme!

    I better be getting my interview date soon... I ran out of all the patience I had to hold their stupid rudeness!

    I think some of you guys call a bit too much though. I work at a call center and when we get someone that calls 2-3 times a day it will just make us not process their request any faster. And I won't even get into the comments we make when people call so often lol

    But with that being said, they should not be rude with anyone. I would've spoken with a supervisor to complain, I'm sure a complaint for rudeness will not affect your case in any way.

  7. there are two types of tax transcripts - reorder both types for 'that year', one of them will 'show all'. if'n yer in a hurry, get to yer local IRS office on Monday,they can print them there within 30 minutes.

    as to 'type' - see http://www.irs.gov/individuals/article/0,,id=110571,00.html

    Yes I have the Tax Transcript (showing the $2000) and then I have the Account Transcript (showing the real amount I made that year).

    I guess I will send the Account Transcript. Thanks a lot!

  8. Hello everyone, I have a kind of weird question...

    I recently ordered the IRS Transcripts so that I could have a recent version of them to mail to NVC...

    However, in my 2009 Transcripts it shows that I only made $2000 o.O.

    I know that in 2009 I had to amend my taxes, with the final adjusted income being over $19,000. So I'm wondering why my transcripts is only showing $2000???

    Should I send the original amended tax forms for that year, or should I send this recent IRS Tax Transcript I just received in the mail?

    Have a good weekend!

  9. and I quote:

    Translation Requirements

    All documents not in English, or in the official language of the country in which application for a visa is being made, must be accompanied by certified translations. So if you're in Spain and your birth certificate is in Spanish, no translation needed!!! Confirmed with NVC

    just saying exactly what it states on NVC website and what two NVC operators confirmed, I also know from previous applicants that overstuffing the package with unnecessary documents slows down the process...

    Good luck with your process =]

  10. wow, hard to believe, but i just called NVC and the lady pretty much barked back at me that NO TRANSLATIONS ARE NEEDED. Only the original documents??? Could this really be true??

    If you really want to take the risk of sending UN-Translated paperwork by all means go for it. We translated EVERYTHING just in case. What may cost now a few extra $$ to translate is worth more than having the whole process being delayed because we tried to not go the extra-mile to facilitate the papers to be translated into English.

  11. Yes, just a copy of tax returns and such is enough. You can't send NVC the originals as those are going to the IRS. Make sure you include the entire tax return (1040, 1099 and other schedules if applicable), as well as the W7 and W2s. And then, hopefully you can get a 2011 tax transcript before the interview and bring that to replace all those tax return pages.

    Thanks for the prompt reply as always =]

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