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Butterfly Creek

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    Butterfly Creek reacted to ~happyndinlove~ in H0TELS in Manila   
    Since the hotel question pops up every now and then so, I thought posting this thread migh help.
    Here's a list of the HOTELS near St. Luke's and US Embassy, Manila.
    I hope for this thread to be pinned.
    * Bayview Park
    * Boulevard Mansion
    * Casa Bocobo
    * Casa Nicarosa
    * Cherry Blossoms
    * City Garden Suites
    * CityState Tower
    * Diamond
    * Eurotel
    * Executive Plaza
    * G-Hotel
    * Gran Prix
    * Hostel1632
    * Hotel Frendy
    * Hyatt (Deluxe)
    * Hotel Kinberly
    * La Corona
    * Las Palmas
    * Le Mirage De Malate (and their) Baywatch Tower
    * Lotus Garden
    * Mabini Mansion
    * Malate Pensionne
    * Malvar Hostel
    * Manila Hotel
    * Manila Manor
    * Manila Pavilion
    * Midland Plaza
    * Miramar
    * Palm Plaza
    * Pan Pacific
    * Pearl Manila
    * Pearl Garden
    * Pearl Lane
    * Riviera Mansion
    * Rosas Garden
    * Rothman
    This might help current and future members identify their "wants and likes".
  2. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to GaryKO in CFO Counseling Requirement has no legal basis   
    The CFO is still very necessary, and for the most part does a good job. Some that do not understand the ugly truth about the Philippines think this process is just a way for the government to make a few more pesos. The truth is every year thousands of Filipino women leave the PI seeking a better life by marrying someone from another country. A lot of the marriages are arraigned, or brokered by illegal matchmaking agencies. While mail order brides is illegal in the PI, it still goes on there, because in other countries it is legal. The reason the CFO asks all those questions, and wants all those other documents is because they are trying to find out if a third party introduced the Filipina to their husband, or future husband.
    The arranged marriages is clearly a form of human trafficking. Lots of these women go to Korea and Japan, and some wind up being nothing but cooks, maids, babysitters, or even worse forced into the sex trade and prostitution. The CFO tries to find out if someone is coercing them to contract marriage with a foreigner, and if getting married is really what they want to do. A lot of women are 18 to 25 years old and they think they will be helping their family by marrying a foreigner. Even the women family in some cases is the very ones who is encouraging her to get married.
    The CFO cannot look at someone and tell if they are a victim of human trafficking, so they try to find that out during the interview. If there are any red flags, the interview and the request for more documents can seem like a interrogation more than a interview. If the woman is 18-25 years old, there is a large age difference, or her husband or fiancee has divorced more than one time, and she can't answer simple questions about him can set off alarms.
    Under Philippine law, Filipino women who are going overseas as fiancees and spouses of foreign nationals are required to attend the CFO's guidance and counseling program to help them make informed decisions regarding their marriage to foreign nationals and to prepare them for their adjustments in cross-cultural marriages. Attending the program is a per-requisite for the issuance of a passport.
    I think the counseling program is about the only tool the Philippines has in identifying Filipino women who are mail-order brides, or women who are getting married for the wrong reasons. That why it is still necessary.
  3. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to Loolie in CFO Counseling Requirement has no legal basis   
    I think limiting the number of people is a bs. But i dont think the seminar needs to be abolished bcoz not all people who marry foreign spouses are educated enough to know what their rights as an immigrant, where and how they can get help if something happen to them like they get abuse or neglected by thier spouses. Was the seminar helpful to me... Not really bcoz i know what to do if something happen to me but when i had my seminar some people didnt know what to do or where to go...it might be a waste of money and time for you but im sure it isnt for other people.
  4. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to abner137 in CFO Counseling Requirement has no legal basis   
    It would take longer to fight it than go to it......... or get around it like some suggest......I mean really...half a day and less than $15....whats the big deal after all these other hoops you jump through...
  5. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to GaryKO in CFO Counseling Requirement has no legal basis   
    Yes she does, fortunately I have a smart wife. She would be very able to handle that. It is good you taught your wife what to do when you abuse her.
  6. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to Crashed~N2~Me in Is this typical for a Filipina?   
    Let's come back to this.
    All Filipinos?
    None of them?
    Not yesterday or tomorrow?
    Like...Not there? Gone? Never was never is never will? Like... I'm a Filipino and I'm clueless!...?
    1) My wife had a savings account when we met and still does. Asawa Ko invests via a few mutual funds too. Furthermore, My wife's credit management is spot on.
    2) Catholic..Pope...Vatican...none of that rings a bell?
    3) My wife has a college degree. Business Management. 2 of our bunsos...4th year Legal Management and 2nd year Computer Science.
    4) Is your "girl" mabaho and stinky breath?
    OK...let's go back...may I borrow your original question?
    You married your "girl" and don't understand her culture?
  7. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to I AM NOT THAT GUY in Is this typical for a Filipina?   
    Short answer, "No!"
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    Butterfly Creek reacted to I AM NOT THAT GUY in Is this typical for a Filipina?   
    My wife is a Filipina, and has lots of lofty dreams, as have most of her friends. It seems like they have a punch list that keeps getting longer, of all the experiences they want to have, now that they have left the Philippines behind. So, we are having a hard time relating to OP's and others experiences here. I often have to bring the wife back to some sort of reality, to the needs and concerns of what is happening right now. I am the pragmatist, she is the dreamer.
  9. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to Rebecca Jo in princess rose   
    I tell you what will make a c-section mom feel a whole lot worse than pain from her incision. That's people implying or saying that there was something "wrong" with how she gave birth.
    Since you didn't have a c-section, you're actually not a very good judge of recovery from it. It's really not that difficult.
  10. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to Rebecca Jo in princess rose   
    What is that supposed to mean? There's nothing wrong with having a birth that way. Women of small bone structure sometimes cannot deliver vaginally. My son would not enter the birth canal because of my small bone structure. He swallowed meconium and the heart rate plummeted on the fetal heart monitor.
    It's not "too bad" for a woman to have a c-section. It's a way for her and her child to have a life together.
    Darren - her recovery will only be slightly longer than with a vaginal birth. Her tummy area will be very sore and she'll need to keep it covered when she bathes. She'll have lifting restrictions for a short period of time. It's really not that bad. And the good news is her bottom won't be hurting.
  11. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to CaMhae in She wants to go back Home (Philippines)   
    just dnt judge to quick.we dnt know the whole story and im sure if the wifey post here too we will see a diffrent story....as a filipino we r family orriented and we love kids ..if we love the man we sure do accept the kids too...sometimes we say something hurtful esp when get hurt too.there is more to this story so i dnt think we need to judge the wife too quick and to the person who posted here about his family trouble man, it never work to post here cuz u will see a diffrent thoughts and opinion esp when the whole story that posted is just 10% of the real story....talk to her and im sure you will work things out.
    and to other people who's giving him a SENDING advise I hope this thing wont happen to you guys :devil: ...u know KARMA is a B*TCH
  12. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to ~happyndinlove~ in She wants to go back Home (Philippines)   
    I wonder why OP has been offline since starting this thread. Maybe he's embarassed about handing his wife over to a VJ mob? I find it strange the MODs have allowed many posters to refer to OP's wife with derogatory accusations and vulgar insults. I wonder if it's because she's a Filipina? I wonder why the MODs torelate the misogynistic posts.
    Poor woman. She is being slaughtered by people who don't have any clue what is really going on inside the OP's house. Judging someone without hearing their side of the story, IMHO is ridiculous.
  13. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to ~happyndinlove~ in She wants to go back Home (Philippines)   
    OP- Look what you have done to your wife. She's being lynched by a VJ mob. IMO, this is a very personal matter that shouldn't be aired on here as some people tend to crucify the silent one without hearing his/her side of the story.
    Only you and your wife can solve this problem regardless of the different advice you are getting from outsiders.
  14. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to Dirk in She wants to go back Home (Philippines)   
    Based on how criptic your post is, I think there is more to this story.
    I think you both have overall commuinication issues that you both need to work on.
    This may help
    My future brother in law brother in law is married to my fiance sister. He had kids from previous marriages and she did not understand child support and alamony. And went down a poor communication path that you described above. In the end, once they both communicated anf took TAMPO out of the middle, it ended up being she felt excluded from the children because they made no effort to accept her as a mother.
    Hands down, I will say that Filpina's nurture their children to be loving, it is hard to find that in the states.........
    Work it out, communicate, or stay divorced permently.
    And for the rest of you stop being so insenstive and saying SEND THEM BACK. All of us have chose for a reason to bring their love to the US, in some cases it doesnt work.... Can you send your American Ex back to their parents NO
  15. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to RobbyUSA in She wants to go back Home (Philippines)   
    maybe she should tell him, bye bye??
    with out all the facts! none of us should jump to conclusions.
  16. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to Crashed~N2~Me in She wants to go back Home (Philippines)   
    A couple came to me seeking advice. They were considering divorce. The reason...'cause her (still living at home) son became a drug addict and was destroying their lives. They had exhausted all reasonable solutions (except imprisonment).
    What would you do? Divorce or imprison the kid? I suggested prison as a possible way to save the marriage and the boys life.
    I suppose he (at 47 years old) is not a "real" man. He is just a ...what? What is the male word for "chick"?
  17. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to Caryh in She wants to go back Home (Philippines)   
    She's been here a bit over a year and she's having this reaction. Make's me wonder what her underlying reasons for feeling this way are. Homesickness, no work, not fitting in, feeling like a nanny and not a wife, she is responsible for the home and kids but not in control of the kids, etc... Could be lots of reasons this is coming up, I'd assume you've seen the warning signs before now. I'm guessing this lashing out and demanding is because she does not feel she has a life here. Its not her kids and a big fear she'll not have her own children. No work, so she has no pride in what she can bring home economically, something that bothered my wife a lot, your wife may fear she'll never have work here. Even now that's she's working, she fears her work isn't stable and she may be out of a job again. Fear is a big driver that can bring out this type of reaction and make her want to change everything or run away back home.
    I'll assume, there I got again assuming but you haven't given us a lot to work with, that you love your wife and want to build your life with her. Start trying to find out what her fears are. Try to reassure her about them and help her to find the solution to them. Try to find out what she's really missing in life here, its not easy to build a life in America, and it could be she feels she's getting swallowed up by someone else's life. I know some women are not the best at explaining where their fears are coming from, they just react and lash out when they feel them. But if you work at it, you can find most of them. I have to deal with my wife's fears to, she'll say things she doesn't really mean also. Not really the best way to deal with it, but hey some people react that way. She's learning better ways as we work on her fears and the things that brings up her homesickness bouts. Your wife might say she wants to return home, she may say to send the kids to their mother so you two can start your own family, but I think they are only surface reactions to things going on underneath that you'll need to find and work on.
    Good luck, I hope you and your wife can find what's truly bothering her, find solutions and keep your marriage and love alive.
  18. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to Crashed~N2~Me in She wants to go back Home (Philippines)   
    Another close friend of OP's family?
    Yeah...looking at their pics...it's very obvious...she's just a "selfish %$^&*^%$".
    Do you ever consider motivation? Action is often a reaction. Cause and Effect. Her request probably "reflects" household behavior. Think about it.
  19. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to Crashed~N2~Me in She wants to go back Home (Philippines)   
    1) This is a public forum. When you post on it...your post becomes available for discussion.
    2) I would rather make "smart" comments than give "ignorant" advice.
  20. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to Crashed~N2~Me in She wants to go back Home (Philippines)   
    I wonder ...why do so many VJ's use the phrase..."send her back"...?
    Why don't more VJ's use the phrase..."let her go"...?
  21. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to ~happyndinlove~ in American vs Filipino   
    I know the definition of shy. I know shy people. I grew up with friends that were shy. I worked with shy people. I've seen shy children, I've seen shy adults.
    Having seen her FB... Having seen the pictures that she has on public display, having seen you and your wife's adult conversation displayed on FB for everyone to read...
    ...Believe me, your wife is NOT shy.
  22. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to ~happyndinlove~ in American vs Filipino   
    Never ever? The quote was misunderstood? Let's take another look at what you wrote.
    Why do you blame other people for your post? Nobody misunderstood. It's very clear you used the "tuna" statement. It's written first person. Why won't you be accountable and apologize?
    So you are a racist and a bigot? Finally, some truth comes out. Your words "do" match your behavior.
  23. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to ~happyndinlove~ in American vs Filipino   
    There you go. Wouldn't it be great if you would indeed try to be careful with your "choice" of words and phrases in the future?
    Oh! (again) You play the victim..? BS! You are repeatedly beating US (filipinos) with your racial BS stereotypes.
    This last part of your post disgusts and repulses me most. You, in so many different ways, have "attacked" Filipinos. Including your wife. Yet, here you are, trying to act "innocent" and play "victim". Your definition of "attack" is despicably unbelievable. Despicable because you try to "blame" others for your mistakes. Unbelievable because your racial stereotyping post history exposes your true POV. Your racial stereotyping degrading Filipinos sharing intimate knowledge about your wife play victim blah blah blah behavior is disturbing.
    Trying to side step? BE ACCOUNTABLE!!
  24. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to del-2-5-2014 in John Quidilla Needs Help   
    OP, thanks for sharing this. Additionally I salute your astute debate skills and for not getting into a bated melee.
    Just the facts.
  25. Like
    Butterfly Creek reacted to TiklingGuy in John Quidilla Needs Help   
    Its funny to me the attitude of some people on here. "Well, i have no sympathy for this alien A-Hole. And his no good family." This kid is 24 years old and has been in America since he was 11. America is all he knows but yet us spoiled nasty fat Americans are saying, "Well he is out of status, so he should be deported." Put yourself or your kid in this kids shoes and think of how scared he must feel right now. Instead of b!tching about how a person that is just out of status and that has no criminal record should be deported and electricuted; why not help figure up a solution that might possibly save this kid who will be a hard working productive member of society. This kid deserves a green card, maybe not a naturalization. But he deserves the right to stay here with his family. After all, its not his fault his father moved him here when he was 11.
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