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Status Updates posted by pereira=delgado

  1. Hey guys when I do the money orders for AOS do I write any infomation on it besides the usual the stuff? Like case #?

    1. perez525


      that will be good to do.. incase they get mixed up they know what case that money is for. Always good to write a memo on any check or money order you write.

  2. OK so I would like to know if I should submit proof of my traveling to D.R. for AOS or is none of this needed as this point? So far I have insurance benefit printout, birth certs for both socials for both, i864, i765, i485 filled out, all pay stubs for 6 months, employement letters, bank letter, tax transscripts for last three yrs, new g325 for both, passport pics for both, any thing else needed?

    1. pereira=delgado


      oh and marriage license and proof of my my divorce to previous husband.

    2. perez525


      Im guessing a few pictures of you guys wouldn't hurt. Maybe like 10 or 15..not sure if it's needed but I plan to send pictures of the day when we got married.

  3. Hey guys!! Want to give u an update...its been a whileee lol. We got married on July 14th, things havent been at all how I expected and honestly thought our relationship would come to an end but we are working thru it. He was able to get his SS card 2 wks after being here. And now we are trying to gather everything for AOS but dont know where to start or what is needed. And some one help me out and point me in the right direction? What is needed? Oh and I still have my I864 from 4/201...

    1. StephanieM


      I am glad to hear you guys are fighting to keep your marriage together and happy. I won't give you any advice on what to do next because K-1 visas are not my forte lol. But I am sure someone else can offer some advice.

  4. Hey guys!! Want to give u an update...its been a whileee lol. We got married on July 14th, things havent been at all how I expected and honestly thought our relationship would come to an end but we are working thru it. He was able to get his SS card 2 wks after being here. And now we are trying to gather everything for AOS but dont know where to start or what is needed. And some one help me out and point me in the right direction? What is needed? Oh and I still have my I864 from 4/201...

    1. perez525


      under the Adjustment of Status forums you will find alot of info..I did..and even though I'm not married yet Im set to go with that. There are even coverletters...go by whats on the cover letter and make sure you have everything thats on that first page before you send anything out. Remember it's $1,070 but the fee includes the EAD & AP.

  5. Hey anyone know how long is my I864 good for? It was done in late april of this year...

    1. Fernandez19


      If you recently did it, you're fine! You can save them for AOS!

  6. My BABY arrived on Saturday at 4am!! POE was good 20mins!!! Now comes the next move...waiting til wedding date which was changed to July 14th!!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. JerseyDomRep


      Congratulation que bueno

    3. Matt1968


      Congratulations! good for you!

    4. Matt1968


      Congratulations! good for you!

  7. Ok so now after I get married what is the next step? Does USCIS send me paperwork letting me know what I have to do next? Or can some one help me please need to know ahead of time....also how long after we get married can my hubby recieve a social security number?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. pereira=delgado


      oh I am sorry i meant the application lol not appt..I will call city hall and find out. Also once he gets his ss card then does he have to wait for a work permit to get a job?

    3. Esmeralda715


      Yea when u do his AOS make sure to apply for his work permit as well but that all comes with his AOS.

    4. pereira=delgado


      Awesome Thanks!!

  8. Sooo Happy right now my hubby has been hanging out all week with friends and family and today is his going away party!! I wish I could be there with him but hey the way i see it he is here tomorrow night and then he is all MINE ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MarielManuel
    3. MarielManuel
    4. perez525


      AWWWWWWW I cant wait until I say the same thing!!! =)

  9. Hey guys just an update my hubby got his passport on tuesday!! and now he is looking to buy the flight for june 2!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kaskada
    3. Speeds03


      Congratz!! Glad to hear the good news. Are you still in DR? Are you guys coming together?

    4. pereira=delgado


      No I am back home due to work and school I couldnt stay with him..

  10. Hey VJ how long does it normally take for my hubby to get his pasport. He called on friday and it was still at the consul and I know we were told 7-10 days but is it really that long?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Speeds03


      Ours arrived on friday at the central office. And my Fiancee picked up yesterday.

    3. Fernandez19


      miner took 2 weeks!

    4. Fernandez19


      miner took 2 weeks!

  11. Review Is UP!! Ask questions if any I am here for anyone who needs me ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Matt1968


      I read your review, i'm glad you didn't have to much trouble and it went smooth for you. Well done!

    3. V & A

      V & A


    4. In<3



  12. Hey Everyone sorry it took a while for me to get back but I arrived back yesterday. Our interview went great despite the fact that I got called to window 21! We are APPROVED!! Saw and meet Speed and his fiance whom also got Approved! It was great will post review soon.....

  13. I found the PERFECT WEDDING CHURCH!! I cant wait , went with my mother yesterday and put the down payment she loved it too ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. perez525


      aww that's great!!! And don't be scared and anxious! Everything will be fine, in a few you guys will walk out happier than ever and youll finally have your family all together! God bless

    3. mfranc68


      Just wanted to wish you good luck! I know everything will go well for you.

    4. mad1nola


      Good Luck and God Bless today and for days to come!

  14. OK VJ Interview on Monday for me and Speed03!! I am Very excited about flying out tomorrow to see my sweet pea and scaried and anxious about the upcoming interview....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MarielManuel


      i wish you the best oif luck trust me it will be very easy dont frustare yourself about it...

    3. In<3


      Good luck 2 both of you

    4. DomRepMiami


      You only have to be confident that what you have is real and that God is on your side. God bless you and it is okay to be a little anxious. Will be awaiting your great news.

  15. Hey if I changed his address when I was RFE, but his cedulla is under the told address does that matter?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fernandez19


      I believe they do!

    3. Fernandez19


      I believe they do!

    4. Speeds03


      Yup, they will. But it shouldn't be a problem. They probably wont even notice it. And if they do, they will just tell them to have it updated.

  16. Ok Guys I found myself on the list for appts in May!! Yayyyyy

  17. Ok so I checked the cita list and I dont see me on there...am I checking the wrong place?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DomRepMiami


      If you continue to have a problem you can either verify again with a visa specialist or call the embassy to be on the safe side. Either way just make sure whoever you call knows that you can't find it on the list.

    3. pereira=delgado


      @ speed i hit CTrl + F keys where...when at the list??

    4. Speeds03


      Yes. When you have the document open. Sorry for the late response, but I see you have already found it :P Woot!

  18. 11 More Days.....;-) ;-) ;-) SOOOO CANT WAIT!! To see by Hubby

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Speeds03


      Lol, we are all flying to DR so close. Yet so apart!!! Atleast we will all be rooting for one another.

    3. DomRepMiami


      I am so happy to see this. As Matt has said many times before, I can remember when we all started and now everyone is getting approved. God is with all of you as you travel to your loved ones and go through your interviews. Bring home those approvals like crazy.

    4. pereira=delgado


      Amen to that sister!!

  19. 17 more days til the interview and freaking out, my hubby told me yesterday that his friend has had to go three times even though him and his wife have a baby together? He was told to get a DNA test and he did take him 1 yr to get another interview even after he got the test done and it came back positive? Soooo I hope this doesnt happen with us?? Does anyone know anyone whom was married in the past to another person from the same place and still got approved? My ex husband was also from D.R....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. pereira=delgado


      yes I did petition my ex...his visa after we married expired I believe so I am sure I did although he really didnt discuss much about that with me just that it was like a simple renewal process so for all I know I just signed whatever, which I regret now but theres no going back ;-(

    3. pereira=delgado


      yes I did petition my ex...his visa after we married expired I believe so I am sure I did although he really didnt discuss much about that with me just that it was like a simple renewal process so for all I know I just signed whatever, which I regret now but theres no going back ;-(

    4. Fernandez19


      every case is different. Just make sure you and your fiance are on the same page. They may ask him questions about your ex. They asked me questions about my fiances ex bc he has a child with her. just be ready for anything but DON'T panic! Every case is different and you may even have someone who won't ask you anything at all!

  20. Ok so my hubby got his physical done AMEN! He went in at 7:20am and came out at 1 pm starving.......But at least this is out of the way!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Matt1968


      You all done! Only thing left now is the interview.

    3. Speeds03


      Awesome! How much did he say he spent in pesos?

    4. pereira=delgado


      he spent 13429 pesos but hey I am just sooo happy he got it done! Now its like matt said Interview Time!!

  21. Hey Update! So far my fiance went yesterday and got his police certificate, and got his passport photos taken....went today to pay banco popular fees which is two of them and to get his passport.....Tomorrow he will get his Medical done ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Speeds03


      She was the one who received it, and had to fax it to him Matt :)

    3. Matt1968
    4. Matt1968
  22. Hey I am confused about the i864a with is to be completed with me and the sponsor...does my info go on the top on my hubby's name?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. pereira=delgado


      oh wow when I was told I864 and when I checked under I864 it states this has to be done for I129 but you are saying that it is a I134?

    3. pereira=delgado


      @speed yes both you and your co sponsor if you require one needs one done. I called to double check but they told me no, that a I864 is needed not a I134 soo now I am confused...

    4. BocaChicaBabe


      A lot of people posted about attorneys giving incorrect information and messing up their visa process. Your interview package should have told you which form you need. Nonimmigrant visas (K1) require form I-134 during the interview. Immigrant visas (CR1/IR1) require form I-864 at the NVC stage prior to the interview. Once he's here and you guys are married, you are required to complete the I-864 form to adjust his status.

  23. Happy MONDAY!! Only 19 more days til i fly out to be with my hubby ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. pereira=delgado


      What time you flying? I flyout 9 pm on the 12th...

    3. Speeds03


      Damn too bad then... I flyout at 8:30pm on the 11th.

    4. pereira=delgado


      awwww well I guess I 'll see you on the day of our interviews!! ;-) How will I spot you?

  24. Ok is it too early for my hubby to have the physical done if our appt is for the 14th??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Matt1968


      You can get your medical done as soon as you receive your letter. But you have to do it at least 6 days before interview.

    3. DomRepMiami


      Steph and Matt are both correct... Good luck!

    4. Speeds03


      I'm having my Fiancee do her medical on the 1st of May! It will be cheaper and it allows for enough days to get the result before the "cita".

  25. Hey just keeping my VJ friends updated...I talked things out with him once we both calmed down and he says that he has noticed that he has done somethings the wrong way and that he really wants us to be happy and that if that meant not partying so much he will take it easy, I also told him that I will try and be more understanding with what he wants to do ;-))

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. pereira=delgado


      yes although sometimes half the things I say he never hears lol but its all good

    3. MarielManuel
    4. MarielManuel
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