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Posts posted by BughouseMaster

  1. I'm an academic Advisor at a U.S. College, I have over ten years experience in prior learning assessment...to be blunt no... UNLESS it's in a Natuaral Science or IT area possibly...90% of foreign degrees are not equivalent to a U.S. degree...the good news is that it's a graduate degree and hopefully Spantran or another evaluation company will at least decide it's eqiuvalent to a U.S. BACHELORS degree....I just saw a woman that was a Dentist in Mexico her educational experience equated to an Associates degree. If your transcripts are in a foreign language you need to have then translated...I have never heard of a US company calling overseas to verify a degree usually Spantran does this

    And what US College is that? When you say "natural science" so a Masters in NURSING would be equal to one in the states?

  2. take the time to read the links I sent above. they include an example. Yes it is always possible they reject the waiver.

    But for what reasons should they reject the waiver? Most of the time it is fine though, right? I dont see why they would reject it, and i just put "- I-129F (with waiver request attached)" on the cover letter this is fine right?

  3. Put just writing the dates down won't be a solid proof,lol...dont u think??? cuz i can put any date on em! well i will have the proof we have seen each other during past 2 years tho, tickets and stuff. haha im actually a female...and im from Poland :).

    oh! sorry about that! well put the date + the location of all pix and if they ever question any of the dates, i was saying that you have proof on your phone :)

  4. Yeah i was thinkin of puttin a lil description of it all on the back of a photo...but what about them dates then...what can i do??? they all were taken with an iPhone so idk what i can possibly do....i guess if u open up photo details it tells u when the pic was taken...do u think i could maybe take a pic of the photo deatails and attach it to a certain photo?OR besides priting photos out, put them all on a CD and tell them to look into details and see the date..haha idk what to do

    haha yeah i guess you can put them on a CD but for some reason i dont think they'd prefer that method... i have a feeling they'd much prefer the "old school" method... just put the dates on the back of each photo, then if they ever dispute you got the proof so it's all good right! where you from guy?

  5. i am gathering all photos at the moment too...but we don't have dates on them...is that a problem?

    It poses a potential problem... much better to have dates. I printed about 25 pics from an assortment of places, and am currently labeling them. You want to make sure to put where it took place.

  6. I think having them printed for 20 cents each on photo paper looks more professional, although I don't think it will make or break your case. You can even download your pictures from facebook individually so that you have a digital copy for yourself and you can print them as photos whenever you like. I would send as many as you can.

    Thanks! How many did you send?

  7. What happens if we dont file the waiver though?

    Nevermind, I got the answer. We'll get an RFE. So..... as long as we provide this letter waiver along with our K-1, will it automatically be granted and the rest of our K1 process will go smoothly? is there a chance that they REJECT a waiver only because it didn't workout with that person? On the cover sheet that we must file, what should we title it besides "K1 Waiver"...?

  8. There are no "originals" unless you have negatives. Just print them out on computer paper or get them done at Walmart for a few dollars.

    When I said "originals" i mean actual physical copies on photo paper....

    So printed ones are just fine? Cuz they all have the dates anyway...... how many do you guys recommend? I sent 6 wallet-size ones last time (the FAILED fiance visa attempt) bec i remmeber reading sending 6 is fine, but does the embassy weigh more heavily on actual photos on photo-paper as opposed to paper-printed pix?

  9. I know ORIGINALS are best, but we have a ton of FB pics that we uploaded.... and unfortunately only 2 real wallet-size photos and a few 5x7 pix that we'd rather retain for ourselves... so do you think it would be fine if we sent the 2 wallet-size pics in as proof, and many FB photos (black & white) that we print from all different types of occasions/events? Also, are originals (at least 1) REQUIRED by the embassy or could one get away with sending several (10-15+) couple pics from many different events directly printed from FB?

    Thanks in advance!

  10. The only waiver I know about concerning a second K1 is in the situation where a petitioner applies for a K1 with someone and it doesn't work out. Then that same petitioner applies for a second (different person) within 2 years.

    Okay, and that is what I am going to do, but the other post I read made it seem that there should be a separate "waiver" REQUIRED to fill-out in addition to the regular K-1 visa packet I must send already.... so is there no specific "waiver" for someone in my position?


  11. At what point does the fiance get the A#? On the NOA2 form USCIS sends? Honestly I cant remember if that A# is on the NOA2 form they sent, because I withrew my application after I had got the NOA2 acceptance.... and on #11 of I-129F Petition, it's asking for the A#.... cant remember if I would've had one only at the NOA2 point.... kindly advise, thanks

  12. Yes, it should be. You only need 3 times the shortcoming in your income, and $80k more than covers that. Provide your last 3 years of complete tax returns. It may help to show the prior years you earned more. Provide the last 6 months of bank statements to show the money in your account was not just deposited in a lump sum recently to try and use for the affidavit of support. If you can, get a letter from your bank that states when your account was opened, current and average balance.

    Where does it say we need 3x the shortcoming of our incoming? I haven't read that anywhere before.

    Also, since they say 2 of the 4 are required on the instructional form, how will that work out since the bank acct is only 1 of those 4 since I dont meet the required amount currently... thanks

  13. Well, you could have your parents fill out the same form. You need proof that you are making more than the poverty rate, bank deposits etc. If I were you, I'd have your parents fill out the form too as a co-sponsor if needed.

    Thanks for the reply.

    Is the amount in my bank acct alone not enough proof? How would I distinguish on the form my parents fill out that they are my co-sponsors? So the USCIS would look at not only my info, but also my parents and take the sum total of that? Because my parents alone make leaps and bounds more than enough without even looking at my bank acct balance...

  14. I had a question about this form... I know we must demonstrate that we make at least 125% above the current poverty rate in the U.S., which is around $18K for 2 people last I checked... and I understand we must use at least 2 of the 4 points in "supporting evidence" on the instruction sheet, but was wondering if I dont actually have proof that I'm making at least 125% of poverty rate, but can show them I have more than enough money in the bank (close to 80K+), but my "self-employment" position I do have proof for totals less than 18K for a year, is this going to adversely affect my chances of proving I am more than financially stable even though I got money in the bank? For years previous to 2012, I have proof that shows I made much more than 18K but not last year.

    If so, was planning on using my parents as a co-sponsor, but would like to know what form to fill out if I went that route... want to know what's my best course of action, thanks.

  15. You will have to contact the embassy by email, phone etc and also USCIS to make sure they understand that petition is no longer valid. besides if they contacted already the embassy and this contact you ex fiancee... Will she go to the interview?

    One more question, what did you mean when you said "Just want to get this K1 withdrawn as fast as possible so I wont have ANY problems with my new future filipina-wife!"... Do you already have in mind of petitioning someone else? If that's the case, be careful and make sure that this case is complete closed before you petition another person.

    You may find yourself in trouble if after all, your ex fiance end up going to the interview at embassy and enters USA with the k1 stamp. Are you in contact with her?

    Of course she wont do that bec if she wanted to do that she would've already done that LONGGGGGGGG ago.... yes, I'm well aware that I need to get this completely closed before petitioning someone else why else would I be on this forum trying to find out precisely what I should do next?! My ex-fiance has NO MONEY to even pay for medical and without any of the required NOA2 docs (letalone the fact i never sent her anything else), there is absolutely no way anything past the NOA2 could've happened!

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