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Posts posted by olumides_wife

  1. Sorry to interrupt but....CASES COMPLETE!!!!

    Sheesh, after 16 months of this immigration shenanigans I finally have 2 out of 3 case completes!!!


    Yay and yes congratulations! :dance:

    NVC has our AOS as of right now! so they just need the DS-230! :dance:

  2. I suggest something else.

    print a letter size page with the title of each civil document in big letters, then a 2nd line with the casefile #, beneficiary name and DOB, petitioner name and DOB, all portrait orientation.

    Then fold the paper at a 90 degree angle , put in at a 90 degree angle to the civil document so that the big printed thing is viewable on the right side. Need to punch holes? Punch the holes in the paper you just printed, not the civil docs.

    One thing per civil document.

    Want to get fancier? Use colored paper (non white) .

    This is a very good suggestion!

  3. I would suggest using paperclips instead of damaging certificates/important documents. I would further suggest using paper clips for what's mandatory for the package, and then put all the evidence into a folder.

    again thank you for the suggestion... I know what I am going to do in regards to the important documents....I am using 2 hole file folders and I know what to do in order not to damage the certificates etc....I got it now! no paper clips for me

  4. Doesn't matter NVC doesn't care what you submit they don't go over it. Just have your cover-letter layout what you have put in order of importance. And also be sure to put in cover letter that you want this extra evidence submitted added to your case-file and forwarded to Embassy in Lagos.

    HERE SHE COMMMMMMMMMMMES TO SAVE THE DAY! :whistle: .....thank you...good b/c I really didn't feel like redoing these files...ah yes cover letter the next thing on my to do list...and thanks for the reminder about the one to let them know it's extra evidence!

  5. YAY progress....keep those wheels turning wheels! :dance:

    Well for us the IV bill is paid! Waiting on hubby's police report/ds-230...and off in the mail we go! WOOP there it is! :dance: :dance:

    Okay thanks passed it on.

    **Update on DS-230 package:Good news good news. Well I just called NVC about my DS-230 package and they reviewed it today and like they said I will get a checklist for the missing documents that they say they need to case complete.

    However the good news is the man gave me a tip and told me to forget about the waiver they will never approve that, what I need to do is write them a letter saying the missing documents they request (and list them by name) can not be obtained. The NVC will accept that and give up, Case complete and have the person deal with the embassy. To bring the documents to embassy and everythig will be right as rain.

    So he instructed me to write the letter and print off another bar-coded cover sheet and send to them.

    I am so thrilled. So just a delay no denial wooo whooo progress.

  6. hat time zone do you have setup? Not that it really matters I mean its same same. All my time stamps are Nigerian time. There's no issue. Long as what you print is what is on the screen theer is no issue.

    Example if the CO said log on at the interview they will see same same so there's nothing to sweat.Ii thought yuo had meant it changed the days and times. You have your time set to a different zone. and just didn't notice.

    ok yeah thank you! I was just like what the heck...I mean when we were chatting it said my time zone (well I thought so) maybe not....yeah I get what you are saying...just as long as every thing is the same :) thank you!

  7. it's me so I have downloaded my entire facebook to my computer and now I am preparing to print off the messages but I noticed that the time stamp is WRONG...will this be a big problem...I don't know why this is this way...maybe i should just do print screen shots but that takes forever....will it be okay with the wrong time stamp? I mean it's not like they are going to read the chats...thanks again

  8. You put the info from the amended return on the I-864. Send both (1040 and the amended one) to NVC with your AOS package. Even better, get a tax transcript, and fill in the data. The transcript will have the corrected data from the amendment.

    I can not stress enough to send tax transcripts! When you send the 1040's you have to send your ENTIRE return. Depending on your career and deductions, you could be sending NVC 50 or more pages! A transcript is four pages.

    I actually do have tax transcripts! I am sorry for calling them 1040's I work with the IRS every day and I am use to calling the transcripts by form type :bonk: ...newho yay! I have both the 1040 and amended tax transcripts this is so great to know! Thank you for your help! :dance:

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