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Status Updates posted by Marlon&Fallon

  1. Aaah, I can really imagine how you are feeling now. I'm praying that verything will work out for him. I hope to hear good news later today.

  2. The main thing is to trust God and be prepared. Whatever the outcome it won't catch God off gaurd; and it's never over until he says it's over. As for the preparation aspect, the wealth of information on this site is enough to help know what to expect. I'm praying that tomorrow you will be on here rejoicing that your husband is coming home.

  3. Yup, reading some of the interview horror stores on here can really play on your nerves, but it's important to remain calm and respectful no matter how difficult it might get. I really see them as just doing their jobs. If they are a bit rough in the process, I don't really blame them, I blame the scammers who play the system and make it hard for people with legitimate relationships.

  4. I certainly understand how you're feeling. I'm now less than a month away and I can already feel all the anxiety. As for the baby, I really can't wait. It's a huge challenge for both of us, since we are both having our 1st. We just wand the Lord to help us to be good parents so we can raise him to the best of our ability.

  5. Hey, thanks for dropping by. Here counting down the days as you and your husband. Will be praying that all goes well for both of you so he can be home very soon to be there when you give birth. BTW, my wife found out that were're having a boy.... Yeahhhh! So excited! :)

  6. Thank you. Same to you and your husband for next week.

  7. I'm really happy for you guys. My wife is doing a little better than before, I guess it's because she just entered the 2nd trimester of her pregnancy. She's been looking about buying baby stuff before it gets to stage where it's hard to move around. I really can't wait to see her. She should be here two days before my interview on Sept. 17th.

  8. Got my interview date today. 17th of September.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Marlon&Fallon


      Andrews Memorial.

    3. djricky4


      im doing it @ Montego bay

    4. Marlon&Fallon


      Oh ok, cool. I guess because your closer to that side. I'm in Portmore, so just chose the closest one to Half Way Tree.

  9. Thank you. I hope so too.

  10. Gonna have her call NVC by Friday if we don't hear anything by then. I was thinking we were supposed to get an email with the interview date and a copy of the interview letter?

  11. Hey there. Still no word yet. Praying and hoping we'll hear something by Friday. My wife has been experiencing a lot of pain and discomfort due the the pregnancy, so the long wait has been really frustrating knowing we are a part with what she's been going through.

  12. Great, I trust God that it will all work out for you guys, so you can begin life together with your daughter on the way. :)

  13. Yeah we are somewhat excited. Holding back the joy until we know the interview date. She plans to come down for the interview, so as soon as we know the date she can start planning her trip. Good to know that he's all ready for the medical. I'll most likely be doing mine at the Andrews memorial hospital since it's more central.

  14. Hey, hope your day is going well? Finally got some news from NVC. They said the case has been completed and sent off to the Embassy. I really hope I can get at least the 30th of August. So when is your husband planning on doing his medical?

  15. Case finally completed At NVC. Now awaiting interview date.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AWAY



    3. tweety&irv


      congrats thats great news

    4. Marlon&Fallon


      Thank you guys. It's really been a long wait. Hope we don't have to wait another two weeks to get an interview date.

  16. I'm wondering too. I did a 3-5 days express as the postal service here in Jamaica don't have overnight service. Hopefully we'll hear something this week.

  17. So happy to come back and see that you have finally gotten your interview date. :)As for us, I don't know if NVC has received my package as yet. My wife has been too sick this week to call. I don't even want to bother emailing them, as it took almost two weeks for them to reply the last time I did, so I'll wait till she can some time next week.

  18. Yeah they seem to be taking longer than usual lately. There are even a few threads here from people who are either saying it's taking a while for a case number or getting an interview date. I've sorta given up hope on an August interview. I do hope your husbands will still be in August though.

  19. Thanks. :) Hope all goes well with your upcoming interview.

  20. Thanks. jJust hoping to hear from NVC soon. Sent off the DS-230 almost two weeks ago. Hopefully Friday we will hear some news when my wife calls them back.

  21. I do hope you get the interview date soon. We are still awaiting NVC's confirmation for receiving the DS-230 and documents I sent off.

  22. You're right, God promised use to grant us the desires of our heart. However, it's more my wife, her parents and siblings who are praying for a girl. Since I started having a strong feeling that it's a boy, I have just resorted to being open minded and will be happy regardless of which we get. I can understand them wanting the first grand daughter and niece, as it's just boys ot...

  23. Lol, and in our case, everyone, including myself and my wife, wants a girl. I have strong feeling were're getting a boy. Probably won't know what she's going to be having until her next doctor's visit later this month.

  24. I'm glad to hear there won't be any further delays. So was it the error that held things up in the first place? As for us, my wife called NVC to find out if they received the package. They said they can't confirm, and the usual, call back in 15-20 days. She's going to call back Friday.

  25. Amen to that, and thank you so much. It's great to have God at the center of our marriages, as we are assured that he will keep that which we have committed onto him, both our souls and our marriages. I hope your next phase in moving forward to being with your spouse is very soon. God bless you.

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