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Posts posted by sky701

  1. After reading your posts it looks like you also have a lot of time on your hands! You are also giving lecture here..nothing else.

    Also, I'm not supporting or taking side of people with negative views..My only point is that everyone has their freedom of speech to express their feelings..We don't need to give a damn ###### to those with negative views but that does not mean that they can't publish their views.

  2. and yet you contradict your OWN SELF. I dont have any obligation to any one let alone you to think the way YOU do. If fear mongering and listening to INCESSANT NEGATIVE commentary gets you off, be my freakin guest. WHY the HELL are you SO HELL BENT on protecting and taking up for these people, "sky"? Like Ricardo already pointed out THIS FORUM and threads no matter started by whomever, doesnt give people to constant come here and bicker about the damn dates. They certainly dont need to come here and take it out where people are already sad, anxious, depressed and surviving by the edge of the rope. I am calm and composed and thats why I have been telling people very nicely through out that IL will come dont panic. And my comments were not directed at you or anyone in particular it was a brad statement reflecting on people making others lives miserable. Seems like you have a lot of time on your hands to come here and criticize and rant and lecture people who are doing it right and keeping it positive for everyone. Just like you said " this is a public forum and everyone has their rights to express their feelings" well guess what Einstein its my feeling and right to talk about keeping it positive here. QUIT PLAYING the DEVIL ADVOCATE. Now go off and lecture your little kids and quit arguing with me. AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FO DAT

    After reading your posts it looks like you also have a lot of time on your hands! You are also giving lecture here..nothing else.

  3. Coming on here and giving negative views and fear mongering doesn't help anyone but themselves. Dont tell me what they feel emotionally, we are ALL in the same boat, some longer than others. Our point is only this - WHY come on here every single day and sometimes hourly and talk pessimistically? Why spread the fear and grow other members anxiety by saying oh the process is stalling, oh retrogression oh no IL yet? This in spite of regular members telling them that ILs dont always go out on the 20th of each month- just wait. But do they listen? NO. and you come here giving me a lecture about accepting people as they are? well guess what like I said before, that's the reason I quit coming here because of negative people like that, they make others even more nervous and anxious for no reason. Nobody want constant negative people fear mongering. If they feel ruining someone else' s mood makes them relieved than they are not the people you should be taking up for.

    Well, that's your take and perception and not everyone has to follow what you think. You should be matured enough to not to get disturbed by other people's negative/positive comments. You may be more calm and composed but not everyone can be..Some or other way you have to take out your frustrations and everyone has their own ways to do that so no one is obliged to think in the same way that you think. This is a public forum and everyone has their rights to express their feelings. Keep aside your personal likes/dislikes.

  4. I would suggest you all to accept the people as they are. You can't change someone's in-built nature so for you that person may sound like an idiot or stupid however that person might be feeling relieved/lighter after taking out their frustrations here. You don't know what's going on with them at their emotional level.

    So let everyone have their freedom of speech as long as they are not abusing others or passing racial comments.

  5. F2A Most Wanted

    NAME----------------------PD-----------NOA2-----------CASE COMPLETED

















    Where are these people? I don't think people with NOV PD are that active here?

  6. The NVC should be awarded as the most unpredictable agency. Come on, we live in America..can't they automated this process and make it a fixed date process to avoid all sort of speculations?

    VB publishing date - 8th of every month

    Getting ILs scheduled - 26th of every month

    I mean lots of these things could be automated to make this a better and consistent process. They are charging anyhow so much money then why can't they use the best IT support?

  7. i am confused too where do you get these PDs because consulate never publishes PD..

    Most of the people here get easily confused between PD and NVC case number. They are totally different. What you see here is the NVC case numbers and not anyone's PD. It could be possible that some people with VSC got the approval recently so their NVC case number has 2012...Again, this is not PD.

  8. I hope so. If someone observed the pattern of NVC sending I/Ls, it is not scheduled same pattern every month as it varies from month to month. Could be many factors.

    not sure why many lose their patience and start making predictions out of anger and/or impatience.

    Chill out guys.

    It's not about loosing patience or anything...NVC has already started scheduling ILs...I'm hearing this since 21st Jan when someone posted about 'Lazy Monday'..it was MLK day and today is 4th Feb (and to some part of the world it's already 5th Feb)..

    If we don't get any ILs tomorrow then the same people will say wait for tomorrow and you will hear good news.

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