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Nigerian Queen

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Status Replies posted by Nigerian Queen

  1. Congratulations again sis!!! Im so happy for yall, God is so good.

  2. Congratulations dear. Very exciting news. Mercies journies and God's blessings to you both.

    1. Nigerian Queen

      Nigerian Queen

      Thank you God is in control

  3. congrats lady!!!! so happy for you both!!

    1. Nigerian Queen

      Nigerian Queen

      Thanks I am happy for you too congratulations

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. congrats lady!!!! so happy for you both!!

    1. Nigerian Queen

      Nigerian Queen

      Thanks I am happy for you too congratulations

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Congrats, sis... so happy for you guys. God was in control and made a way...Happy new life.

    1. Nigerian Queen

      Nigerian Queen

      Thanks sis Amen!!!

  6. how's everything going girl?

    1. Nigerian Queen

      Nigerian Queen

      Um good sis how about u? Um just waiting om an interview now

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. I don't know why I can't see your previous text about desperate people messing it up for everyone else, but I agree 100%! Someone from my village a young man ( 24) has a girlfriend from Greece is like 56! She is his mother's age. I keep going off about the whole situation but now Im just looking like i'm jealous or something. All the while he has a real girlfriend his age ( that he wants to really marry, probably for simple reasons like she can still have a child). I g...

    1. Nigerian Queen

      Nigerian Queen

      I agree sis. I erased my post, but I should have left it because my words are so true.They help the man knowing n delete my profile for saying this ,now I am not about to talk about our sisters from another mother thats a whole nother ball game. They are grabbing them up like flies.old as they is they need to sit down some where. They are the main ones screaming fraud. No offense just speaking my peace. They sound so low running after them young men while knowing they can't do nothing for...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Wait on God.....God's timing is never wrong :-)


  10. good morning everyone!! my case is a Nbc and I am hoping to hear something real soon!!! does anyone have some advice for me ?

    1. Nigerian Queen

      Nigerian Queen

      Thanks sis. I hope so too!! You and me both We got this! IJN

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. good morning everyone!! my case is a Nbc and I am hoping to hear something real soon!!! does anyone have some advice for me ?

  12. Info pass appointment 4/22/2013 to see what the blazes is going on,...

    1. Nigerian Queen

      Nigerian Queen

      Yes girl!! Thats what I did today. I got one next week.

  13. Exactly 8 months today, and our journey is almost coming to an end. Thanking God for our patience and understanding so far in this process. Praying that the Lord continues to watch and guide us all, and we end up rejoicing in happiness :-)

    1. Nigerian Queen

      Nigerian Queen

      Congratulations sis all is well!! Praise God for victory

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Good Morning friends!! i have finally completed my I 130 petition and mailed it off last Wednesday. whew I am glad thats over!! i will be contacting y'all for questions. have a blessed day friends

  15. Good day all!! I'm working on my cr1 visa and whew am I. swamped with work. trying to put together evidence. I have tons of proof, but I'm trying to narrow it down a notch. lol irs so much. but o well i got to get my boo with me in the states!! be blessed y'all

    1. Nigerian Queen

      Nigerian Queen

      Thanks for the encouraging words. It was hard lol. I just completed it and sent it off yesterday

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. I'm not always on here, but i want to encourage everyone on this journey. for we all need strength. be blessed everyone

    1. Nigerian Queen

      Nigerian Queen

      That's it my friends we are in this Together God got our back!!! Keep holding on

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. One more paper and I done with this semester! So I can focus on getting our home ready for my hubby

    1. Nigerian Queen

      Nigerian Queen

      I like your profile picture. You guys are funny

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. Just received a call from husband this morning and he was telling me about one of the guys from his country but lives in Malaysia too was interviewed today and denied due to insufficient evidence.

    1. Nigerian Queen

      Nigerian Queen

      Dana is right sis put in as much evidence as You could

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  19. Just received a call from husband this morning and he was telling me about one of the guys from his country but lives in Malaysia too was interviewed today and denied due to insufficient evidence.

  20. merry Christmas everyone!!

    1. Nigerian Queen

      Nigerian Queen

      Thanks sis for that.. girl it sure has been hard. I will be soooo ready for this process is over

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  21. Christmas is coming up and feels so good to be spending it with my husband. Its our first christmas together. Go jesus! Go! Keep the blessings flowing.

  22. okay...so my oldest son took Divine to fill out an applicaiton at a temporary agency where he landed a job. He helped Divine out with the application but called me and said, "Hey mom, Divine doesn't have any references"...well duh!!! LOL...Good news is, he has an interview tomorrow! Please pray he lands a position soon!

  23. Wishing all of my vj friends a Very Merry Christmas and a very special one to all of the Queens with African Kings! God Bless!

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