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Status Replies posted by Laure&Colin

  1. If this immigration journey is causing you anxiety, raise your hand! *raises both hands*

    1. Laure&Colin


      I'm just freaking out every step of the way :/ Always thinking about what could go wrong!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Got my first job in the US, starting tomorrow! Stressed out :)

  3. Things are settling down nicely here, I just need a job! Back home however, my mom has breast cancer :( She had surgery 2 days ago. I just can't afford visiting her right now and it's hard...

    1. Laure&Colin


      Thanks for your support. The surgery went well, and the cancer hadn't spread at all. She's doing OK!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. got my US driver's license, got a new Job at Toyota Dealership as sales consultant, wow God is wonderful. Thank you Lord

  5. Green card received. See you in 2 years, USCIS!

  6. Received my driver license :) It gives me a nice feeling of belonging here in the US a little more! On the not so bright side, I've been suffering from anxiety as a result of my difficulties coping with the immigration process and adjustment... too much stress. I finally decided to see a doctor about it, appointment tomorrow.

    1. Laure&Colin


      Well, the whole visa process stressed me out of my mind. Then arriving here, I had problems with social security, who wouldn't give me a number, then my green card arrived with a problem on it... I feel sooo vulnerable and I don't really find my place here, so it's causing overwhelming anxiety.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. USPS scred up delivered my green card! It suppose to be delivered on June 11 but they reported its undelivered and send it back to USCIS.OMG im very upset.Just opened a service request with USCIS about my green Card:(

  8. visa approved, yeeee thank you Lord jesus and thanks to you all

    1. Laure&Colin


      Congrats!!! So happy for you!! :))

      Quand est-ce que tu arrives aux Etats-Unis ?

      Je te souhaite beaucoup de bonheur avec ta femme et ton futur enfant !

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  9. Behind-the-wheel driving test tomorrow.... so nervous! I've had my (French) driver license for 13 years, but I wouldn't describe myself as a talented driver...

    1. Laure&Colin


      Thanks guys, I PASSED!! :))

      The examiner wrote "very good job" on my exam sheet :D

      I made only 3 mistakes during the test, and the top limit is 15... all of my errors were doing California stops :P

      All in all, very easy, and the examiner was very nice, he was chitchatting during the whole test and it helped me relax. He also took me to my own neighborhood (he didn't know of course) so I knew all the intersections and speed limits very well!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. Hum, tuesday... what a wonderful day, feeling so happy that I'm gonna get my visa approved... thank you Lord for that faith

  11. A reminder for all of us: when in the US, an alien MUST have their documents showing legal status at ALL TIMES. We went through a border patrol checkpoint as we were driving on a freeway close to the Mexican border (but inside the US), and all non-US citizens where asked for their papers. I had my GC but our Italian friends only had their California ID and got into trouble. Always have your GC/passport with visa with you!

    1. Laure&Colin


      The law says you must have it with you so I would always keep it if I were you.

      But if you live South close to the Mexican border, you REALLY need to have it because you might be stopped by CBP anythime on the freeway.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Today is May 17th... wow and tomorrow will be May 18th. Monday will be May 21st...hum interesting, getting there!!!

  13. Got a letter saying my SS card should arrive in 2 weeks... 2 weeks more to wait and hoping not to break a leg or anything!! :|

    1. Laure&Colin


      Oui je l'ai eu comme ça moi, et heureusement vu que je m'étais plantée dans mon adresse, la carte n'arrivait pas... Enfin j'ai corrigé l'adresse, et reçu la nouvelle carte aujourd'hui !

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  14. Passed the driver's license written test today (in CA)! I got a temporary license good for 60 days and I can drive on my own (because I got a French license)! Eventually will have to take the behind-the-wheels test, but for now, Pacific Beach, here I come!!

  15. Got a letter saying my SS card should arrive in 2 weeks... 2 weeks more to wait and hoping not to break a leg or anything!! :|

    1. Laure&Colin


      Ah oui, et au fait, si tu as reçu la lettre qui dit 2 semaines, c'est que ton SSN t'a été attribué. Donc tu peux te rendre dans un bureau SSA pour qu'on te le donne (ils ne le donnent pas par téléphone), tu n'as pas besoin d'attendre la carte pour le connaître!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  16. Got a letter saying my SS card should arrive in 2 weeks... 2 weeks more to wait and hoping not to break a leg or anything!! :|

    1. Laure&Colin


      Ah bon??? Nous on n'en a pas eu besoin. C'est bizarre qu'ils ne puissent pas faire sans...

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  17. Got a letter saying my SS card should arrive in 2 weeks... 2 weeks more to wait and hoping not to break a leg or anything!! :|

    1. Laure&Colin


      Mais tu sais que la SS ne te donne pas accès à une couverture médicale ? Donc maintenant ou l'année prochaine, si tu te casses une jambe, c'est pour ta pomme, à moins que tu aies une assurance.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  18. Passed the driver's license written test today (in CA)! I got a temporary license good for 60 days and I can drive on my own (because I got a French license)! Eventually will have to take the behind-the-wheels test, but for now, Pacific Beach, here I come!!

    1. Laure&Colin


      Lots of work too :D

      But yes, I'm happy things are now moving forward.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. GC is missing my fingerprint on the front...

    1. Laure&Colin


      Not so well right now... since I arrived, everything has been a struggle. Nothing works as expected.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. According to the USPS tracking number USCIS gave me yesterday, my GC is out for delivery today! Fingers crossed!seems to be out for delivery

    1. Laure&Colin


      No... honestly, I'm not gonna start looking until I get my SSN and can get my driving license. I know I'm allowed to work while waiting for the SSN (I have a letter from the SS office), but I doubt any employer will be interested in hiring an alien without an SSN...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  21. Upset after visiting social security... they don't seem to know I exist.

    1. Laure&Colin


      Non c'est pas normal pour moi... Mais après avoir été à l'USCIS je sais maintenant qu'ils se sont plantés en rentrant mes informations au POE, je retourne au CBP tout à l'heure pour essayer de leur faire corriger.... La galère n'est pas finie !!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  22. 18 days, no sign of my SS card... crossing all fingers and toes to receive this week, I really don't wanna go to an SS office!

    1. Laure&Colin


      Woohoo, getting the green card soon would be great!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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