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Minu Luvs Pinu

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Posts posted by Minu Luvs Pinu

  1. See, I would have never known we didn't need to provide proof of domicile. Packet 3 states we need to provide that. Regardless, I'll just have him send me copies of his new lease. Better be safe than sorry.

    Also, does he just need to change his info on the USCIS website?

  2. Hello VJ-ers,

    This is relating to Proof of Domicile. My fiance (Petitioner) has put down his current address in all the forms sent to USCIS and I have also put my fiance to be living at his current address for all forms in Packet 3. However, he has finally found a new place, that is more conveniently closer to his job. He will be moving to this new apartment in November.

    We have not gotten packet 4 yet, which means no interview scheduled. My question is, when the time comes for the interview and I need to provide Proof of Domicile in the US, which will have a different address than the one shown in all the forms that have been submitted, will this cause an issue?

    He obviously can provide the new lease and utility bills by that time. So I don't think there should be an issue, what do you guys think? Has anyone experience this in the past?

    Again, thanks for your help.

  3. My Fiance doesn't have 3 yrs of tax returns, he actually started working last yr. He makes good money, he actually entered a new tax bracket this yr. But will this effect our case? Will we need a cosigner? He can provide proof he makes up to 40 grand a yr with his pay stubs, and can show how much tax he's paid so far. But will that even matter?

    Also, my birth certificate is in Spanish, I've translated it and signed that I speak and read Spanish fluently. Packet 3 states I need to have it translated by a professional and that the translation needs to be notarized. I've read on here about many ppl just translating it themselves. Would this be an issue if I submitted it with my translation alone? Will I really need to hire a translator?

  4. There were lots earlier, but I chose December 9, 8am since it fit in my schedule better. Anyone else?!

    Did you see any dates in December that come close to Christmas holidays like December 23rd? and anything After Christmas? Has anyone seen that? Reason why I ask is I know some government offices be taking the longest two week Christmas holiday break, I wonder if they do that there?

  5. So if you're on EI now .. until you can work legally in the US, then you can commence with your EI claim? How would you keep that case open during the time you wait to have you status changed? The reason I ask is because I fear that it would just expire and they would throw out my case. I didn't even know you could get EI when you've moved to the States.

  6. I'm happy for you all, but at the same time I'm just in agony. I want to book my appointment too!!!! but I just sent off my packet 3 :( My petition expires in January, and I pray to God that when I receive notice of my packet 4 being sent, I hope I get something in December at the latest.

    Good luck to all of you at your interviews. *fingers crossed*

  7. Oh my God, I finally get it! Had to read further into your thread Ralyse. LOL! http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/327503-k1-guide-montreal/

    so you just send out the checklist and mark off the things you will bring to you interview. but you don't actually send it with packet 3. Boy the DS-156K sure is confusing. I didn't receive my packet 3 yet, but NVC did tell me it was being sent to me, I'm sure the packet that comes in says something about this Checklist.

    Without this site I don't know how the in the heck me and my fiancee would be doing this. Sorry about this mess of a post. I've answered my question, but thanks to this forum of course!

    Have a good night!

  8. P.S.

    Are you suppose to send any of the forms that DS-156K asks for? Like my Birth Certificate? and my proof of engagement?

    And as for proof of engagement I know we can send out the letter of Intention to Marry. Does that need to be just from me? or is the petitioner required to update his letter too? to be sent out with packet 3? Do need to send my Birth Certificate and Police record?

  9. But why does DS-156K ask for it? and then have them not expect it. It's kind of confusing .. don't want to risk getting and RFE for a stupid mistake like that you know? Is there any reason why the form would ask for that?

  10. Hello again,

    Still working on my Packet 3, and on DS-156k it says to provide Proof of financial support.

    Now in I-134 this is required, an affidavit is also required for this form. My question is what kind of proof should I provide in packet 3 for DS-156K. Do i need my petitioner's/Fiancee's tax return? Pay Stub? and affidavit from him and his employer? This is so confusing. Can someone please give me a clear and definite answer.


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