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Status Replies posted by didopage

  1. question for all those getting married twice, we're planning a larger wedding a year exactly from when we married (friday). we let close family know what was going on but still wanna do something large rnext year. Do you just renew your vows in front of everyone? or what, i'm a bit confused and need an opinion :)

  2. Got a letter saying my SS card should arrive in 2 weeks... 2 weeks more to wait and hoping not to break a leg or anything!! :|

  3. We just got our Packet 4 and K-1/K-2 visas interview appointment set for June at the GUZ!

  4. Got a letter saying my SS card should arrive in 2 weeks... 2 weeks more to wait and hoping not to break a leg or anything!! :|

  5. wow, it's tomorrow !!! running around last minute getting things though of course :)

  6. Interview on June 18. :)

  7. Got a letter saying my SS card should arrive in 2 weeks... 2 weeks more to wait and hoping not to break a leg or anything!! :|

  8. One week till I depart for the interview...!

  9. so i won a cruise to the bahamas and I can' even go! That s sucks!!!!

  10. Got my SSN eventually!

  11. waiting to hear back to see if daniel not having a ssn is going to be a problem with getting married. *sigh* wish us luck !

  12. According to the USPS tracking number USCIS gave me yesterday, my GC is out for delivery today! Fingers crossed!seems to be out for delivery

  13. According to the USPS tracking number USCIS gave me yesterday, my GC is out for delivery today! Fingers crossed!seems to be out for delivery

  14. went to the social security place but they wont give me SSN unless i have my EAD....

  15. Soooo happy to see my love tomorrow! YAY

  16. Request for earlier interview date denied, they blamed the olympics for a lack of spaces. 25th it is..!

  17. Seriously depressed, as CBP swear they can't correct my arrival record (misspelled name) because it was an entry on an immigrant visa. Now WHAT??

  18. Ok so I went to the SS Card Center, that was pretty smooth, the employee was very knowledgeable, no question about my K-1 visa/didn't say that I couldn't have a SSN, only problem is that I was still not in the system so she sent a request to immigration to verify my status. Other than that, she said after I'm married, I will have to come back with my EAD and marriage certificate. :) Hope to get my SSN and card next week!

  19. Filing for AOS, aaah! Nightmare!

  20. Upset after visiting social security... they don't seem to know I exist.

  21. CBP messed up with my data input at POE... Going back today to have them correct it (hopefully).

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