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Sam & DeeDee

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Posts posted by Sam & DeeDee

  1. A trailer.

    so what if she put it up? its not your bussiness. you know what your problem is? you're an old granny with no life, thats what you are. you think you're so big and bad, you're just an old low life. no and dont worry we wont get a trailer, we're already moving out tomorrow to the apartment we rented, and its a pretty nice place until we buy a house soon

  2. You pull that mouth in a bar in the US and somebody will probably be happy to give you a lesson in "growin' up".

    Seriously, we know you don't like what the OP has to say. Most of don't agree with it either. Is there any sense in getting down in the dirt about it?

    Don't pretend to sound threatening on a forum, it's just lame. So before you make a comment about it being senseless, think before you post.

  3. Post is written very random (the way I think)

    Okay, few things wrong with this... Rich people are more likely to pull people into the country by fraud than poor people, poor people have less money to waste. You think someone poor can just throw away $1500+ for a plane ticket and all the money for the petition and interview and stuff? "50% of all marriages in the America end in divorce." This quote doesn't say anything about international marriages, you think there's an insanely larger international marriage amount than people who get married in the US? I think we need to worry more about why people get divorced instead of just the fact they get divorced. Look into the mirror, see the problem, and learn to fix it. If you don't truly love the person, don't bring them here, that's just a huge mistake to begin with. You have to know the person, trust the person, and love the person, otherwise no marriage works. This process is draining enough how it is, and it doesn't need to get any harder. If anything it needs to get faster. It shouldn't take 3+ months to look over some papers. If that's the problem, hire more people get this stuff processed out. I know I work in a supply and demand market, if I can't meet weekly quota then I wouldn't have a job. Luckily I know how much I have to do per hour each day to get my goal, and I never miss a target, because I know my job, and due to that, I make good money, get higher raises, and bigger bonuses. If the people working on these processes done what they needed every day, we wouldn't have such long waits, they would be able to be paid more for faster processing, and everyone could end up happy faster. I know that not every marriage international works out, and probably most of them don't. However, this isn't because the marriages are fake or anything like that, it's because the people didn't know each other long enough before they jumped into such a commitment. It has nothing to do with people being too poor, because I have lived at a time I was way below poverty level, now I survived it, and I'm past it and I have a way better life. Life is all about struggling and getting past obstacles to make it to where you want to be, you can only be happy if you work hard for your goals.

  4. my fiancee is having her interview next week on wednesday and she's coming here on the 16th (friday). i have to buy her ticket 1 week before, that means friday. the one way ticket is about $3000 and the round trip ~$1500. now what i want to know is if it's illegal to buy a round trip and never use the flight back. will she have problems at POE? or are there any issues i should be aware of when buying the round trip?

    thank you

  5. Tha arrogance of youth thinking they know more than their elders. When you've grown up you will understand a lot better how the elders you are insulting have far more maturity than you do.

    The OP came here asking for input precisely because he was thinking not for the moment, but for the long run. Despite that demonstration, yes - we'll have people, especially the young and immature, that are too wrapped up in their self-image as wiser than their elders that they will make comments like these.

    One major difference between your elder in the OP and you is that he's capable of listening to other people with experience whereas his junior thinks he already knows everything.

    (Off topic)Exactly, he was here asking for input... If that is what she has to say, then she has the right to say it. You insulting and assaulting her has nothing to do with this topic. Grow up and leave her alone.

    (On topic) I say go for it, if you want a kid and you feel that you can handle having a new kid, then there is nothing to stop you. Age is just a number, because I know of a family that had a kid when they were almost 50, and the kid is a great person, who learned a lot of life lessons from his parents. He is a hard working man now, and has a lot more respect than almost any kid I've seen raised by younger parents. It's all in a mindset of how you decide to do it and if you are really willing to have the kid. Statistics mean nothing. They are just a number put out in life to say "oh you have this chance of living and dying day to day" to scare people. Live your life to the fullest, otherwise you're not living at all. Just my opinion.

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