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Status Updates posted by Alia&Jerald

  1. just spoke to the only person that can bring me up in the middle of all this, one of the many reason I am so in love with him! =) I miss sleeping in his arms so much!!!

    1. Trav&Shell


      Aww!!! This is sweet...it's so hard to be so far away isn't it?

  2. tears have not stopped rolling down my eyes since I got home. I wish I could get the first plane to DR and forget the world and just live a normal life with my husband!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BocaChicaBabe


      ay. Don't give in to those negative thoughts. Things will work out soon.

    3. Alia&Jerald


      Thanks ladies its just so hard.Boca I was saying the same thing "God why did you have to choose me to have my love so far"...I guess we'll see how I get tomorrow...

    4. Alia&Jerald


      Thanks ladies its just so hard.Boca I was saying the same thing "God why did you have to choose me to have my love so far"...I guess we'll see how I get tomorrow...

  3. they are saying they are waiting on a document from me since oct and i sent it in oct and got a reply from them saying they received it but they say they have no record of that reply

  4. HEY yes I did but I have gotten my Senator involved because they have a whole mix up with my case apparently.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. V & A

      V & A

      June 16th to me

    3. V & A
    4. VisaJourney2011


      They said CSC is processing July 12....I don't know now :-(

  6. OMG STARVING AT WORK! I WISH I WAS IN DR right now with hubby!


  8. I had stopped with the habit of looking at USCIS website daily a while ago and now that I see movement I am getting the bad habit back, it would only be good if the movement affected my decision!

    1. Angela M.

      Angela M.

      don't worry...when we were waiting for NOA2 I used to check 25 times a day...no exaggeration..lol

    2. Matt1968


      Hello, I feel you. i check everyday hoping something will change. Hope they fix your file soon.

    3. Matt1968


      Hello, I feel you. i check everyday hoping something will change. Hope they fix your file soon.

  9. Days go by and I miss my gordo more and more...keeping positive thinking of how happy we'll be when he is here by my side every night!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. N & V

      N & V

      awwww...we all know how you feel..just stay positive..soon this will happened

    3. Alia&Jerald


      its so hard believe me i am trying...

    4. Waiting_Sugar


      Same here! I feel your pain exactly :(

  10. Wow...today mom is at hubby's house hanging out all day...how I wish I was there with them, but pull my head up SOON GOD WILLING hubby will be here with mom, dad, and myself. Cant wait for Daddy to meet him!

  11. Wow...today mom is at hubby's house hanging out all day...how I wish I was there with them, but pull my head up SOON GOD WILLING hubby will be here with mom, dad, and myself. Cant wait for Daddy to meet him!

  12. Damn...I must say I am very good in the kitchen to be starting off...made Arroz con Leche for the first time all by myself and it came out DELICIOUS! Can't wait to make it for my gordo!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BocaChicaBabe


      LOL. I've had to pat myself on the back a few times too. It's definitely nice to finally have someone to cook for who appreciates it and who likes it as much as you do.

    3. Alia&Jerald


      yup...hubby gets all excited when i cook at his house. He is use to good food, his mom has a catering company so imagine. He says he feels like a marriage when he can do his things around the house and sees me doing mine. I love married life, cant wait to have him here with me!

    4. Alia&Jerald


      yup...hubby gets all excited when i cook at his house. He is use to good food, his mom has a catering company so imagine. He says he feels like a marriage when he can do his things around the house and sees me doing mine. I love married life, cant wait to have him here with me!

  13. Damn...I must say I am very good in the kitchen to be starting off...made Arroz con Leche for the first time all by myself and it came out DELICIOUS! Can't wait to make it for my gordo!

  14. congrats on NOA2! August is beginning to show....

  15. Received some good info from Officer Fair...hoping what he said is true...there is a light somewhere

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. VisaJourney2011


      i HOPE SO ! it has been 5 months of waiting and still no NOA2!

    3. Waiting_Sugar


      Did they do a service rquest for you?? I called yesterday and the lady said she couldnt do it for me because they are working in june... Do u think I should call again and try again??

    4. Alia&Jerald


      Call dont give up, someone will do the service request. I called like 8 or 9 times before I got an agent that did my service request.

  16. Received some good info from Officer Fair...hoping what he said is true...there is a light somewhere

  17. trying to keep busy with work/school in order to not think of how much I miss both my hubby and mother and try to not think of NOA2!

    1. VisaJourney2011


      2 weeks ago i saw several DR applicants approved in 34-37 days! I hope you will get approved soon ! It has been 5 months for me and still no NOA2

    2. Alia&Jerald


      same here NOA1 date is 08/17..hoping we both see NOA2 soon!

  18. patiently waiting... or better said trying to be patiently waiting lol!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alia&Jerald


      omg it drives me insane

    3. Fede&Kendra


      Me too!! I literally don't know how I'm sane right now Hahahahahahah. I think I'm throwing in the rag and jumping the next plane to Colombia, next week. This sh!t is rediculous.

    4. Waiting_Sugar
  19. positive thinking-NOA2 will arrive soon!

    1. V & A

      V & A

      :D I'm TRYING to be positive as well...
  20. positive attitude on since I saw a few CSC CR1 NOA2 today...I guess they are trying to work...God can I get mine?!

  21. positive attitude on since I saw a few CSC CR1 NOA2 today...I guess they are trying to work...God can I get mine?!

    1. Waiting_Sugar


      Can I get mine too! lol I only saw one approved from dec and two from july.. I dont see any august where is all the augest approvals? lol

    2. Omeka


      i was approved too on the 12 of january 2012.it seems CSC are back to normalcy

  22. 1st day away from my gordo...tossed and turned last night trying to find him in my bed but that was impossible! =(

  23. the day that I did not want to arrive has arrived! I do not want to say goodbye knowing we'll be miles and miles away! It breaks me into pieces, this is the worst part of it all! God give me strength and please bring NOA2 soon I beg! :'(

  24. the day that I did not want to arrive has arrived! I do not want to say goodbye knowing we'll be miles and miles away! It breaks me into pieces, this is the worst part of it all! God give me strength and please bring NOA2 soon I beg! :'(

  25. last day with hubby, last night in his arms! Oh how I wish I had magical powers to freeze this all or to stay longer...This is the hardest night!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Alia&Jerald


      thanks girl...thats what im trying to think of but USCIS is making me hopeless with their wait

    3. phatz31


      i know that feelin

    4. Fede&Kendra


      Ohh man I can never sleep on the last night...it's always the worst and my crying on the plane creeps people out Hahahahahahaha even going through customs in Colombia I'm usually sobbing and they think I'm a crazy gringa. :D hahaha.

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