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Vicky and Larry

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Status Updates posted by Vicky and Larry

  1. Is married now and loving being here. I all ready feel like I am home.

  2. Has Landed in her New home and is Settling in.....:-)

  3. Good luck with the interview!!!!

  4. We were approved! :-) Thanks for being part of the journey. YAY!

  5. APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Vicky and Larry

      Vicky and Larry

      It's okay. My fiance' (the petitioner) paid it through the operator service. Right after we received 2 confirmation emails and the receipt. I would do it that way if you can.

    3. dave and nell

      dave and nell

      Okay thank you so much again for the info and welcome to America!

    4. Vicky and Larry

      Vicky and Larry

      Thank you! No problem at all - we are all in this together, right! If you ever need any other advice please don't hesitate to ask and I will do my best. Good luck!

  6. Hey, Nich-Nick.

    How goes it?

    Just wanted to share that we have our interview this coming Wednesday the 15th at 8am. Fingers crossed.


  7. Interview is set for the 15th of February - that's this coming Wednesday! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rozi


      wow im sure its will great.. its on my b-day thats nice.. let me know abt ur interview good luck ":)

    3. Nich-Nick


      Hope you have a great day.

    4. Vicky and Larry

      Vicky and Larry

      THANK YOU all! I will share our news after tomorrow.

  8. Medical went smoothly and we received our police certificates. Just waiting for our interview to be scheduled at the Embassy now!!!

  9. Medical is booked for January 9th. We delayed the process slightly, because I was out in the States. Back in the U.K now and staying in London being a tourist for a while.

  10. My fiance' keeps being compared to Lance Berkman--in looks ;-)

  11. I hope you don't mind, but I am voting for the Cardinals, ha, ha. ;-)

  12. Hey, Nich-Nick. I hope you are well. I just wanted to thank you again for your help and support. Larry and I had our NOA2 approval last weekend (yay) and all your advice and help has been invaluable. Thank you!

  13. Yay!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!! Wishing you a smooth transition and a speedy interview.

  14. Hey, enquirer. We were approved on Saturday just after 4pm. I hope that helps. Thanks for the best wishes and the same to you.

  15. I like your positivity - it is something that will enable you to remain resilient and grateful for what you have. All of which are great qualities. Wishing you well, fellow Brit.

  16. NOA2 approved on October 22nd 2011. Wishing everyone else a speedy approval.

    1. Christy&Ken


      yes, CSC woke up already.

  17. C'mon' CSC!!! June Filers still awaiting NOA2. C'mon.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Vicky and Larry

      Vicky and Larry

      I hope things speed up for you, at long last. Sending you good wishes.

    3. Vicky and Larry

      Vicky and Larry

      Tolsab, have you rang them yet to inquire why you are still waiting?

    4. Christy&Ken


      actually VSC is speeding up, so I think Tolsab should call them for more details. sign...where are our NOA2?

  18. Making connections with people going through very similar experiences around the same time is a blessing. Talking with others makes me feel closer to being with Larry (my fiance). You seem like a great person. Thanks for connecting with me, Sabrina.

  19. Hey Toslab,

    Thank you for taking the time to post on my profile and for the kind words. Having a positive mental attitude can be a great resource - sometimes life gets the better of us and I think that is okay, as long as we don't choose to stay in that mindset. I see we are separated by a month on our timelines. I will keep an eye out for you and wish you good news soon.

  20. Payxibka, I just wanted to thank you again. I feel so relieved. You have made this Blighty's Sunday. ;-) Are you really 82 years old? That's amazing (sorry if that sounds patronizing at all). I called my son and told him the good news -- that I now semi-know what I am doing and how we will apply for him. This place is a god send.

    Thanks, once again.

  21. Thanks for posting on my profile, Amanda. Yeah, I managed to work out the glitches (email issues). So glad I can finally be visible. Hope everything is going well.

  22. Waiting for NOA2 approval. Missing my guy, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Yay!

    1. Omeka


      Most definitely you will get your approval latest third week of the month.Provided none of your documents was missing and it was arranged sequentially with enough evidence of your relation.I am also waiting for my NOA2 but i filed in August and california was my centre too

    2. Vicky and Larry

      Vicky and Larry

      Well, thanks for that. My fiance' estimated we should hear around that time, and he put together a really orderly packet 1. Lots of luck!!!

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