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Melissa and Leo

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Status Updates posted by Melissa and Leo

  1. i though about u yesterday! hope u had a wonderful wedding congratulations!

  2. I want my NOA 2 !!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. worth_the_wait
    3. at long last

      at long last

      We are on day 184 since our NOA1... pland for a celebration at Christmas seem out of reach now... oh well soon it will be our turn..

    4. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      oh word...you never know that would be an awesome christmas present... wish you the best :)

  3. I want my interview date!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. leeandcorinne


      :) tu y es presque!!! how great is that hey???

      bisou ma belle :)

    3. leeandcorinne


      :) tu y es presque!!! how great is that hey???

      bisou ma belle :)

    4. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      I know corrinne mais j ai tellement attendu, j ai plus de patience hihi allez ca sera pour la semaine prochaine on croise les doigts!

  4. I woon in Bergen Mons...any noa2 yet?

  5. I'm from Mons area in the south

  6. Ik weet het niet nog. Nvc heeft onze dossier nog niet ontvangen :( hoelang duurde het voor jij? gefeliciteerd!

  7. Interview tomorrow!! I can't believe it we are almost there!

    1. Swingman_Tomoyo


      yey! good for you! God bless on the interview.:-)

    2. Melissa and Leo
    3. didopage


      \o/ Good luck!! \o/

  8. j imagine que c est le bonheur! merci beaucoup pour les infos oui ce sont les documents du packet 3 :) prend soin de toi bizz de Belgique

  9. Je pense a vous aujourdh'hui ma belle! profitez bien de votre journee!

  10. just got RFE damn :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      i hope so but look like vsc is taking forever to answer to RFE but thanks for the support. At least I will see my love in a few days :)

    3. Jackie Ayyad

      Jackie Ayyad

      HI Melissa-

      Our RFE was for 2 items; one was for my final divorce decree and his final divorce deree. Once I sent that in, it took them one month to approve. thats all they needed...good luck to you!

    4. wissnan4ever


      Dont Fret at leasy you know your file didnt just fall into some black hole something :) Have a safe trip

  11. Just wanted say hi :) hope everything is good for you..We are still waiting too. It's so long :(

  12. Married!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eddie&A


      Hey Congratulations to you both!! I just saw your comment you sent me back in January. Got the NOA2 and our interview is May 10th:) Again, congrats and may you two have decades of life and love together.

    3. didopage


      Congrats voisine!! Je te souhaite que du bonheur. :)

    4. Mithmeoi
  13. Medical examination 21 february!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Liz Alvarado

      Liz Alvarado

      Hi Meli,how was ur examination medical?? Greetings.

    3. Liz Alvarado

      Liz Alvarado

      Hi Meli,how was ur examination medical?? Greetings.

    4. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      Hey Liz It went find I had to go pick the results in two days. How is it going for you? take care

  14. Merci courage a vous aussi!L'attente est longue pour tout le monde! tu habites dans quelle région de France?

  15. my love left. I miss him so much already!.come on Noa2 we are waiting on you

    1. didopage


      Aww that's not the best moment.. Stay strong! :)

    2. Stefaan_Leslie


      good luck with the K1-journey :)

    3. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      thanks for the support guys!

  16. My love will be with me in 24 days!! Can't wait!

  17. Non j ai rien paye j ai juste du joindre une copie du Noa1 de mon Aos mais je suis trop debile lol car j etais tellement occupee avec les preparatifs du mariage et l arrivee de ma famille que j avais pas compris qu'il fallait paye qu'une fois pour les trois! Comment perdre du temps pour rien lol

  18. Oh god still haven't heard about my GC. We moved twice already . It does not help. Just want to be done with that cuz we are moving again in 8 months.. Please Uscis!!!

    1. didopage


      Vous bougerez ou ?? Je crois les doigts pour que t'ai des nouvelles bientot. Mais tu les auras avant le prochain demenagement, y'a pas de doute !

    2. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      On ne sait pas encore..ca dépend ou l'armee enverra mon chéri :s

  19. oh ok I m from Mons I spreek een beetje nederlans maar ik heb heel veel vergeten Ik heb praktijk nodig :) did you do something special to have your noa2 so quiclky?

  20. oh OK I m going to maryland until april cuz it where my fiance is stationed with the army. After that we are thinking to move in California. Thanks for your answer!

  21. oh ok thanks my fiance called the 23th but haven't received our case yet. I will try to call tomorow thanks for your help! can you believe it s almost over!!!

  22. Ok ok I wish you both hapiness and hope everything will be fine!

  23. OMG OMG OMG NOA2 I can't believe it!!!! I m so happy I wanna cry !!!!!!Thanks god

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. jen1217


      wow congrats!!! :D

    3. leeandcorinne


      Melissa je suis trop contente pour vous 2, tout va aller tres tres vite maintenant, je t'embrasse fort fort fort <3

    4. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      Jen Thanks I m sure you turn is coming :) corinne Merci je suis tellement heureuse! Je t embrasse fort aussi et j espere que tout se passe bien avec ton mari hihi

  24. Oui lol mais je m en mords les doigts quand mm Vive l'armee on redemenage dans 6 mois encore..et toi tu commences a chercher du boulot alors? tiens moi au courant pour l'interview! bisous voisine

  25. Our petition has been approved in january 13th and still no Noa2 on the mail.. What shoud we do? Anybody in the same case?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      Thanks I hope you will get you NOA2 soon!

    3. didopage


      One more step! :)

    4. Becky<3Jorim


      u should have it like 2 weeks later from noa2

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