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Posts posted by ML1

  1. Was a little bit taken aback with mine. Hope it gives you some hope: sent packet III end of October and they signed for it 1st Nov. Had my medical 3rd November. Was worried it'd take them ages to log packet III and perhaps medical results would 'get lost'. Naturally being a very Type A personality I rang every couple of days excited to see if they'd uploaded or opened my Packet III. Even called DOS, they all said it takes about four weeks to get to it and load the info up and then about another two to three weeks for them to give an interview date. Not sure if it is usual, but certainly what I was repeatedly told. I was worried we'd not get an interview date until January and I have two children due to start school there so you can imagine how on tenterhooks I was! Anyway, called Monday this week 'No ma'am, they've logged your medical results now but still not your packet three'. Then yesterday out of the bkue I had an email giving me an interview date on 2nd December. They MIGHT surprise you. By their reckoning it should have been weeks after opening packet three before getting my interview. maybe I just got lucky, who knows?! Either way, no complaints here! Hope you have similar luck with yours :)

    Thanks! My fiance does not have a medical date. He rang them up, but said for him to give them a call back when he had an interview date. I hope that is not a problem and delaying things a bit! He sent forms on 21st of October. We hope to hear from them soon, as we we're hoping for a date in mid December before snow comes and he might have trouble heading south do to train cancellations. Thanks again for all info. :)

  2. What did you send with your I-129F package? I received an RFE for this very thing. I had to order a divorce certificate for my divorce but I'm in Canada. My fiance only has a dissolution of marriage certificate which is what is issued in CT. I hope that is all that you require.


    I didn't get an RFE on this I sent the exact copy they had given me in court of the decree... I'm thinking it will do for the interview. Just want to assure myself

  3. You will need a medical.

    If your case has been logged by the London embassy, then it is safe to book an appointment. We booked ours after DOS told us the embassy had logged our case - which ended up being about a week before he got packet three and all worked out fine :)

    Btw - I believe there is a link in the letter of packet three. If you follow the link, it will give you directions of what needs to be done. I believe you will find the medical information there :)

    Yes my fiancee has got packet3 and says about link to forms. But of I've been ready on forums some have waited till embassy has says for them to do so, and others just book before.

  4. YES!!! My fiance had his interview today and we have been APPROVED!!!!! I can't thank this place enough for giving us all the information and guidance along the way!! so we wish to write a review of his interview day to share the information!

    10/17 - checked into Marble Arch Inn for 60gbp/night (book early!) ; 12 minute walk from Paddington Station & 20 min from the Embassy; BAD wifi & he paid extra!!! so we couldn't communicate as planned!! :(

    10/18 (8am interview); my fiance left his cell phone & belongings at Marble Arch Inn for them to keep in their safe/security lock up. He arrived at the Embassy at 7:15 am to find 4 people already lined up. At 7:30 am, the line was really long and packed!! with half the people on their cellphones!!!; the lady came out at 7:30 & told them no phones/electronic devices, and half the line left for the pharmacy!!! She mentioned there was 2 pharmacy right on either side of the embassy, but besides Gould's, we don't know the other one!

    At 7:30, they started letting people in and checked your appointment letter and MRV receipt ([b]we didn't know we had to pay through the extortion line until only last week!!! had we just followed the instructions on the link the appointment letter said, we would have waited to pay on the day & might not get iN!!!!! so I'd go ahead and PAY BEFOREHAND!![/b]) THe lady checking the letters was looking for the d-160 (?), which i've already read that we don't need & told my fiance (thank goodness or he would panic!)

    After this, he went through a metal detector. Then saw another man who scanned the MRV receipt and gave him an interview # and went through the embassy doors to sit & wait. The room starts to fill up pretty quickly, but not all were k1 visas.

    At 8:05 am, he was called to the first window, which he had his fingerprints taken. The man asked for passport, divorce decree, and birth certificate. Then he wanted to see Affidavit of Support, which we had the I-184,...!!! but he wanted I-134 :(

    On top of that, he said our letter of intent needed to be NOTARIZED if it's more than 4 months from our filing of the I-129F... (WHAT?????!!!) He wrote a note to the interviewer about that and said that it all depends on the interviewer!!! My fiance even showed him documents supporting our wedding plans - n the man went on to say depends on interviewer..! The man then handed him a pink slip which has in the back information about how tou might have to wait a long time to be called up to the window blah blah....; and in the front was a place to fill out address details for the courier. He also handed my fiance a disc with his chest xray from the medical, and said to keep it for the next stage - AOS.

    At 8:25 am, fiance was called to next window, where a very nice American lady asked him 1. how did we meet 2. when did my fiance move out/divorce 3. if his kids were going to come; after that, she gave him a form to print his name & mines; then returned his original documents but kept his passport! and said we are APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D was told to take the pink slip & go pay the courier at the next window!! :D

    We are both on cloud 9 now!!!!! i called him immediately when he got out and we were both in tears!! and the minute i got off the phone with him,.. I am typing this review up and it's 4 in the morning here !!!! :lol:

    Good Luck to everyone!!!

    So very happy for you! Have a question what happened with the I-134 as they we're asking for it? I'm asking because all my paper work was sent in beginning of process including I-134 As I opted for an attorney to help with process. As I'm typing waiting on response from attorney cause I have been wondering on that. I would like to know if I need to get a copy from her to send it to my fiancee for when he goes to interview. At this moment he is in process of finishing all forms on Instruction packet formerly known as packet3. Just want to make sure he has got all he needs to take to interview.

  5. forget what the forms say... just fill them in and mail them to the embassy like it says on the embassy website. evidence of engagement isnt needed for london and neither is evidence of ongoing relationship. evidence of finacial support is the I-134 and supporting documents like pay slips and letter from employer from the USC

    Got It Thanks!!! :)

  6. Police certificate goes to the medical appointment....definitely, also take an up to date vaccination record. Forms DS156 DS156K DS230 PART 1 AND DS2001 (Pretty much all of PACKET THREE-the linked packet on the embassy website-(and be mindful of what needs to be provided in duplicate form),get mailed to the embassy. They will tell you where to mail to and when (only when they have received your case already), this queues you.

    Hope this helps and hope I ve figured it pretty much right...its the combined help and knowledge of other fine VJers :)

    On form DS156K says Following Documents Must Be Attached: Evidence of engagement to fiancee. What would that be? As we have no photos of it. Was a surprise to me as he proposed to me in private on last visit to England. And also asks Evidence of financial support. Would that be the financial support I filled in on beginning of process? Too many forms sorry a bit confusing!

  7. you can send all the papers togheter instead of bringing them at the interview. just dont sign the forms that need to be signed in front of the consular officer. they have all the documents there for the time of the interview so dont worry about it. and as far as i know from english members you can do your medical exam before you receive packet 4 . those dont expire soon i think they are valid for 6 months

    edit: the police certificate add birth certificate (original + copy) must be taken at the interview togheter with the proofs

    Thanks for all info.

  8. this gives all the info you need...


    the medical can be done as soon as you have your case number from NVC and your file is at the embassy

    Thanks! Another thing are all forms to be sent to US Embassy? On DS 2001 says to send DS-230 part 1 along with DS 2001... Sorry just want to make sure my fiancee sends all correct forms. He is in this stage process now, don't want him forgetting anything. One last ? Police certificate etc. documents are to be taken with him on interview? Thanks again!

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