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Status Updates posted by Kehinde

  1. Hello I have replied to your message.

  2. Don't forget to email me and let me know the progress you're making. Me and my hubby are fine and dandy.

  3. Thanks for adding me as a friend. I look forward to chatting with you.

  4. Just checking in on you to see if you have heard anything about your reaffirmatiion. When we were reaffirmed it took a mnoth before the embassy in Nigeria sent us another interview date. So hang in there.

  5. Repeat after me!...Lord everything that I did not get last year, Let it be in your will this year cos I claim it..Amen! Now just believe.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. nosa4eva


      IN JESUS NAME AMEN!!!! I claim & receive it!!!

    3. RosyG


      Amen!i claim it in Jesus name

    4. 888888


      All that is meant for me and my family in God's name - I thank you Jesus before receiving it. I am getting better at having faith in you. Amen. ;)

  6. Hope everybody had a wonderful christmas. Even though I was sick with the flu I managed to pull myself together so that my little boy and my husband wouldn't worry about me, so we all had a merry christmas. i am better now so i am thanking my god.

    1. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      I thank God on your behalf as well! Glad you are feeling better!

    2. Dumb/Dumber


      Happy New Year Olami and thank you so much for thinking of us. Praying for the reaffirmation to come very soon.

    3. Dumb/Dumber


      Happy New Year Olami and thank you so much for thinking of us. Praying for the reaffirmation to come very soon.

  7. Welcome Kay and thanks for inviting me as a friend. If i can help with your journey please let me know.

  8. Christmas is coming up and feels so good to be spending it with my husband. Its our first christmas together. Go jesus! Go! Keep the blessings flowing.

    1. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Isnt it awesome?? I am so excited to be celebrating with my husband as well :). God is good! Enjoy the Christmas season Olami!

    2. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      God is good. I have to admit, Christmas has been very different with my husband around. So much peace in my home. Priceless

    3. Nigerian Queen

      Nigerian Queen

      Happy holidays!!!

  9. Raine hurry back I mis you. and i am worried cos i have not heard from you. Can't wait until you return.

  10. Spent our first Thaksgiving day together since our wedding. It felt sooo good to finally be able to spend a holiday with my hubby. Our next holiday together is Monday (our anniversary). God is wonderful . I have soo much to be thankful for. Thank you Jesus!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheresaAnn


      Happy anniversary to you and your hubbie.

    3. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      Happy Anniversary!!!

    4. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      Thanks for the GC information update!

  11. I read your story. If you are planning on filing a K-1 visa make sure you visit him at least twice before filing and take lots of pics as your proof.

  12. Thanks for adding me. Hope you find helpful answers.

  13. A very big Congrats to you. Which state are you coming to?

  14. Our aniversary is next month.and my birthday is tnext month. This will be the first time me and my husband have ever spent an anniversary together. I need advise on what to do and where to go. Our finances are not that great cos he is not working yet, so keep that in mind when giving suggestions. ..Yaa to us for being able to spend our wedding day together. We used to dream of this day and now its our time. The lord said " my child it is now your turn." Amen.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Olomi_811


      Go to LivingSocial or groupon and buy a restaurant voucher for half the price. It doesn't matter whether you've tried it before or not it can be a new experience for both of you. You will be amazed at what $15-20 can get you!

    3. Kehinde


      @Iyawo-omo-Yuroba..The best part will be when I fill in the blanks. Lol!

    4. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      LOL! I completely understand dear! ;)

  15. Welcome! Hope you get the answers you are loking for.

  16. @femi&abike... he loves it so much. I told him the otherday that I think he loves the US more than he loves me. Lol! He just laughed and laughed.

  17. Well guys i found a Nigerian Market now so my husband does most of the cooking. i have been looking since he got here and now he even goes shopping for groceries alone. What a relief off me. So now I only cook if i feel like it. Lol! So those of you that have your nigerian spouses here in the U.S. "Find that Market". You will be glad you did.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Okay, I will wear that label with honor!!! :) lol

    3. Kehinde


      I have never heard it before but i like it. Lol! I am going to make that a new phrase here. I dont know how that got pass Florida we are as farthest south as you can go.

    4. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      LOL...we all country! But I guarantee, if you speak to me on the phone, you will both agree...I'm the real Southern Bell! (and to Alabamian's, I'm not "that country sounding") Ginie and Deb both laugh at me continuously!

  18. Let me know about the weather when you get back cos my husdand thinks that 75 degrees F is cold enough for a sweater. Lol! I just laugh girl.

  19. Say Hello to Nigeria for me.

  20. Thanks for becoming my friend. I look forward to us conversating. So you are going to visit your husband next month? Let me tell you girl it is hot as hell in that month. Lol! I got married there in the month of Noveember and I thought I was not going to make it sometime. I took my little boy with me and he said never again during that month. Kidding a little. Lol! Say and say hello to ...

  21. @Dwheels76.. Ok that problem is fixed. My inbox was full. Its ok now. Oh and I got your last message you sent via email.

  22. Whats going on since you got married? wright an update and let us know. whats your next step, and are there any road blocks you need help with? etc,.

  23. Hey Debbie I was just reading your story... How did you stay in Nigeria for 6 months when visiting him for the first time? First time visas are only 3months long. Whats your secret.

  24. I am glad you are feeling better. and Yes life is so wonderful when you wait for something for sooo long and then the lord hands it to you.

  25. How much was your total ticket cost with Delta?

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