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Status Updates posted by stronger

  1. Merry Christmas to ME! :) We have a wedding date FINALLY! YAY!

  2. I had an awesome time too. Next time...WE DANCE! lol

  3. OMG Interview is January 11th!!!! I'm sooooo happy!!!! He will be here in a month!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. stronger


      Yes, we will be celebrating for sure. I want a welcome home party. With decorations from every holiday he's had to miss :)



      Congrats big time! Soo happy 4 U

    4. Canadian in GA

      Canadian in GA

      thats a really cool idea about the decorations!

  4. Missing my little girl. She went to Florida with her father to visit grandparents before Christmas. I really miss her, but her dad needs time with her too. Makes me smile that she's happy :)

  5. My love and I decided to do some wedding registry online today. It was pretty fun actually. This wedding is getting larger than we first thought. Oh well...the more the merrier.

  6. So excited for my girl Niing and Ice. FINALLY together and life is awesome. Happy for you two!!!

  7. I love it when people tell me my fiance is HOT. That's right...and he's also hot on the inside too.:) Tender hearted, funny and so caring. I'm a lucky girl.

  8. Congrats on your approval!!! That's so great!

  9. I'm convinced God created Vanilla Lattes from Starbucks. Because this is heavenly! :)

  10. Ok, kidding about Belly Dancing gear. Why don't we drink and heckle the real belly dancers? hahaha

  11. Get yer Belly Dancin gear together. We're gonna embarrass ourselves . lol

  12. Hope AP ends soon for you!

  13. Yes, interview date might be in my email box when I wake up tomorrow. We hope! And as for me being there, Turkey does not allow US Citizens into the interviews anymore. You can ask, but it's rarely granted. But Tolga will do just fine. We have a solid relationship, and I've visited him 3 times, so plenty of evidence also. We just need the date! We have plans to make. Hope AP end...

  14. So in love with the most amazing man. Truly the full package. We were just talking about how the waiting has been hard, but made our relationship so strong. It either breaks you or builds you. We are excited to begin our new life together soon with my little girl.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. stronger


      We will be together for Valentine's Day one way or another ;)

    3. VherScott


      Hello i am leaving on the 22nd of December going to NJ. I am so excited almost get emotional every time i think of so soon we will be together again. What a great feelings we are all blessed. I am praying for both of you and wish you all the happiness in life together ;)

    4. stronger


      Thank you SO much. That means a lot. You will have a very beautiful Christmas. Enjoy!

  15. How are things with you hun? Any news yet?

  16. I'm sure the interview is already finished...sending you very good vibes. HUGS!

  17. Hey...now you have forward movement. Reply to the RFE the minute you get it, and they'll get it taken care of. On the the next step!!! :)

  18. Embassy tells me they are scheduling us now. Waiting on the email. EEEKKKK!!! :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. stronger


      They told me they will process immediately. Apologized for mixup.

    3. sarah86


      what was the mixup?

    4. stronger


      Tolga had sent his Packet 3 paperwork in just after thanksgiving. And our UPS package arrived at lunch. They had misplaced the packet. When I called the embassy I spoke to a really friendly lady who offered to take a look. Tolga got a call from her not even 5 minutes later. But this was 2 weeks later. So they were great once they found it.

  19. I have the best fiance! He's very resourceful. Love that man!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. stronger
    3. Samantha78


      Ummm....can I hire him to teach mine about that "resourceful" thing? lol

    4. stronger


      You're so silly! lol

  20. I really want to read this book. She hit the nail on the head on what Turkey is all about. This is my baby to a tea ;)

  21. I've been working so hard at work, I keep forgetting it's Christmas. Until I drive home after sundown and see all the pretty lights. Looks like folks are getting in the spirit :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. stronger


      Well yes, I bought it at Target half price. Cuz HOT DAMN christmas trees are expensive. Santa's elves need to bring me a big badass rotating tree for next year.

    3. Samantha78


      Lmfao. I got a fake joint too! And it's even more beautiful when it goes nice and neat into its box in January ;)

    4. stronger


      YES! Cuz I love how a real tree smells, but not thrilled with the mess!

  22. I'm doing great. Just waiting on our interview date so we can start making plans. And we thought the worst part of the waiting was over. SHEESH...lol

  23. Geez...can mother nature cut Turkey a freakin break?! They're getting small quakes in Izmir where Tolga is. And they're predicting a 7.2 any time now. Major fault line...and it might be catastrophic. I'm praying HARD! http://www.haberturk.com/yasam/haber/694329-72lik-deprem-bekliyoruz

    1. evelyn1140


      really I didn't hear anything. I am praying with you

  24. Waiting on the interview date to come in so we can begin firming up our wedding plans. We are excited that so many people are coming from so far to celebrate with us. This will take some serious coordination. But so going to be worth it. We're excited!

    1. Channah&Aaron


      I thought he was already here?! LOL, sorry, my bad!!! Exciting times, when is your interview??

    2. stronger


      No interview date yet. But we've sent our packet 3 off to Ankara, and they'll be shooting back our interview date any day now. Merry Christmas to us! ...how you been?

    3. sarah86


      Does he have family here, im just curious cause my fella does and I dont know if it will be an iffy subject during his interview.

  25. It's terribly unfortunate that doing the right thing doesn't necessarily come naturally to everyone.

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