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Status Updates posted by stronger

  1. Interview in 12 days :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. stronger


      Thanks folks! It was a long wait. But 8 months for Turkey is pretty quick. I appreciate the good vibes and wishes. Bless you!!!

    3. Heather&Paul


      Yay!!!! Now it's 9 days!!!! :)))))

    4. stronger



  2. Yes yes!!! I'm crazy excited. I can't wait to marry that man. Staying positive too is the only thing you can do to have the relationship you started with. Otherwise you damage a beautiful thing. I have faith in God. He is good. And thanks for all your support, it truly means a lot to me. God bless you and your happy little family. It's beautiful!

  3. Howdy do? lol. It's a beautiful day and many things to be thankful for :)

  4. Hey...looks like your wedding date is one week before us too. Are you getting excited too?

  5. I have a craving for warm weather...lol

  6. Hey there...I know your interview date is coming up soon too. Jan right? I don't see it on the Turkey timeline. Just want to wish you luck. Hope you'll be with your love soon! :)

  7. Medical packet picked up. Vaccination record copy obtained for AOS. Interview in 2 weeks :)

    1. Heather&Paul


      That's great! We received our interview letter today! January 19th! Best of luck with your interview. :)

    2. stronger


      Wow really?? That's great! We'll have to send each other a little note of support on this day. Only 2 more weeks!!! Good luck to you too!

  8. My sweetie is at his medical appointment right now. I hope they don't have to give him too many shots. I hate shots. Booo!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DiZZyLoX


      go girl! moving right along!!



      LOL LMFO LMAO ... Men already hate going to the doctor..They could NEVER take what happens to us when we go!

    4. stronger


      That's right! They have no idea about the duck lips! hahaha

  9. You're pretty awesome yourself ;)

  10. Finally our interview is listed on the Ankara schedule. SO excited! 2.5 weeks away. WOW!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LoveNigarmostyle


      Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers. So glad to see others with such positive and kind hearts. God bless :)



      The days are going to fly by...Im excited with you! Yall got this.. it's all good!!!

    4. stronger


      Thanks Ladies! I can't tell you how thrilled I am. Tolga is in Istanbul now for his medical. We have been keeping busy with wedding plans, as my family is coming from all over. Even Indonesia! We are very happy! Hugs to you both!

  11. So happy I got to share the New Year countdown with my love and his family. So wish I could be there. But next year will be our year. Happy New Year Everyone!!!

    1. Vicky and Larry
    2. stronger


      Happy New Year to you hun!

  12. Happy New Year and may you all get your hearts greatest desire in 2012!

    1. Canadian in GA

      Canadian in GA

      Happy new year babe! this is YOUR year! im counting down the days unti your wedding! :)

    2. Canadian in GA

      Canadian in GA

      Happy new year babe! this is YOUR year! im counting down the days unti your wedding! :)

    3. stronger


      YES!!! We can't wait!

  13. My baby has his medical next week. It really does move right along after NOA2. For those waiting on NOA2, please try to keep your spirits up. Try to stay positive and don't visit Igor's list too often. Igor was WAY off on our timeline. It's just an average. Love you fiances and try to remember this process is about love :)



      I love this. This is what I'm speaking of.. keeping the positivity going. So many need to hear something good when all seems so bad. Pay it forward someone helped me once.

    2. stronger


      You helped me too. I have known a few folks on here who have shown me kindness on days when I was so down about the process. But with time comes happiness. This too shall pass. And prayer helps a lot!



      Bless your heart. I was having a wonderul morning until I can across this one post. I don't understand. We all have dreams, hopes and wishes. Why intentionally try to hurt others? Well that's what prayer is for. Luv ya sis!

  14. Today would be an awesome day to stay in bed. Chilly day. I'd rather be watching movies with my kid and drink hot chocolate than go to work. But oh well...here I go.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. stronger


      LMAO off Crunch N Munch...haven't even heard anyone mention that snack in ages. But I support you!!! I'd be doing the same! Try zmovie.net :)



      T!hanks for the movie info.Well let me go this meeting... later sis

    4. stronger


      Happy New Year!!!

  15. Yes!!! Almost there... I think I can, I think I can...lol

  16. Cleaning out closets and making room for my love when he arrives. Ironically, he bought a new suitcase today. Really excited!

    1. chadobrian


      i did that already

    2. stronger


      So much fun huh? lol

  17. 24 days until interview :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. leeandcorinne


      Good luck :) everything is gonna be just fine!

    3. leeandcorinne


      Good luck :) everything is gonna be just fine!

    4. stronger


      Thanks honey. I can't tell you how crazy excited we are. We have been so happy. How are you and your love Corinne? Oh...and btw, Tolga will be flying through your old airspace on the way here :)

  18. Had an amazing Christmas eve. Excited to see my daughter's reaction to Santa's gifts when she wakes up. This is the last Christmas without my love. We will be together this time next month. So happy! Merry Christmas everyone!

  19. This will be the best Christmas ever! We have been so blessed and we are thankful to God for answering our prayers. Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

    1. Samantha78


      Merry Xmas to you also!!!!

  20. I was researching online wait times at Customs in Atlanta, and I found this link. Very cool and helpful! http://apps.cbp.gov/awt/index.asp

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. stronger


      Now that sucks Dan. You sure you went to customs? lol



      If you don't catch the train..You'll be walking the desert plains for life. I tried(just crazy) then it came to me like a dream.. girl catch the dang train lol

    4. stronger


      Sucks when the train breaks down here. It's a massive airport.

  21. Not looking great for Air France customers. Get there really early to the airport folks. http://www.airfrance.us/US/en/local/home/home/bulletin_flash.htm

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. stronger


      Well, looks like we'll be looking at other cities just in case. But I won't rule out Paris just yet ;)

    3. Chynna/gapamix


      Thanks for your comment. So when is your interview date?

    4. stronger


      January 19th!!! So excited. Only 27 more days!

  22. Hey Chynna! I hope you're having a great holiday. I am praying that you guys get the news you want soon enough. God is good, and you're good people. Hugs to you!!!

  23. So it seems that the lady at the embassy was a little off. The interview is a week later. Finally got the appointment email. This works out a little better. We need the extra week. Very happy girl :)



      WELL... We have a date to get ready for thank God! I'm so happy for you. He will be in your arms soon.

    2. stronger


      Yes, God is good! :) As long as we have our interview date, all is well.

  24. VJ certainly has it's ups and downs doesn't it? Those that try to lift others and stay up, bless you. You are what keep others from giving up in this journey. The power of positivity is incredible. Keep it up!



      Thank you dear sis.. VJ is wonderful we need to have others to connect to because our outside friends may not understand us. And for the negative ones here.. well don't hate on the love of others!

    2. stronger


      Amen to that!

  25. Anyone else find the relentless posts of a bitter breakup beyond uncomfortable? Geez I think I hear crickets.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Samantha78


      HUH!??? Ummmm...yea, that's bad news. Not a good thing.

    3. Dan & Jenni

      Dan & Jenni

      you just cant beat a good bit of misery at christmas time haha



      It's sickening. Makes me wonder if they actually got to know eachother or if it was scandolous to start with. Lust aint love!

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