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Posts posted by frostiana

  1. We stayed there too and thought it was very nice also.

    We ate at the italian restaurant just off the lobby and it was good, but I thought it was expensive.

    Good luck on your interview!

    Thanks! from what we can see ALL the food here is expensive ! All the better to have a kitchen in your room and enjoy takeout! We had pizza from that little place right nearby Il Focolaio... very yummy. Dunns a few blocks away has good chicken soup and smoked meat sandwiches - montreal tradition. Tons of every kind of store right nearby on St. Catherines and also a huge eaton centre mall. Obviously I am trying to keep busy to make the time pass till we can leave for the interview ! :dance:

  2. Just in case anyone is wondering about hotels... we are at the Square Phillips and it is one short block to the embassy. The room is really great, totally quiet and comfortable.. and really just a great spot. Not the cheapest one in town but we booked it on booking.com, then called them and they gave us two nigihts and third night half off. Really a nice hotel. In fact, everyone we have talked to, on the street, in stores or whatever has been very nice.

  3. Just had it Yesterday! If yours is at 1:45, I wouldn't show until at least around 1:30 pm. The security guards told me when I got there around 1:15 to come back around 1:40! So I'd say 1:30 should be alright as when I got there at 1:40, there were quite a few people in front of me! Good luck tomorrow :)

    Thanks for thatf!! Very helpful... and mine is today in a few hours... last minutes nerves are setting in but I am prepared thanks to this site and all the help.

  4. Yes has been other posts about the new timings of interviews. Things are always changing and this is when VJ especially comes in very handy! Now you could just play stupid and show up in the morning,and see what happens! But its not as if your getting the visa that day, so might as well sleep in or play tourist, or chance it.

    But I have a plane home tomorrow.... could they REALLY run out of time? Maybe I will go at noon.

  5. Review Topic: K1 Visa

    I'm going to start off with a few tips, then summarize my visit.

    -If you get there between 6 and 7, you are likely to be one of the first people in line. I arrived at 7 and was 4th. By 7:15 there are more people but it's not the end of the world (depending on the day). 7:30 is when the doors open and that's when the line is noticeably long.

    -Read the 'forbidden to bring into the embassy' item list in Packet 4 carefully. You can't have any big bags, food, cell phone, mp3 player. They will take them away at security. If you have any kind of luggage bags they won't even let you in til you figure out what to do with it.

    -Some of the people I talked to while waiting for my interview didn't know that their cell phones were going to be left at security. They were all worrying about the family (or whoever had come with them to Montreal) trying to call and not understanding why the interview was taking so long. Tell people they will not be able to reach you.

    -There are pay phones you can use, but they're on the 1st floor, and you'll be waiting upstairs on the 19th floor for the interview. You can go down to make a call anytime, but if you're worried your number might get called, you probably won't want to. So, again: let people know you might not be able to reach them.

    -Be thankful you found this site!!! Seriously. The people I talked to while waiting didn't know about it, and seemed amazed when I told them it provides you with example forms and guides and forums. We are so lucky!

    I got the embassy at 7, was 4th in line, and was able to sit near the elevator. That didn't matter, unfortunately, because when the security guard opened it and started letting people on while checking their appointment letters, he made me and a few other people (one of whom I noticed was also going for a K1) stand aside and wait for the next elevator. That didn't hold us back too much, though, because the line upstairs where you get your number moved fairly quickly.

    What screwed up my whole day was what happened when I got to the window to get my number. I put down my appointment confirmation and passport as the woman asked for my letter and DS-160. A woman behind her held up what looked like an example of the confirmation page of the 160. So I took that out and gave it in. She gave me number A4. When I sat down in the waiting area marked 'Immigrant Visas' I noticed that the people around me had C numbers. When I was called to A4, the woman at the window looked confused and said 'this is wrong, they sent you to the section for non-immigrant visas. Go back to the first window for a new number.' What had happened was that when the first lady said 'letter', I had just put down my appointment confirmation without thinking and then hurried to find my 160. What made me angry was that she hadn't bothered to even ASK me what kind of visa I was applying for, or look down at my appointment confirmation which SAYS K1. 'Letter' meant 'Packet 4'. So my new number was C24, which basically cancelled out the fact that I'd been at the consulate early.

    I was at the consulate for 8 hours, since around 11:30 everything slows down considerably, as though there is only half the staff left for the rest of the day. The afternoon literally crawls by. My interview (the 3rd time they call you up) was around 2. The woman asked me basic questions (how did you meet, what are your wedding plans, etc) while typing and glancing over at me from time to time. She was calm but serious, didn't smile, but I've been going to the US my whole life and that's how most border guards are so I know that all you can do is answer honestly and not stress out. She didn't ask me for any evidence of relationship.

    If it weren't for that mix-up at the beginning, I would probably have been C10 and out of the embassy before 11. The people who were with me til the afternoon had gotten to there at 7:45 or later, presumably because they didn't have VJ telling them to get there before the doors open.

    I wish everyone else quick and easy interviews!

    EDIT: with the I-134, they asked me for the tax returns from 2010. I said I had 09 and 08 so she took them, but only because I volunteered it. They didn't ask me for 156, 156k, or DS230, which I'd already sent. But as I mentioned, they wanted the 160.

    congratulations... it's over!! I know, we try SO hard to make everything perfect, and then some glitch happens. I am still not clear what you meant by DS 160... they wanted the DS160 form, or the DS160 confirmation page, or both?

    But, I have them both ready. Thanks for a really good review.

  6. I had an afternoon appointment back in May. I believe mine was for 1:30 or 1:45. I showed up when the doors opened in the morning anyway, and I got a few comments about it. The first person I saw once my number was called told me that I shouldn't have come so early, that they didn't have my file ready, and I'd have to wait until all the other earlier appointments were finished. I still got out at about 11:30am, but I imagine they are more strict about it now. I know people here have said they've been turned away and to come back later.

    I'd follow the instructions and show up around 1pm if I were you.

    sounds ideal... will plan on 1. Thanks!

  7. Hey guys,

    I just can't sleep, the interview is tom! Lets see what happens...anyway, is there a parking garage close to the consulate? I just don't wanna spend alot of time looking for one? Thanks :)

    ALso, I know we can't take cell phones or any other electrocis? What about wallets? Keys too! Are they going to hold on to the car keys! If so, is that risky? Would they give me a recipt or something like a vallet ticket to retriece my stuff?

    Thanks for your help adn wish us luck :)

    I think you can take a key if it is just a plain key, but NOT one of those keys with buttons on it. I wouldn't take a wallet if it's bulky, just your money for the payment if you can do that. good luck!

  8. Hello,

    I'm just wondering if we need to bring the packet that was originally submitted by the USC fiancee for the 129 F petition with USCIS to our interview in Montreal?

    As I've repeatedly read on this site that the USCIS part of this process is over, so we really shouldn't have to bring all that paperwork with us (things like the Biometrics docs)

    My fiancee brought everything to me when she visited me last month, and I kind of got it all mixed up!

    So if someone can please clarify what specifically should I bring to the interview from the original I 129 related documents, I would really appreciate it!

    Here is the categories in my accordian folder, two copies of everything except the packet 3 submission and the petition full set. I know it's more than I'll need but rather be safe than sorry. Originals of your birth certificate, police clearance, etc., plus a copy.

    APPOINTMENT LETTER... contains appt. pckt 4 letter, confirmation of appointment printed out from the website, and my DS160 confirmation. 1. PASSPORT 2. BIRTH CERTIFICATE (IN SAME POCKET) 1. MARRIAGE CERT. 2. DIVORCE CERTIFICATE POLICE CLEARANCE 134 and supporting documents MEDICAL RESULTS in sealed envelope, plus chest xray 2 PHOTO'S (PASSPORT PHOTOS) DS 230 PARTS 1 AND 2, 2 COPIES PETITION, FULL SET him - 1. BIRTH CERT. 2. PASSPORT 156 k AND LETTER OF INTENT him - DIVORCE/MARRIAGE CERT'S EVERYTHING ABOVE IS AT LEAST ONE EXTRA COPY. Then in my auxilliary accordian folder: MORE COPIES OF DS 160 CONFIRMATION ME- BANK /INVESTMENT STATEMENTS


    hope this helps!

  9. Greetings, I am getting so nervous as i get ready to make a final check of my forms. We leave for Montreal on Monday, interview Wednesday in the afternoon. Can some people ASSURE me that we do not need our 864? We have two copies of the I-134, numrous financial documents attached, and my fiance is attending with me. Please tell me I can make him stop filling out the 864 form today and he will be so happy.:bonk: Thank you all...

  10. I understand that this question on I 134 probably don't apply to K1s (this is more for student visas and others) where a school sets a specific amount needed to be shown. But I'm not sure if we should leave it blank, or mark N/A to this. I found under examples on this site, that you can just answer this question by saying "N/A" and then explain below something along the lines : "K-1 visa process for permanent residence (Sponsor will provide all expenses as necessary when he arrives. We will reside at sponsor's residence at the address mentioned above until we get married soon after his arrival and will continue to live there after we get married. It is my intention to support the needs of the household and both our financial needs until my future husband receives his EAD and starts working"

    This is what my fiance is suggesting we should type under the explanation section.

    Has anyone done something like this, if so have you checked INTEND and then the explanation or have most of you just put N/A for this question along with some sort of explanation?

    I'd really appreciate your help.


    Ashley :help:

    My interview is Nov. 2nd. I was going to do what you were saying too but everyone says to do the n/a K1 Visa thing as per the example. I've talked to at least two people who had their interview and did it that way. However, I already checked the "intend" box and now the "X" will not come out of the box, because of the PDF file or something. So I am going to leave the "Intend" box checked but put the next line as per the example. My U.S. fiance is coming with me so I don't think it will be a problem?? I don't want to type the whole page again as there are lots of numbers on it!

  11. We are fast approaching our 5 month mark and we're gathering the things for our next level into USCIS hell. :innocent:

    My husband, the awesome record keeper he is ::sarcasm:: lost his immunization records from childhood years ago. I saw this coming and I did research. We found out Manitoba Health purges records after 30 years, and his childhood Doctor retired eons ago.

    So dragged him to a clinic over the summer to get titer tests, boosters and start his HEP B series. My question is this; Will the records from the clinic showing he has immunity to all the various diseases, and the boosters to go along with them, proof enough for vaccination? Or is there an 'official vaccination record' he has to have? (In Tenn. you have to have a record from this state or which ever state you were immunized in on an official vaccination record card.)

    Another question is about the medical exam. My husband has a rather large scar going from hip to hip and another from belly button to groin for a surgery he had on his kidneys as a kid. As I mentioned before his Doctor isn't any help. He was cured of the problem after the surgery, and hasn't had any issues or follow ups about it since he was 10 years old. Huge scars are rather obvious something major happened. Is this something we have to show records for? Or will an oral explanation from him be good enough?

    I hesitate to answer because I don't know if things are the same all over.. but I am going through the montreal consulate. I went to Dr. Seiden's in Toronto for my medical. On their website was a chart showing all the required shots to immigrate... all dependant on the person's age and so on. That chart can just be brought to the doctor of your choice. I went to my doctor and got a fresh "adacel" vaccination with is for typhoid, diptheria, and tetanus. I got a titres test for measles, mumps rubella and varicella (chicken pox) and then because it was fall I got a flu shot. I did not need a hep b; it's not required in my age category. Check with the clinic well you will be going for your medical and they must have similar guidelines. If you haven't had any shots in ten years, you're due anyway, so don't worry about past records.

    Hope this helps...

  12. 1. There is another copy of this sheet inside the sealed brown envelope, which is the original. As such, you do not need to bring the extra sheet that they gave you, which is actually a copy and yours to keep.

    2. I *think* so- I haven't done AOS yet but I''m pretty sure it's what you need. I'm gonna check that msyelf soon, actually...

    3. They didn't ask for my x-ray results sheet at the interview. I assume that inside the sealed brown envelope they indicate somewhere that you don't have tuberculosis (which is the purpose of the x-ray). I've heard some VJers keep the xray results sheet and attach a copy of it to their AOS package as well, just for good measure.

    Thanks so much for the response, you are a great help.:thumbs:

  13. Hello Recent Montreal Interviews: And Congratulations to you all! When I received my sealed envelope from Dr. Seiden's in Toronto, there were two loose papers attached: One showing the results of the chest xray and one that I guess is the "3025", although there is no place on that page that says DS 3025. However it is called the VACCINATION DOCUMENTATION MEDICAL WORKSHEET TWO.

    1. At the Interview, will they want this Vaccination sheet? Will they take an original and a copy? Can I make a copy and keep the original for my AOS filing?

    2. Is this indeed the page I will need for the 485?

    3. Same questions for the xray results sheet?

    Thank you :blush:

  14. You do not need the entire filled out form, just the confirmation page with the barcode and your picture on it. You'll need the same page for your interview eventually as well as they will ask you to biometrically sign it at the interview :)

    So when you bring the confirmation page to the interview, do you bring just the one printed from the computer, with no picture attached, or do you copy the one you sent with packet three with the picture attached? I guess I will bring two of each but wondered.

  15. I should have clarified my post a bit more since the OP is new. What I meant is when a K1 arrives in the USA on their visa, that is AFTER they've gone through the whole process and had their interview, they can't cross the US border to visit Canada (or any other country for that matter) until they apply for advance parole (which you usually do in conjunction with the green card and work permit applications, which costs $1,000.) DURING the application process, however, it does not matter if you are a K1 or a CR1, you can still cross the border (as long as you can convince the border patrol officer you're not going to circumvent the visa process and start living in the USA illegally.)

    However, unlike a fiance visa, upon the receipt of a CR1 visa the spouse may travel freely without having to apply for anything, and in addition to their visa they will also receive a green card. A K1 receives their visa first which just allows them to enter the USA, and then the K1 applies for the green card, work permit, and permission to travel outside the country.

    So this distinction only matters if you're concerned about travel AFTER the Canadian fiance/spouse arrives in the USA on their visa, where they will settle down and reside there as a permanent resident. During the process, both K1s and CR1s can cross the border.

    Sorry if my initial post was confusing! Sometimes I forget that people can't read my mind :lol:

    Pocheros... I sure wish I would have talked to you before I ever started this process... I would have got married first instead of doing the K1..... even psychologically... you're married, it's done... that stress is over!!! but that's just an aside... it would have been so much easier and I live in Windsor and it would have been great to be able to come back here right away, I have an elderly mother. If anyone asked my opinion, I would say get married first if that works for you. Our lawyer advised us not to because he said the government doesn't like to see "square pegs in a round hole" ... but I think with my elderly mother and our close proximity (we live 50 miles apart) we had every reason to get married before starting the process.

    Just my input on this process.. so much is learned during the journey that you wish you knew at the beginning. Thanks for everyone's help based on experience.



  17. My interview is November 2nd in Montreal for a K1visa. My Police Clearance was done in March when we filed the petition. Does anyone think that I really out to get a more recent one for the interview? I should have thought of it sooner, but I'm wondering if a more recent police clearance might help speed up the visa. As I understand it the clearance is actually for for one year, and would like to know for sure that they mean one year til the INTERVIEW, not some previous deadline.

    Thank you!

  18. Hi Frostiana,

    Hoping that you can help me out with a couple of questions...new to this and sent my K-1 packet on Monday. Just received confirmation today that they are sending to Vermont and should be receiving the Form I-797 within 10 days.

    How long is the medical valid for? How long did you have to wait between the times that you booked and when the actual appointment occured? Should I wait until I receive more info or just book? I live in Toronto.

    What was the total cost? What vaccinations did you have to get?

    On another note, have you gotten your criminal records check done? I called the RCMP today and they said it could take 2 weeks to 4 months.

    If you can clarify, I would greatly appreciate this.

    I had no problem getting an appointment at Dr. Seiden's. I called and left a message and they called me back later the same day. the week before my appointment I even rescheduled it by moving it up two days and they again called me back and were able to move the appointment up. Booking with them months ahead is not necessary and you should wait until you have your packet 4 before worrying about that.

    For shots I got a vaccination (adacel) which included a tetnus, I got a blood test for titres immunity for mumps measles rubella varicella, and I got a flu shot which you only have to get if it's the season for the flu shot. This can all be done a month or two before your appointment date. The chart on the Dr. Seiden's website tells the shot requirements clearly and you can just bring that to your doctor.

    Good luck and keep asking questions.. this site is a great help.

  19. You should check out some of the guides around here. You're waiting for your NOA1, right? (Same thing as I-797) Trust me you have quite awhile before you need to do your medical exam or police check! Generally it takes about 4-6 months until you receive your NOA2 and you don't want to get your medical or police check done until before then because it'll be another 4-6 months until the whole process is over and you want to keep everything recent.

    The medical exam is valid for one year. However, you will be using the same medical exam when you enter the USA after receiving your visa to get your green card, so you don't want to do your medical too soon. You generally schedule your medical after you schedule your interview date because it is difficult to predict when your interview will actually be and you want to keep things recent. Generally you do not have to wait too long for your medical exam, they book them within a decent amount of time (within a few weeks). Well, I only have experience with Dr. Seiden's (located in Toronto, there's also doctors in Montreal and Vancouver) but it's not something you have to book months in advance. Sometimes people have trouble contacting Dr. Seiden's, though.

    The cost of the exam varies depending on who does it. Dr. Seiden's charges $275 for adults who aren't pregnant. I think Medisy's in Montreal is slightly cheaper but it's expensive no matter where you go. Since you live in Toronto you will probably get your medical exam done there, and this website tells you what vaccinations you need. http://www.panelphys...munizations.htm There's more information about the medical on that same website as well.

    Also, since you live in Ontario, you do not have to get your police check done by the RCMP- you get it done by the OPP. You do not get fingerprints or anything, what you get is a certificate of no conviction. They just do a name check basically. I went to my local police station and they redirected me to the 22 division in Mississauga. You fill out a form with your name and addresses and then they just run it through a computer and stamp it. It took me 10 minutes to get mine and it cost $50. You can read more about it here. http://www.visajourn...a#Inside_Canada You only have to get a police check done by the RCMP if you've been convicted of a crime.

    You should check out this guide: http://www.visajourn...igration-guide/

    And this guide: http://www.visajourn...guide-montreal/

    And this flowchart: http://www.visajourn.../content/k1flow

    And don't be shy to start your own thread if you have more questions. But do check out the guides here on VJ, there is a lot of useful stuff already written and posted here :)

    Thank you Poncheros, you said all that way better than I could have!

    Speaking of the Police check.. I had mine done in March and now my interview is coming up on November 2nd. It only just occurred to me that I probably would have been better off to get a more recent one. Any opinion on if I should try to get a rush on it ? I my little town it took two weeks to get but I think I could ask for a rush. My understanding is that it's good for a year, but I still think it might make the visa come faster if it was right up to date. What do you think?

  20. Our K1 was approved!!! Make sure you go early. We got there around 8:15am and had to wait on and off unlike 2:45pm.

    We had registered for DHL when we sent out packet 4, do we need to do anything additional to register to receive the passport?

    Right now when logging into the csc visa site it just says:

    Appointment Information

    You currently have no appointment scheduled.

    DHL Information [Edit]

    DHL Branch: Dorval

    DHL Branch Address: ...

    Then has four links to:

    Schedule Appointment

    Submit Documents to Consular Section

    Register for Courier Service

    Add Family Members

    Doesn't it show your DHL location on your account information? IF it does...then you are good to go!! You gave a phone number when you entered that information and they will call you when it arrives there, or you chose to have them deliver it to your place for some extra money. Call them if you are unsure.


  21. My fiance is Canadian and lives in Windsor. I live in Michigan and he comes over every weekend to see me. We are going to get married in Ohio soon, and can do it spur the moment so he doesn't have to lie at the border as to why he's coming over. We wont be able to apply for cr1 until after the first of the year, due to finances. We are just trying to decide when to tie the knot. We could do it next week since I will be there on business. We are worried that when he crosses after that and before we apply for cr1 that when he says he's coming to see his wife, they won't let him cross. He will be able to have his rental agreement and a letter from work, but we both know it would be better if he had something showing he had already applied for his visa. If he continues to tell them he's crossing to see his girlfriend, and they find out later that we had been married for a few months, that won't be good. Should we wait to get married until just before we apply for the visa? That way he can have something in hand showing he has applied? Jeez this is hard. Thanks in advance for your help.

    Doesn't your husband want to move over there eventually to live with you? If he does than after you get married you should apply for the CR1. It takes a long time. If you don't apply for the K3 visa it is less expensive and he waits out the greencard on the Canadian side. That will buy you some time, it would be less expensive and you would have papers in hand to show you've started the immigration process.

    It is less expensive to do it that way and you can be married in the meantime! :)

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