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Status Updates posted by southcalhog

  1. thnxs for adding me maribob, yes U need to sign up for case updates on USCIS site.email txts and /or Email also, U can have both...I do.

  2. hello Mariabob thnxs for adding me.Yes I miss my Fiancee also! Keep in touch! wht is ur Timeline or whn u sent K-1?

  3. Oh Wow!!! Thnxs Tina! I will tell my Fiance. cause I always hear people say thy ask for Appt letter.Im asking where do u get tht? he he! Thnxs Again and Good Luck june 16th!!!!

  4. Hi Grace,did U have a current copy of NSO Birth Certificate? did they ask for municipal Birth Cert? I saw ur post on embassy review.so those were the documents they asked for? Thnx U!

  5. Hi HAPPY I got mine last night also! I got notice by Email at 1153PM.I didnt get it till this morning.We will be the same...May Filers.Keep in touch bro!Yahoo its on its way to Cali!

  6. Ok thnxs we will kepp in touch.I mailed mine like I said Last Saturday here, April 30th.we the same time about!!

  7. Hey Happy, what day U Mail your I-129F Package off? I Mailed mine April 30th, last Sat, No Txt or Email yet? U either?

  8. hey Nphar my fiance is going through K-1 now.what did the Consualr ask her for at the Interview in Manila? THNXS!

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