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Status Updates posted by Pamela&Terry

  1. LONG DAY!!! And sick !! I got home really late and done some stuff Im exhausted tomorrow I will post a full review about the interview I will text you anyway. Thanks for everything!!! Love you

  2. VISA APPROVED!!! / VISA APROBADA. Thank you VS friends Could not have done this without you!! Special thanks to GABYFER for your guide !! and to STACEY for being a great gf and support!! Stay strong and keep dreaming, cause it's possible!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jenn n Victor

      Jenn n Victor

      Congratulations!!! Extremely happy for you both!!!

    3. Pamela&Terry


      thank you guys!! Gracias a todos estoy feliz SUERTE para todos!!

    4. Pamela&Terry


      thank you guys!! Gracias a todos estoy feliz SUERTE para todos!!

  3. Hey guys anyone from Ecuador Scheduling interviews? One friend called they said 2 MONTHS!! HELP / alguien de ecuador haciendo citas? una amiga llamo y le dijeron que espere DOS MESES!!

    1. franmagall


      Como asi q dos meses quien te comento eso Pamela ??

  4. Did you have a date already?? let me knoooooooooooow!! hugs and kisses

  5. I had to change my interview to the 22 of September :( I - I39 Did not get here on time!! SO SAD!!!

  6. I had to change my interview to the 22 of September :( I - I39 Did not get here on time!! SO SAD!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mar&Pab


      Suerte hoy , todo saldra bien ya veras !!

    3. Pamela&Terry


      Mil gracias a todos por sus bendiciones!!! Sin su buena energia y apoyo esto hubiese sido imposible, Es una emocion especial!! todavia no reacciono!! / Im so happy its very special, I will be praying for all of you!!

    4. Pamela&Terry


      Mil gracias a todos por sus bendiciones!!! Sin su buena energia y apoyo esto hubiese sido imposible, Es una emocion especial!! todavia no reacciono!! / Im so happy its very special, I will be praying for all of you!!

  7. Well!! almost there 3 days :) Congratulations im sure everything will be fine!!! Let me know how the interview goes, cant believe we are almost done :) Long journey !!!

  8. Well!! almost there 3 days :) Congratulations im sure everything will be fine!!! Let me know how the interview goes, cant believe we are almost done :) Long journey !!!

  9. Interview is the 15 of September!! 10 days VS friends 10 DAYS!!! Im praying for all your NOA2!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mar&Pab


      Felicidades , yo tengo mi cita el 20 de septiembre ayy estoy que no puedo creerlo :)

    3. Pamela&Terry


      gracias:) estoy feliz faltan pocos días!!! Suerte el 20 :) voy a poner un review ahi cuento como me fue!

    4. Pamela&Terry


      gracias:) estoy feliz faltan pocos días!!! Suerte el 20 :) voy a poner un review ahi cuento como me fue!

  10. Interview is the 15 of September!! 10 days VS friends 10 DAYS!!! Im praying for all your NOA2!

  11. Hey!! how are you havent hear from you in a long time!! ?

  12. Hey!! how are you havent hear from you in a long time!! ?

  13. So now I have almost everything but I need a police record from Argentina not sure if I should take the chance without it!!

  14. gaby!! 10 de septiembre!! WOW sube fotos para verlas, no se si se pueda aqui!! QUE EMOCIOOOOON! como estas? ya te acostumbraste o extrañas mucho?? todavia no saco la cita me falta el record policial de Argentina se demora mucho no se que hacer

  15. gaby!! 10 de septiembre!! WOW sube fotos para verlas, no se si se pueda aqui!! QUE EMOCIOOOOON! como estas? ya te acostumbraste o extrañas mucho?? todavia no saco la cita me falta el record policial de Argentina se demora mucho no se que hacer

  16. Gaby!! ya estas en USA???cuentame como va todo!! quiero fotos de la boda cuando es? besos

  17. Gaby!! ya estas en USA???cuentame como va todo!! quiero fotos de la boda cuando es? besos

  18. Ecuador Receive the case number!!! SO CLOSE TO THE end!!! of K1

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jenn n Victor

      Jenn n Victor

      Congratulations I'm so happy for you!!! Your petition got approved fairly quickly wow 70 days nice!!!

    3. Pamela&Terry


      Thank you all!! We are working on PKT4 now. Im glad I gave hope , giving back what some VJ gave to me in the past :) blessings and good luck for you all

    4. Pamela&Terry


      Thank you all!! We are working on PKT4 now. Im glad I gave hope , giving back what some VJ gave to me in the past :) blessings and good luck for you all

  19. Ecuador Receive the case number!!! SO CLOSE TO THE end!!! of K1

  20. NVC send our case to Ecuador on Wed hopefully hearing from the US consulate soon!

  21. Hey Girl!! I have being away busy travelling around with my love!!! I will write you right now. Any news on your case?

  22. Hey Girl!! I have being away busy travelling around with my love!!! I will write you right now. Any news on your case?

  23. WUJUUUUUUUUUU NVC New Case Number !! Finally It starts with GYQ

    1. SH&E


      congrats girl it´s getting closer :)

    2. gabyfer


      Pame estas super cerquita que te vaya super bien :)

  24. WUJUUUUUUUUUU NVC New Case Number !! Finally It starts with GYQ

  25. que pena que no nos conocimos esa vez que viniste a gye!:( la verdad tenia muchas ganas de conocerte en persona!! my VS friend

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