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Status Replies posted by BocaChicaBabe

  1. Monday we applied at the social security office and the card came in the mail today. Now we can work on getting a license and a job.

  2. Day 2 of Harrassing the Santo Domingo Embassy. It appears the supervisor for the unit I'm calling has quite a bit of vacation and free time. She is never in the office. Well, time to turn the B!tch level up to high ;)

  3. Day 2 of Harrassing the Santo Domingo Embassy. It appears the supervisor for the unit I'm calling has quite a bit of vacation and free time. She is never in the office. Well, time to turn the B!tch level up to high ;)

  4. Day 2 of Harrassing the Santo Domingo Embassy. It appears the supervisor for the unit I'm calling has quite a bit of vacation and free time. She is never in the office. Well, time to turn the B!tch level up to high ;)

  5. Day 2 of Harrassing the Santo Domingo Embassy. It appears the supervisor for the unit I'm calling has quite a bit of vacation and free time. She is never in the office. Well, time to turn the B!tch level up to high ;)

  6. USCIS Appointment Yahhhhh

  7. USCIS Appointment Yahhhhh

  8. Tomorrow is the big day!!! Everything is going to be great !! Staying positive.

  9. Tomorrow is the big day!!! Everything is going to be great !! Staying positive.

  10. Ok, so update on my visa situation: They have decided to change it to a CR1. MY husband needs to re-do his fingerprints and I need to provide an Affidavit of Support. Not a problem, may add on a few more weeks but that's nothing. The big problem is, the Embassy in Santo Domingo does not have this info yet, only the Visa Specialists....so now it's a waiting game to see when they input the info. I've already faxed and emailed the 2 Mass. Senators, faxed a letter the the Embassy a...

  11. Ok, so update on my visa situation: They have decided to change it to a CR1. MY husband needs to re-do his fingerprints and I need to provide an Affidavit of Support. Not a problem, may add on a few more weeks but that's nothing. The big problem is, the Embassy in Santo Domingo does not have this info yet, only the Visa Specialists....so now it's a waiting game to see when they input the info. I've already faxed and emailed the 2 Mass. Senators, faxed a letter the the Embassy a...

  12. couldn't be any happier, I have my 3 loves with me MOM, ABUELA, and HUSBAND!

  13. Ok, so update on my visa situation: They have decided to change it to a CR1. MY husband needs to re-do his fingerprints and I need to provide an Affidavit of Support. Not a problem, may add on a few more weeks but that's nothing. The big problem is, the Embassy in Santo Domingo does not have this info yet, only the Visa Specialists....so now it's a waiting game to see when they input the info. I've already faxed and emailed the 2 Mass. Senators, faxed a letter the the Embassy a...

  14. Another weekend alone. Guess I should appreciate all this xtra space on the bed now, before he comes and steals half of it away. Lol !!

  15. Mrs. Martinez :-)

  16. Mrs. Martinez :-)

  17. Visa Approved!!!!!!!!!!!! I will post review later! Hoy se Bebeeeeeee!!!!

  18. Visa Approved!!!!!!!!!!!! I will post review later! Hoy se Bebeeeeeee!!!!

  19. Ok guys tomorrow is the big day, I will let you know as soon as I have internet access!! Wish me luck!! And thanks for all your support!!!

  20. Ok guys tomorrow is the big day, I will let you know as soon as I have internet access!! Wish me luck!! And thanks for all your support!!!

  21. I must admit I am a nervous wreck. I have a constant headache.

  22. Got the medical exam envelope, checked in to a hotel, resting a little since I've only slept for 3 hours out of 36....and prepping for tmrw ;)

  23. Got the medical exam envelope, checked in to a hotel, resting a little since I've only slept for 3 hours out of 36....and prepping for tmrw ;)

  24. Last night was our first night together in our home. Waking up to my husband in OUR bed in OUR home was kind of strange, but VERY nice! We're going to make breakfast and then relax the rest of the day. We have an early morning flight tomorrow for our honeymoon...almost a year after our wedding. We're so excited!

  25. Last night was our first night together in our home. Waking up to my husband in OUR bed in OUR home was kind of strange, but VERY nice! We're going to make breakfast and then relax the rest of the day. We have an early morning flight tomorrow for our honeymoon...almost a year after our wedding. We're so excited!

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