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ana y ray

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Status Updates posted by ana y ray

  1. todo bien. gracias a Dios. el vino el 16 de octubre

  2. como va todo. recibio el pasaporte?

  3. mi morcito has been sick. I hate leaving him every night. I need to get marry soon to add him on my insurance. I hurt when he hurts. :-(

    1. Fernandez19


      aw!! it's probably this weather change, it has been really cold in the past two days!! I pray he feels better :)

    2. ana y ray

      ana y ray

      thanks, he is feeling much better. prayer, kisses and hugs did him good.

  4. Had a surprise bridal shower. When I mean surprise, it was a SURPRISE. Thank God that I live close that I went home and change. Wowwww am getting marry.

    1. A&M RD

      A&M RD

      Felicidades!!! que chulo :)

    2. Fernandez19


      congrats!!!! yes you are getting married sooon! TIme will fly by and it will be the day before you know it!

    3. ana y ray

      ana y ray

      @A&M RD thanks @ ricardofb03 yes time is flying by soon. WEPA!!!

  5. Looking for apartments UGH!!!! and preparing a wedding. Am crazy I know lol

  6. thats great. You still have a week so it should be fine. YESSSSS I AM!!!! thanks lol

  7. Le llego el papel con la cita? I hope so that is one less thing to worry about.

  8. Mi mor is liking this little cold air. I told him that he wont like it in a few weeks and months. I cant wait to be Mrs. Martinez on December 3. and then I wont have to say good night and leave .

    1. Aztec&Taino


      I am glad he is liking it. My man does not like the cold. He liked it when it was hot in the Summer. He is already layering and freezing. Pobrecito...

    2. ana y ray

      ana y ray

      lol. He is liking bc i not that cold. I tell him wait until is freezing out there. Not even , when it drops to 40 he wont like it.

    3. Lari & Jhona

      Lari & Jhona

      lol tru that mujer...very happy for u

  9. Yes Angela today was the day. Ya were are in one continent. In en Diciembre si Dios permite me caso!!!

  10. Llego mi mor!!! Today I was the one that was worrying waiting for him in the airport. Only thing is that tomorrow I work :-( my morcito will be staying at his sister house. Six more weeks and we are marry. December 3 Wepa!!. Thanks Everyone

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ana y ray

      ana y ray

      Thanks everyone @ jennyrod28, hay si que riiicoooo lol. your turn is coming.

    3. A&M RD

      A&M RD

      Felicidades mujer. I am so happy for you y ya era hora :) q Dios los siga bendiciendo y casi, casi nos toca a mi y a mi bebo con Dios delante :)

    4. OneLove <3
  11. Hello, although is easier said than done. Relax during your interview. Double and triple check all your documents prior to the interview. Again relax you will be find. Just remain calm. God be with you

  12. Visa In Hands Mi mor is coming on Sunday, God willing.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. A&M RD

      A&M RD

      Congratulations!!! Bendito sea Dios :) muchas felicidades!

    3. Carol & Lenin
    4. Samantha78


      YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you are absolutely happy!!!

  13. This morning send a text to my fiance telling him that today is a day of victory and that God would work in everything.Check domex this morning and is says "en proceso". my fiance will be calling to see if he can pick it up. I guess it as really printed on 10/12, but why when i call on 10/13 they kept saying, no, yes, no and then yes, yes. will post when visa in hand.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cheerstoamerica


      The Lord said "Be still and know that I am God." He is in control and he will grant our visas very soon!

    3. ana y ray

      ana y ray

      @cheerstoamerica. yes he is in control and when I stay still, he worked. @angela it was printed mujer. is on its way to Nagua.

    4. Samantha78


      That's great news!!

  14. thanks. lol I hope he receives the letter

  15. yes. Keep calling them that your appointment is in two weeks and you have not receive the packet. Tell them that embassy does not have your date. I call three times a day. lol

  16. no, girl we had to drop it off at a specific window and we had to be in line before 8:00AM. We also had to have a green paper they had given us before. Did you receive anything from NVC?

  17. Visa Specialist: ROLLER COSTER TODAY, NO, YES, NO, YES AND YES (Same woman that said yes second time). DR Embassy useless. But At least they were consistent in that no documents is missing.

    1. ana y ray

      ana y ray

      Visa Specialist were consistent, DR embassy only has the date we interview. lol

    2. Alex&Joan


      Oh boy..I know exactly what u mean w the roller coaster of answers!

    3. ana y ray

      ana y ray

      @alex&joan yes, you go crazy with them

  18. Reading Mrs. Amancio, Terca, Lari and Geanette profile of when they got their visa actually made me relax knowing that others went through this.

    1. ana y ray

      ana y ray

      Thanks girls. Today makes (counting the 28 when i return with the bc) two weeks since interview. Missing him like crazy and needing him here for support due to me going through something, but knowing that God has everything under control.

    2. MrsAmancio


      yes!! it was nervewracking to say the least!! congrats though because the end is near lol

    3. ana y ray

      ana y ray

      thanks Mrs. Amancio. yes the end is near lol.

  19. wow, why didnt they tell you this sooner. We did it the same day and brought it in the next day. We had a buscon do this. lol. I will ask my fiance and tell you later.

  20. Visa Specialist can make someone go crazy. You can call three times a day and they will tell you three different things. Ugh.

    1. ineedhelp


      yup... thatz life...of a stupid visa specialist...

    2. Samantha78


      hahaha...oh yea...thats why i stopped calling.

  21. I arrive,but alone :-( missing him like crazy.

  22. mujer ya casi!!! starting getting your paperwork ready. Letter from job and stuff. Funny thing is that they might not ask you for any of it, but is better to be prepare. Triple check your documents. Good luck

  23. am leaving alone tomorrow, but happy that this time i know that he will follow me. i will be the one waiting for him at the airport this time.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. stronger


      I'm doing the same. He's staying here. But I'll be waiting for him on the other side :)

    3. Carol & Lenin
    4. ana y ray

      ana y ray

      @ carol am leaving alone because we are in AP,but am happy that at least i know that he will be coming soon

  24. Does it really take 3 to 4 weeks for you to check that a birth certificate is correct. ugh. The DR consulate sucks regarding giving info. they dont have any information. I dont know why i bother calling them. (I did call visa specialist). Bueno now it will be me waiting on the other side for him.

    1. Samantha78


      Im going through something similar with them. They have no info but the Visa specialist did...

  25. Ok I know that I have to have patience, but is hard when you want to be there for your fiance at the PO. Is been five days since wenesdays, without county saturday and sunday and that Domex Page does not change. I am afraid of calling Visa Specialist. Ugh. This is harder because i know he is approve so what is the hold up. Ok that was me just venting. lol am ok now. NOT!!!

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