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Status Updates posted by Sannybel

  1. August 2 @ 6:15am.. Yayy Gracias a Dios!!

  2. Well today if the 15th I am expectign good news but am prepared for no news.. Please let us know if you get any news!!XOXOXO

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sannybel


      well I am goign to try later. I will let you know if I have any luck but I think I should probably wait until Friday too. Geannette where r u in RD?

    3. jaz00mine


      Honestly I don't believe the whole 15 to 20 business

    4. Sannybel


      Who knows with these people.

  3. So down today.. I hope that after tomorrow these people can give me some good news..

    1. SuPrincessa


      I know what u mean.. I feel so down today.. .to tell u the truth im having negative thoughts bout this.. and bout tomorrow :( ... but I dont wanna discourage you.. Hope it goes great for you tomorrow.. God bless

    2. Sannybel


      I think we all feel the same.. Pero i am feeling the same.. I dont even want to call tomorrow cause I dont want to be disapointed.....

  4. Ayyyyyy y cuando sera.... I am so ready for this to be over.. Especially casue I get to go see my baby...

  5. I feel like Marc Anthony and Jlo.. Why is everyone so interested in my relationship.. I just wish this process would end soon so we can actually start our life..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OneLove <3

      OneLove <3

      always that wont change lol

    3. jaz00mine


      What, we can drink to that

    4. Sannybel


      I thought I was the only one..

  6. Hope everyone is doing well.. I dislike this waiting game pero que puedo hacer?

  7. Good Morning everyone! I decided I am goign to look at the glass half full instead of half empty.. What's a week more to wait when we have been waiting for so much longer.. Ladies let's choose not to worry and be happy that we are almost there!!XOXOXO

    1. SuPrincessa


      Yes!! thatz right ... we are getting so so close... I hope they really do have our interviews on the 15th!!!

    2. jaz00mine


      So true!!!!!!!

  8. So I had to call the other number to see if they had more information and pay my 7 dollars.. La muchache me dijo que llamara para atras despues del 15 de este mes que todos los 15 es cuando empiesan a asignar las citas de nuevo. I think this lady was the most helpful of all... I will not call back until next wednesday...i guess...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SuPrincessa


      Yeh!!!! Im getting excited.. thatz not to far off... We're almost there :) :)

    3. Sannybel


      @ Jaz, they said they would release the dates. So we could start getting out assigned dates from the 15th onwards.. According o the girl at the consulate..@ SuPrincessa.. We are...yayyy

    4. geannette john

      geannette john

      if its releasing the dates then that means good news.

  9. Well I lied.. I called.. No date but they did tell me that they had updated the address 9on the case on Friday..Maybe this is a good thing...

    1. geannette john

      geannette john

      they who? the consulado? or DOS updated?

    2. Sannybel


      The consulado updated soem address information on June 6th..Considering I change his mailing address on the 24th.. I would say they are super late

  10. I think I am not calling these people until Friday.. Que decepcion cada vez k me dicen lo mismo...

    1. geannette john

      geannette john

      i feel the same, unless i see good news by any of u, i dont see myself caling for now. its starting t get very depressing

    2. jaz00mine


      Me to......thats why i just dont call

    3. Sannybel


      i should follow you lead Jaz...

  11. I am not sure why i thought it was a good idea to call at 830am like they would have an update already... i uess i will have to try again in the afternoon...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. geannette john

      geannette john

      i wouldnt suggest calling at 4:30, trust me, they start getting ready to leave and they dont takle ur call, and if they do they hang up on u. i did that days ago and called 3 times in a row cause every time i called the same lady kept hanging up on me. got me tight

    3. Sannybel


      Ya esta vaina me tiene aburrida!!!

    4. geannette john

      geannette john

      yo ya toy curaa its crazy how these people work, no wonder others decide to do ###### illegal

  12. I am ready.. Somethings gotta give this week..lolz

  13. These are the most difficult moments...... when I am alone wishing my baby was here.. Let's hope there some good news tomorrow!!!!

    1. geannette john

      geannette john

      may god hear us :) hope we have good news this week (hopefully today lol)

    2. Sannybel



  14. Hi!! Hope you enjoyed your weekend....

  15. Have a great weekend!

  16. So this might seem like a dumb question but how do I upload a pic here.. It keeps telling me my files are too bit adn I dont know how to make them smaller..

    1. geannette john

      geannette john

      open the pic with paint, Image, stretch/skew .. make it smaller and then upload :)

  17. No date.. But I am going to enjoy my weekend and go out this weekend...

  18. I would be happy if at least some of the other ladies would get their interview dates.. I know some of them have been waiting more than I.. I am so discouraged today I even fought with Carlos....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sannybel


      Gracias...I hope it's soon...We are all ready to now start worrying about the "cita"...

    3. Carol & Lenin

      Carol & Lenin

      it should be soon.dont let it cause problems for you and ur man, cause its out of everyones control. :-)

    4. Sannybel


      Thanks Carol... I was annoyed by the process and he just talk to me at the wrong moment.I admire you guys for your patience.. I definitely do not posses a lot of that...

  19. Called this AM and no date but Packet 3 was sent out.. so I reminded the specialist DR doesn't send that out and thanked her for her help! Hope others have better luck!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. geannette john

      geannette john

      packet three doesnt exist, now when pack 4 is sent out, that means you have you interview date.

    3. Sannybel


      That's what I told the lady...I will just have to try tomorrow..

    4. therese828


      haha guys..just have patience on waiting time.its a long agony hehehe.my fiancee have been there..done that..best we could advice is...just wait..pray and as much as possible..keep yourself busy so that you wont go gaga impatiently waiting as days gone by..my daughter and i visa got approved and hummm i go paranoid on the ds thing before lolol..but all those are very well paid off and we are now waitinf for our visa to be delivered

  20. Hey did you get through to the visa specialist? I havent been able to even get on hold...

  21. So I call again today..and all I get is.... "Due to the high call volume we can not answer your call at this time please hang up and try again.. Sorry for the inconvenience."..Really? I think they just want me to pay the 7 dollar adn call the 877 number...

    1. geannette john

      geannette john

      im abt to just call the 877 number to inquir abt my petition, i'm guessing that the least they can do is look in to the petition cause mines has been sitting there since may 4th

    2. Sannybel


      Yours has definitely been there more than mine..

    3. Carol & Lenin

      Carol & Lenin

      girl i ended up on hold 4 times today over 3 hrs total! I think im waiting til fri. to call again.

  22. Well if My calendar is correct today is June 1st.. Osea the 1st week of June... Ahorita llamo a ver.. If anyone of us gets a date soon then at least we know things are moving.. Let's keep our fingers crossed..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SuPrincessa


      I got through all they said is that my fiance is elgible for an interview but he has not been scheduled one yet :( ....

    3. SuPrincessa


      gotta try again tomorrow jaja itz an everyday thing right

    4. Sannybel


      Ya lo sabes... Tomorow is another day!!

  23. I need to stop being desesperada... Called and no date..But they person seemed to know something casue she asked me if we already received something from the consulate yet she tells me no date was assigned... #######?? I do not find them helpful :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sannybel


      @ Angela I will call back but another day.. @ Carol.. I agree they do give confusing answers but as you saif soon we will have our dates.. Can't wait!

    3. geannette john

      geannette john

      here on the same boat mama :/ hope that by the end of this week we get it

    4. Sannybel


      I hope so.. :)

  24. To call or not to call that is the question????

  25. I hope by the end of this week I receive some god news.. Ladies keep me updated.. on Facebook......http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000104920746

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