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    New York

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    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
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    Texas Service Center
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  1. Thank you - I think I'll mention it at the interview if it's still within the 5 year timeframe (which I highly doubt it will be considering the current backlog at my local Consulate!)
  2. I recently submitted my DS-260 and went over it with a fine-tooth comb about 20 times. Everything is correct, but today I remembered that we transited through a country on one of our flights to the US in 2017 (left the airport and stayed overnight at a hotel before getting back on the plane) and I completely forgot to add it to my countries visited in the last 5 years. Is this something worth unlocking the DS-260 for or should I just flag it at the interview? By the interview stage it will likely be outside the 5 year time frame anyway as the brief visit was in September 2017.
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