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Buenos Aires, Argentina
US Embassy / Consulate Info

Embassy Webpage :: Reviews & Ratings

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last updated on 2018-01-25 by Matiela

Phone Number: 54-11-5984-1910 (only for Non-Immigrant Visas).
E-Mail: BuenosAires-IV@state.gov
Address: US Embassy Buenos Aires
Consular Section (Inmigration)
Av. Colombia 4300
1425 Buenos Aires, Argentina
(To leave packet 3 personally: in a closed envelope addressed to Consular section at the Embassy entrance Ave. Cervi�o 4320, 1425 Buenos Aires)
Working Hours: The Embassy is open Monday through Friday, except on U.S. and Argentine holidays and administrative days (the interviews are only given on Monday and Thursday)
Best Contact Method: By e-mail: BuenosAires-IV@state.gov
Be sure to put your case number on the email subject.
USCs can visit the embassy with their US passports at window 15, US Citizen Services.
Approx Waiting Time for Interview After Consulate Recieves NVC Package: After they receive the package from NVC it takes around 10 days until they contact you with P3. When they receive back the papers from P3 it takes another 10 days to receive P4 with the appointment date that is usually schedulled 2 weeks later.
Issues Packet 3?
Packet 3 Contains: Packet 3 is sent by email and it contains the instructions with the papers you have to send to the embassy.

the latest one (from dec/2016) is here: https://ar.usembassy.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/26/K1-K3-Instructions-packet.pdf
to obtain it in case they updated it...
1. go here: https://ar.usembassy.gov/visas/immigrant-visas/fiancee/
2. click "Next - Am I Elegible? >"
3. click "Next - How to Apply >"
4. click "Required Documents"
5. there's the link, it says "K1/ K3 Instructions Package (PDF 730 KB)"
(link to old one from 2014 just in case: http://bit.ly/1pVXWJ1)

1. DS-160 Non Immigrant Visa Application (its online: https://ceac.state.gov/genniv):
4. PREVIOUS PASSPORTS (don't worry if you don't have them... just put in the item number 1 that you lost it and everything is gonna be allright).
5. BIRTH ENTRY issued by the Civil Registry for each visa applicant.
6. MARRIAGE ENTRY issued by the Civil Registry.
7. DEATH CERTIFICATE OF SPOUSE issued by the Civil Registry.
15. FEE (U$S 265 for each applicant to pay at the moment of the interview. The payment is in Pesos Argentinos at the official exchange rate)
16. TRANSLATIONS of All documents that are not in English or Spanish.
17. LEGALIZATIONS of all documents issue by any province or Gran Buenos Aires (so the only documents that don't need a legalization are the once issued in Capital Federal).
18. DHL online Registration.

(Updated Dec 2017)

WARNING: P3 explicitly says to bring police records from other countries only if you lived there more than one year, BUT once I was in the embassy handing over my papers I was told that I might still be required to have that if the consul deemed it necessary (he didn't luckily). that gave me the scare of my life since this would have delayed everything about 2 months. so, heads up, try and get them even if it's cumbersome, it might just end up being the difference between traveling next week or way way later.
Issues Packet 4? Yes
Packet 4 Contents (if known): Packet 4 is also sent by email. It contains more instructions and the Visa Interview Appointment date and a list papers that could been missing from P3. (You can download it here: http://bit.ly/1o8cMET)

Forms to Consulate? All the forms requested in P3. Although you can take the medical and any other missing paper the day of the interview (in P4 they remind you the things you are missing).
Other Forms (if any)?
Direct Consular Filing Offered? No
If DCF Allowed: For all or only US citizen lawfully resident in country? Residents_Only
Can fiance(e)/spouse attend interview? Yes
Visa fee payment "same day" or "in advance"? Same_Day
Did embassy schedule interview or could you walk-in? Embassy Scheduled
Visa issued same day? No
If not what's the waiting period? betweek 5 and 10 days after the approval visa date.
Is the Medical exam same day as interview? Prior to Interview
Cost of Medical Exam? revisacion medica = $900 pesos
radiografia + analisis sangre = $330 pesos
analisis orina = $2600 pesos

mandatory vaccines (cost extra - asked for a 29yo male):
* triple bacteriana celular
* triple viral
* varicela
* antigripal

(Updated JUL 2017 - called Dra. Grillo for info)
List of doctors? Dr. Raul Kelly
Junin 1631, Piso 2 "C"
Buenos Aires

Dra. M. Laura Grillo
Sinclair 2924, Piso 1
Buenos Aires
lauracricket@yahoo.com (up to date? didn't reply to me - JUL 2017)

You can communicate with them via email or phone and ask all the questions you might have.

I had the first appointment with Doctor Kelly on tuesday in the afternoon where he performed the physical examination. It's very simple and quick, he asks common questions and if some vaccination is missing he will let you know. I had the x-ray and blood test on wednesday morning and the results were ready next monday. He told me everything was perfect and gave me the closed envelope.

How many Passport Photo's Required for the medical? 4
How many Passport Photo's Required at the interview? 2
Estimated waiting time at the consulate on the day of interview? Step 1: Window 1. You show them your appointment email and say your name and they give you the green folder and you go to step 2. Step 2: You wait in a short line to enter the embassy. It takes just a couple of minutes. Step 3: A guy saw me with my green folder and asked me if I was waiting for IV, I said yes and took me to Step 4. Step 4: They take your finger prints. It is fairly quick. Step 5: You go inside the main building. You wait to be called by name. A lady ask for the papers missing in P3. Then you wait again to pay. Then you wait again for the actual interview. The whole process might take from 1 to 2 hours. (this holds true JAN 2018)
Vaccination requirements? The vaccinations that may be required for an immigrant visa are:

You can email the doctors telling them your age to know exactly wich ones are required for you.
Cheap and good hotels near the Consulate? It is placed in a good area and there must be lots of options for hotels.
Additional Info? Everyone at the embassy was very nice and friendly. Even the communication by email was very kind and helpful.

another opinion (JAN 2018): they took forever to reply emails and when they did, did so ambiguously/unhelpfully. I guess your mileage may vary! they were kind and helpful once I was inside the building though.

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María Florencia Christopher & Maria
K1 Visa (2024-07-22)

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