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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
frd & mrk Detroit 2007-07-06 - High 2009-05-01
Chris47 Donna Mae & Chris Detroit 2007-07-06 - High 2008-04-23
Marcot1997 Daice & Brian JFK 2007-07-06 - High 2008-06-19
ATC Ai-Lien & Michael Los Angeles 2007-07-05 - High 2007-11-20
Almi & Randy Denver 2007-07-05 - High 2007-11-06
Tanya & Rich JFK 2007-07-05 - High Agents at POE were really polite and helpful. The process probably took 40 minutes. 2010-11-12
Chris & Hannah CDN-USA Border 2007-07-05 - High Crossed at Emerson/Pembina in North Dakota. No EAD stamp. 2009-12-29
Mawal Ali & Me JFK 2007-07-05 - High 2007-10-03
Lmhvm Grisha & Tanya JFK 2007-07-04 - High 2007-10-27
Shub F & R JFK 2007-07-03 - High Waiting in line took longer than actually going through immigration. I pretty much ran out of the plane to make sure I got to the CBP booths before the bulk of the passengers, then waited for a good half hour. The guy I got was professional and friendly, looked at my passport and paperwork for all of 2 minutes, then sent me to secondary, which took all of another 2 minutes, and then I was on my way. 2017-01-21
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