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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Jesus and Jenna Jesus & Jenna El Paso 2008-05-16 - High We only had a problem driving through at the inspection point because his passport wasn't stamped. They were nice to him there and showed him where to go inside. The officer inside was not very friendly and was upset that people were there late (he received his visa at 5pm on Fri, we went to the hotel got our stuff and went to the border, got inside at about 8pm, otherwise we would have at to stay in Juarez for the weekend) After that, they were just not in a hurry to help people and I asked about the work authorization and he told us he just has it but gave us the I-94 which we had to pay $6 for and that was what the Social Security office asked for to prove he can work. 2008-08-23
tiffany & mohammad Detroit 2008-05-15 - High 2008-06-04
C-Low MJ & CK Los Angeles 2008-05-15 - High My wife took Cathay Pacific CX880 from Hong Kong to LAX International. This airport was fast at night time! She waited about 20 minutes for the immigration officer to fix all her paperwork. Also, she picked up her baggage and went to customs for 5 minutes. She says the staff at the International Terminal were very nice to her. 2011-10-11
Jnk k & j Detroit 2008-05-15 - High Took paperwork, called supervisor over to confirm something, and smiled and said "Welcome to the United States of America, and congratulations". Can't really complain, eh? 5 minutes and that was it. 2011-01-13
Diday Shirley & Henry Honolulu 2008-05-15 - High 2009-01-04
Nicole_Michel2007 Michel & Nicole JFK 2008-05-14 - High 15 minutes and he was out - no searching of the suitcases - minimal questioning - all was good... 2009-10-09
Pari & Nick CDN-USA Border 2008-05-14 - High 2010-06-29
CJP Rrez & Chris JFK 2008-05-14 - High 2008-12-17
Mike & Amber Chicago 2008-05-14 - High 2019-04-05
Kevinandcecilia Cecilia & Kevin Houston 2008-05-14 - High Hopefully............... 2008-05-05
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