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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
CedricT Ced & Lari JFK 2017-02-20 - High 2017-05-14
Issajar I & E Dallas 2017-02-21 - High 2022-05-18
PandO Oanh & Phil Los Angeles 2017-02-21 - High Absolutely no questions asked. They looked at the sealed doc's, they were suffice with what they saw and let us on our way. The only thing is.... First went through as a family (CR-1 Wife & USC Child). The initial officer was cool, professional, took the fingerprints and asked us to stand aside because we had to go to another place to complete the CR-1 Visa (to get it stamped with the 1 year temp green card). Standing aside took about 30 minutes. Another officer see's us waiting and asks what we're doing. Officer is informed we are waiting by the initial officers directions, and confirms and walks away. Returns 15 minutes later and ponders why we're still there - he decides to take us there himself now (real cool fellow) Now we're downstairs being led to the old baggage claim (carousel 2) and behind there is a makeshift immigration office - cool. Our sealed documents are handed over to a 3rd immigration officer, and we are told to wait. Total of 4 officers sitting in this makeshift office. After waiting almost an hour, I begin walking my baby around as he is becoming restless. I approach the officer that the packet was given to and as I'm about to ask my question, he looks down and, VOILA! he picks up my packet. Mind you this is after watching them for an hour, giggling and talking shit with each other. At this point I've actually began to lose my patience until they started moving on it. 5 minutes later, my wife (beneficiary) was asked to sign a couple documents, and we were on our way to claim our bags and proceed to customs. It literally took 1h30m to complete a task that should've tooken only 30 minutes maximum. I blame this on a lack of organization on their part, as well as poor work ethic. I think this department needs to be looked once over. Otherwise I was happy just to get the hell out of LAX. 2020-02-25
Egreve M & E Chicago 2017-02-21 - High 2017-09-21
Laura & Nick San Diego 2017-02-21 - High My experience was really smooth. I flew from Mexico City to Tijuana and entered via the Cross Border Express. I emailed before and the manager at CBX was really helpful, she asked for my flight information to make sure there was an experienced officer who could review my case when crossing the border. The officers were amazing, they were making jokes and congratulating me for my new life and welcomed me nicely to the US. I couldnt have asked for a better experience to start a new life in a different country. 2017-11-26
Monika & Elizabeth & Tom Los Angeles 2017-02-22 - High LAX CBP were very professional, welcoming and very friendly. We landed at 9:15am and the whole process took us only 30 minutes from start to end. 10:35am our family was finally reunited forever. Long live LAX CBP, airport staff and everyone else there. You are the best. 2020-08-04
VKat Kat & V San Francisco 2017-02-22 - High 2017-02-20
Dine & Tim Detroit 2017-02-22 - High 2017-06-27
EKluna Kevin & elizabeth Houston 2017-02-22 - High 2018-04-08
Harry & Amanda Seattle 2017-02-23 - High 2021-04-16
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