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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Czcv CZ & CV Los Angeles 2016-08-10 - High 2016-08-27
Alejandro & Caitlin Los Angeles 2016-08-10 - High 2020-09-30
Paulay J & P Chicago 2016-08-10 - High 2023-05-30
Mavin Si & Os Toronto 2016-08-11 - High It was perfect. No issues, nothing. The border officer only asked where my husband works. 2020-06-20
Spaniardstud Sabrina & Guitze JFK 2016-08-11 - High 2016-09-14
Ddemuro Derek & Morgan Miami 2016-08-11 - High The only thing about entering the US was how long the line was (two airplanes arrived at the same time). Then had to wait for an officer to take me to a back office. Gave my paperwork and sat there with my backpack. Waited around an hour, my name was called. The officer looked at my paperwork, gave me instructions and gave me another paper about my rights. That was about it. I was told where the door was and that I had to recheck my flight. All in all, pretty good. 2017-01-19
Lis & Alex Detroit 2016-08-12 - High 2017-02-09
Esther&Jones Jones & Esther Orlando 2016-08-12 - High 2016-11-18
Roxanne & Oliver Los Angeles 2016-08-12 - High 2021-04-23
Braulio & Luisa Fort Lauderdale 2016-08-12 - High Great and friendly experience 2021-02-12
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