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POE Information

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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Alessiwrei Alessi & Caatchi Chicago - High 2023-05-30
Charlotte.McElroy Charlotte & Collin Chicago 2021-09-26 - High Quiet and only plane going through security, officer just flicked through K1 packet, stamped and said have a nice day. 2021-12-01
Lang & Klang Chicago 2019-07-31 - High 2020-04-10
Ars & Sam Chicago 2017-12-22 - High 2020-12-07
AKKH S & A Chicago 2014-07-31 - High 2022-04-11
Serge20 Mimba & Vera Chicago 2020-12-03 - High N/a 2024-03-18
Horologist2020 M & D Chicago 2021-12-21 - High 2022-08-15
blank avatar Mark & Laura Chicago - High 2020-12-02
Adolfo & Rocio Chicago 2020-09-20 - High Husband was taken into a room where he thought the POE officers at O'hare were going to ask him questions. After sitting there for about 20 min alone an officer came in and asked him if this was his first time entering the country with the recently issued visa, he answered yes and was given his passport back and told he was good to go. 2020-09-27
Flocculonodular Oriol & Caitlin Chicago 2021-12-26 - High Customs was completely empty at O'Hare. Walked right up, gave them the sealed medical exam and showed them the K1 visa on the passport. They gave me back the CD with the chest x-ray and kept the envelope & explained that I had 90 days to get married, stamped my passport. Walked right through in less than 2 minutes 2023-03-08
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