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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Thi & Jeremy Chicago 2010-06-01 - High 2011-04-27
Bubcka777 Lyuba & Bobby Chicago 2015-10-11 - High 2019-04-09
Sha3shabon M & H Chicago 2011-02-26 - High 2011-05-13
Elena & Nick Chicago 2011-05-20 - High 2012-03-01
Hakki & Dolores Chicago 2011-11-25 - High 2015-04-15
LadyEralam Vanessa & Kevin Chicago 2010-05-23 - High This is when I entered the States intending to visit. Now it's all about working backwards. 2010-11-18
Adil & Jeanne Chicago 2015-09-05 - High Very easy entry / they asked his first and last name and he was set / no inspection. We have both come thru Chicago from abroad and they seem to know their job. Very satisified 2015-10-12
Kemal & Tuana Chicago 2013-01-20 - High 2018-05-06
Jurek & Natalie Chicago 2012-11-14 - High Easy and pleasant POE experience, absolutely no problems going through 2016-12-20
Mariami & Chris Chicago 2011-06-22 - High My wife waited to be called up for a long time, due to the number of people there at the time. She was called, gave her paperwork, they fingerprinted her, and she was on her way. It was quite fast. 2015-07-13
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