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Washington DC US Port of Entry Reviews

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Washington DC US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
159 Review(s)
Washington DC Review #17177. Entry: 2020-12-20



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I used the Dulles Washington to enter the country and I have never been this surprised about how they treat immigrants. Once the flight is landed, I was directed to the CBP and when my turn comes up the officer was so happy to a Sri Lankan passport. He said “oh are you from Sri Lanka? Iâ€â„... read complete review

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Washington DC Review #17253. Entry: 2020-10-19



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

My then Fiancé flew into Dulles in the morning. There were very few people on her flight due to COVID-19. She had virtually no waiting and met with the immigration official quickly upon landing. They asked her a few simple questions about my work, where we would live, etc., and then made a few c... read complete review

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Washington DC Review #17149. Entry: 2020-08-21




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Very smooth process - the only questions were from the officer in the normal immigration booth ("where's your spouse right now?"). I was sent with my passport in a locked box to pick up my luggage and from there to the secondary room, where I basically had to wait for about 10 minutes to get my endo... read complete review

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Washington DC Review #17128. Entry: 2020-07-03




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Landed at IAD around 3:30 pm. Immigration took some time as there were two flights arriving at the same time.

MY USC spouse was with me and we were asked some questions at the initial counter like where’d I learn English and what level of education I had. He also filled out ou... read complete review

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Washington DC Review #17099. Entry: 2020-03-19



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Entered the USA at IAD, Washington Dulles. As I was travelling with my fiancee and her daughter from Thailand, I accompanied them in the visitors line at the POE.

We spoke with the Officer at the POE who took some initial information from us and then directed us to the secondary scree... read complete review

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