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Pakistan US Consulate Reviews

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Pakistan US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.1 / 5
592 Review(s)
Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #32334 on August 4, 2023:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My husband had his interview on Jun 5 2023. He said he was there for about 4 hours. He had 2 interviews that same day by 2 different agents. They asked him questions about his family, about my family, the age difference, my job and about my previous marriage. He was refused/administrative processing because he forgot to bring his passport and we had to upload the joint sponsor documents again. They handed him a 221g white paper. Then a few days after they interviewed me on the phone and asked me about my previous marriage, job aged difference and what was my family reaction to my husband’s age and his family reaction. We waited a few weeks and then on july 14th it said visa issued and he got his passport and visa shortly after.

I was so nervous when they interviewed me on the phone and was scared that they would deny him because of me being so nervous. Overall I think his interview and the process was good.

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #32303 on July 25, 2023:




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Review Topic: General Review

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #32270 on July 15, 2023:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Report from my wife:

Shuttle service from the bus station to the diplomatic enclave (where the embassy is) cost 5000 rupees. Her appointment was scheduled for 8:30, but she spent about 3 hours waiting for her turn. By the time it was her turn, she was interviewed by one of the nicest gentleman, along with the nicest interpreters ever. They asked very simple questions such as name, date of marriage, occupation, state of residence, last time her and I met, etc. At the end she was congratulated, saying she was approved for an IR1 visa, and that she would receive her passport within a few days time. Everyone was very polite, courteous, and respectful to her. Her civil documents were returned to her, and she was escorted out of the embassy. All and all a great experience and a good end to an almost 3 year long process.

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #32214 on July 1, 2023:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Received an interview date for June 27, 2023 after requesting expedited processing. Appointment time was 7:30am. I arrived at the shuttle services area at 6:00am. The shuttle area needs a lot of improvements and maintenance. My turn to get on the shuttle came late after my scheduled appointment time. Paid 5000k PKR for car service as there was no option to go on the bus.

Everyone inside the embassy was kind and courteous. I waited for quite a while before my token number was called. I had gotten my medical exam done at Wilcare in Lahore on June 22, 2023, but they did not send my results to the embassy on time which was the cause for delay so I suggest scheduling a medical exam as soon as you get your interview letter.

I selected Urdu as my interview language. The CO interviewing me was American who was assisted by a Pakistani interpreter.

Note: the questions will be according the details of your case and they will ask follow up question... read complete review

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Peshawar, Pakistan
Review #32096 on May 25, 2023:

Yousara Rameez

Yousara Rameez


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

It went too smooth Alhumdulilah, my time was 8:30 but they interviewed me around 11:15am but it was hardly 10 to 15 minutes long, they asked point to point questions!

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