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Nigeria US Consulate Reviews

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Nigeria US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.5 / 5
774 Review(s)
Review #31982 on April 17, 2023:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Got to consulate very prepared and had called at least 3 times before the date to confirm appointment was connected to his visa payment receipt, that medical report had been sent, and again to make sure his appointment was in the system for that day. When he arrived, his name had not been included on the manifest, so they turned him away. We emailed and called the embassy, as per instruction from one of the workers outside the consulate. About a week and a half later, the consulate emailed him with an appointment date. April 5th.

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Review #31973 on April 14, 2023:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

6:00 am - goes in for the interview
     Number 1 in the queue
Appointment at 6:30 am

He provided his required civil documents (originaland copy), Affidavit of Support, my income (up to 2021) and domicile documents, and our bona-fide marriage evidence from dating through the interview date.

Pleasant interviewer

How did you meet your wife?
How old is your wife?
Do you have children?
Have you been married before?
Has your wife been married before?

After my husband informed him I've been living here in Nigeria over 8 months, he said wow! Then he asked... Does she work remotely?


8:10 am - returns to the car

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Review #31971 on April 13, 2023:

Brandy Udeze


· 5 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My husband interview was at 6:30am. He arrived around 5:30am and was number 6 he said. The consulate said good morning and started with the questions

1. What's your name?
2. What's your spouse name?
3. Where does your wife work?
4. What does she do?
5. Where did she work in 2021?
6. Do you have pictures
7. Who is this in the picture?
8. Did y'all have a white wedding?
9. Nice, who is Reginald Wynn
10. Can I have his tax transcript not W2?
11. Ok no worries, send his transcript and your passport to this DHL address and we will continue to process your visa! Congratulations 🎉

What God Cannot Do Does Not Exist💯🙏🏽❣️

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Review #31918 on March 28, 2023:

Alecia Ishola


· 1 person found this review helpful

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Review Topic: General Review

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Review #31830 on February 25, 2023:




· 4 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Interview went well. Asked about the wife, where did we meet, how long you knew her. Where does she live. Asked about the age difference. Then approved him. They were nice.

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