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Nigeria US Consulate Reviews

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Nigeria US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.5 / 5
774 Review(s)
Review #32790 on December 13, 2023:

Jay A

Jay A


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Review Topic: General Review

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Review #32787 on December 13, 2023:



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Review Topic: I-1 Visa

Consulate: Lagos.

Positive experience. I went with my husband, the applicant, to interview and was permitted inside to ondoor screening/security. Contractual staff was very kind. Appointment time was 0630 and we walked there from arm gate security check while our driver went to car park. As we were walking toward the lines, there was a rush of movements as things must have "opened". Individuals are separated by type of visa - immigrant and nonimmigrant at outdoor screening
Very organized, knowledgeable and professional screener. The checklists offered are not the same as what was communicated in emails. Please, check News section of Consultate website for immigrant visa expectations.

My husband and I were together for outdoor security, outdoor screening, indoor security/screening. We were separted after we were both checked for objects with the wand. We kissed and I sat at the back set of chairs by the lockers. My husband walked forward to the inte... read complete review

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Review #32779 on December 12, 2023:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Come on time and please come prepared. Make sure you bring originals and copies of everything you uploaded and follow the checklist to the letter. Even if they don’t ask to see it all, it’s better to be safe than sorry. My husband got a lady CO who did ask him a lot of questions but he was straightforward and honest. Neither of us had anything to hide so there was no pressure really. They asked how we met, what does his wife do for a living, has he met my family, etc. All questions that are easy to answer if you know your spouse well. Even if the questions seem insulting just answer truthfully, don’t be nervous. Good luck to all.

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Review #32735 on November 28, 2023:




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Review Topic: General Review

IO: Good Morning
Me: Answered
IO: Who's calling for you
ME: Answered
IO: What does your petitioner do?
Me: Answered
IO: Tell me a bit about your Petitioner
Me: Answered
IO: How many times have your Petitioner visited
Me: Answered
IO: What do you do when your Petitioner visits
Me: Answered
IO: What do you do?
Me: Answered
IO: Wow, interesting...Is that what you wish to continue in the U.S?
Me: Answered
IO: Flips a picture.....Whats going on here?
Me; Answered
IO: Smiles......You're humorous. Your Visa is approved
Me: Thank you

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Review #32641 on October 25, 2023:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

New interview date was given for April 5, 2023. He arrived early, and waited with other visa types. He was the only k1 that day. When it was his turn, the plump co with the white beard collected his documents and evidence and went through our evidence book, page by page with him, asking questions about everything he read and saw. Then the questions began. They were very detailed and invasive. There were many. He was with the guy for more than 20 minutes. When he was done being interrogated, the co handed him a 221g slip and kept his passport. Co told him we'd hear back in 2 to 3 weeks. After 1 week, he received an email to collect his passport. Then after another week, he received an email that our case was being sent back to uscis for recommendation of revocation. After months of calling, emailing, and talking to lawyers with no answers as to what that meant and what our next step should be, I went back to Nigeria and we got married. We are now pursuing the cr1. Finally, in August, I ... read complete review

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