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Netherlands US Consulate Reviews

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Netherlands US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
188 Review(s)
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Review #3991 on February 23, 2009:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The interview itself was painless. Preparing everything and picking up the visa was painful.

Preparing documents was tedious because I've lived in the UK and Hong Kong as well, and I had to apply for certificates of no criminal records from countries. This was straigtforward for the UK (although expensive) and almost impossible for Hong Kong because a) it required me to get official fingerprinting done in Holland, which would normally be impossible but luckily a local police station did it for me (and I had to go back again because HK complained my fingerprints were not in English...) and b) the US Consulate provided me with outdated information rendering my application to be delayed.

This resulted in me missing the 1 document from HK for my scheduled interview at the Consulate, yet when I called to state that they couldn't possibly have received the HK police record yet, I was still told to come for the interview.

And yes, as I had pred... read complete review

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Review #3777 on January 6, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The security was intimidating. They were friendly however. Martijn was first in line and still had a pretty long wait in -7 degree celcius weather. The consular officer did not ask any questions about us other than my records. I mistakenly took the uittreksel uit de bevolkingsadministratie and they need a geboorteakte, so I am going tomorrow to get that. They gave me two options: I can take it back to them or I can mail it. They instructed me to call when I have the geboorteakte and then they will tell me how to get it to them. I also have to send my passport with it because they gave that back to me today.

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Review #3622 on November 23, 2008:

Marcel Elizabeth


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

All went well - be sure to have the right size photos though....

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Review #3409 on October 4, 2008:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Great experience. I was the first in and was immediately directed to one of the counters to hand over the necessary papers such as a Birth Certificate, Swedish police certificate (I lived in Sweden for a year), my affidavit of support from both my fiancée and my joint sponsor, the two pictures, etc. I had forgotten to fill in one place of residence, which the guy behind the counter kindly pointed out to me. I quickly added it and he asked me to wait. I then had to wait approximately 40 minutes after which I was called to a different window with the consul. He asked me a total of three questions (how long have I known my fiancée, where are we getting married, and where will we be living), asked me to raise my right hand and swear that I filled everything in to the best of my knowledge, and that was it. He was very nice and told me that getting married was the best choice he had ever made.

Because my wedding is the 17th of October and my original appointment was planned ... read complete review

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Review #3403 on October 3, 2008:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I received my packet 3 just before I left for a two week vacation. I decided to submit it afterwards. I received my appointment letter 3 weeks before the interview and saw they had scheduled it just 2 days before my scheduled departure to the US. Even though the papers were clear about the processing time (up to 5 bussiness days) and warn people not to make any planes for travelling they were willing to work with me to make it happen. They preponed my interview date with just 1 day and allowed me to pick it up the next day. This way I was able to attend my own wedding.

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