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Jordan US Consulate Reviews

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Jordan US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.7 / 5
110 Review(s)
Amman, Jordan
Review #23131 on January 24, 2018:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Consular officer was very nice. She didn't ask for any documentation for proof of our relationship. She asked my husband a few questions such as my name, how we met, how long we have known each other and when we got married. Her main topic of questioning was the legitimacy of our relationship. He entered the US in 2014 on a K1 visa and his fiance backed out of the intent to marry shortly after he arrived in the US, he then applied for asylum and lived in the US until April of 2017. She made him step away and questioned me if he loved me, if our marriage was a fraud and expressed concern about MENA country men preying on divorced, 40 something women such as myself. I pleaded our relationship,gave her the exact dates and length of my trips to Jordan and told her our relationship was real. In a nutshell she said her approving his visa was up to me and asked if I wanted him to have a visa. I of course said yes. She called him back to the window and told him she had made her decision and as... read complete review

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Amman, Jordan
Review #22787 on November 5, 2017:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Just wow!! Easy fast and smooth. Loved it and went absolutely in a great way

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Amman, Jordan
Review #22634 on October 7, 2017:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Quick and smooth, the CO was very sweet and only asked a couple of simple questions:
1. Tell me about you and your husband?
2. Have you lived anywhere other than the countries you listed and I said No --- "Since I lived in 3 different countries and I guess that she wanted to check if I need any other police certificate".
then said that my visa is approved :D

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Amman, Jordan
Review #22365 on August 20, 2017:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

MY VISA CLASS IS IR-1 i thought that the interview was going to be harder than CR-1 visa interviews but it was AMAZING and the co was so nice.
I went there alone, by wife had work and couldn't attend and the co even didn't ask about her at all.
He was nice, he greeted me and started interviewing me in English, he noticed that my English is good.
The questions he asked that i can remember were:
1. What is your wife's name? I gave him the full name.
2. When and how did we both meet? I told him the whole story of how we met and when.
3. Where am I going to live and are we willing to move somewhere else in the U.S? I told him where we're going to live and that we're moving to somewhere else as soon as I get a job.
4. What am I going to do for living? I said I'm a web developer and I have a 4-year university degree in Computer Science major. (he liked that).
5. When did we get married then he asked to see some photo... read complete review

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Amman, Jordan
Review #21798 on May 14, 2017:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

it went well and it was simple and fast. 5 minutes.

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