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Ghana US Consulate Reviews

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Ghana US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.2 / 5
159 Review(s)
Review #3607 on November 20, 2008:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Interview date reschedule for january 09

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Review #3131 on July 16, 2008:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I went with my fiance for his interview in Ghana. When my fiance was called for his main interview I went with him to the consulate and after she asked who I was and why I was there she decided to do a as soon as she saw me she asked who I was and why I was here SPLIT INTERVIEW.

She interviewed my fiance and I seperately, my fiance was first then me. Afterwards she calls the both of us to her window, and this is how it went down

CONSULATE: Although you two know each other very well, and have too much evidence, I AM STILL NOT CONVINCED THAT THIS IS A GENUINE RELATIONSHIP.
I (USC FIANCEE): asked her why she felt that way?
CONSULATE: You and your fiance were dating while still married, which is suspicious to me, you have too much evidence as if you are trying so hard to prove something or cover up something, the fact that I was present for the interview is too much, why do I need to be here if I have all this evidence.
I (USC FIANCEE... read complete review

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Review #3068 on June 30, 2008:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

It was alright, we were supposed to arrive at 7:30 but were late due to traffic - this wasn't a real problem since everyone has the same time and are just lined up...
Of course, the wait was long. We were first called to hand in the paper work (for the affidavit of support, they only wanted the last years tax return or a W-4... no interest in any of the other back-up we supplied), then for finger prints, and finally for the interview. I was told to sit so the consular could speak to him alone. He was there maybe 5 minutes. She asked if he would tell the truth, had him sign the form he wasn't to sign until there, then a few questions of how we met. Then she gave him the slip and said come for the visa 2 weeks from Friday.
Prior to the interview, a nightmare for communications and getting paper work, but we pushed for it. And once the interview came, it was a breeze.

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Review #3066 on June 29, 2008:

Asante Maroon


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Everything went well and was very smooth. The people at the consulate were very nice and warm to my fiancé ....even cracking jokes with him!

Only issue may be getting your visa on time if they are back logged, fortunately my fiancé was able to get his on time

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Review #3065 on June 29, 2008:

Bassi and Zainab


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The hardest part of the process is getting past the guards. They refused me in entry that morning because I was an American. Told me to wait until 8:30, then they have no choice but to let me in. However, they let another American woman in with her fiance for his interview. No rhyme or reason to how they treat you. The woman at window 2 was not very pleasant to me. I thought she was nasty, Bassi thought she was doing her job. She refused to accept the DS156 and told me to fill it out again twice. Yes, twice. Why twice? I have no idea other than to be a wench. Then we waited and waited and waited. You aren't allowed to have food, or electronic devices. There is a tv there showing CNN so at least you can watch that. It's very cold inside because the air conditioning is up kind of high. So dress warm. After waiting for most of the morning an asian man at window 4 interviewed us. He asked only a few questions. How did we meet? When did we meet? What were we doing when we... read complete review

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