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Chile US Consulate Reviews

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Chile US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4 / 5
82 Review(s)
Review #8232 on September 1, 2011:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I am the US petitioner, and my fiance, Carlos is the Chilean beneficiary. We have been living together and working in Santiago for about a year and a half now.

Yesterday (Aug 31st) we went to the US Embassy for his interview. I was quite nervous, but everything turned out great. We arrived at about 1:30pm (a half hour before his interview time - 14:00). There was a line outside, which we waited in. Once they opened the doors a little after 1:30pm, the line moved pretty quickly. Security let us through at about 1:40pm, and when they saw us they actually commented "la pareja feliz, pasen". That made us smile! They gave us a red number to claim our cellphones after the interview and a yellow number to be called in order for the interview. Then we put out stuff on the x-ray scanner table and walked through the metal detector, and out the back door through the patio, and into the Consulate. There were quite a few people in there waiting for various types of visas. We waited ... read complete review

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Review #8104 on August 11, 2011:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We had our K-1 visa interview on 7/21/11 at 2:00 pm. We waited in the line outside until I noticed that US citizens don't have to wait in line. We jumped ahead and went inside. The security guards directed us to the waiting area.

After about 30 minutes they called Carolina to the window. I went up with her and we spoke with the Consulate worker. She said that she just needed some papers from Carolina, and she asked me to have a seat. She said that I could be present for the acutal interview.

Carolina spoke with the woman, and after a few minutes she began to wave me over. Carolina did not know that she was supposed to pay in advance, we thought that we were going to pay that day. Luckily the woman still allowed us to have the interview, but we weren't off to a good start. Carolina had also forgotten to fill out a paper so she did that quickly.

After that we had to sit and wait for the interview. It was another 15-25 minutes before they c... read complete review

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Review #8098 on August 11, 2011:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

my appointment was Scheduled at 2 pm, I arrive at 1:30 pm at the embassy, had many people ahead of me but soon a security guard at the embassy told us that have on hand the passport or ID, the letter which was to bring to the interview and turn off my cell phone, a few minutes after i get into the building, he asked me if I had cellular phone with me and i say yes...i give him my cel phone and he put it into a locker with my Coke :P and give me two token, one red with the locker number and a yellow with the number of the interview, mine was the number 1 ...he told me that I had to go to the consulate and wait at the counter number 8, at two pm a Chilean woman called me to the window 8 , i gave her my passport,birth certificate, criminal record, the payment of visa fee, the sealed envelope of medical examination and I signed FORM DS - 156 Form (2 copies) that I don't send signed because I wasn't sure about the instructions, I asked if she could give me a copy of the... read complete review

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Review #7328 on March 28, 2011:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My interview was scheduled for march 2nd at 2 PM, Paul and I went to Santiago about 10:30 am so we will have time enough to pick up my medical exam results, then we had lunch (yummy lasagna hehe)and afterwards we took a taxi to Santiago Embassy, once there (1:45), we went trough security and they gave us a token with the number 5 on it, that meant that there were 4 people before us all waiting for their visa interviews, there were 1 more couple waiting for the K-1 as well. I was a little bit nervous cause you never now what would happen plus all the experience with the LONG USCIS process wasn't too pleasant to make me feel comfortable with the american immigration officers...but I was wrong, everyone at Santiago Embassy was really nice and polite,Paul went to the window with me as we saw another couple did same thing before (different window though) but the lady asked him to have a seat and asked for my papers (Chile express receipt,Birth and police certificates with their translations... read complete review

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Review #7323 on March 27, 2011:

Lisa & Vinko


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I arrived in Chile on March 17, hoping for the "luck of the Irish" to bless our interview process javascript:emoticon('') The only thing we got out of that was several nights of bagpipes and U2 Tribute bands from the Irish pub across the street from the friend's apartment we were staying in... javascript:emoticon('') We stayed there, because it was only a 5 minute walk from the embassy...and well, we hadn't see each other for 10 months...we needed the privacy javascript:emoticon('') It was our luck then, that this friend was in Serbia for a month!

Of course, we didn't know how Obama's visit to Chile was going to change things slightly. Nervously, we got all our paperwork ready days before the originally scheduled interview on March 21, and left the apartment to find out some minutes later at the embassy that all appointments that day were cancelled and that we would have to return during the embassy's public hour... read complete review

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