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  • I-864 Coversheet Instructions

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    You will need the I-864 coversheet. [ADDED APRIL 2013: This really isn't necessary any more. All NVC payments are done through the payment portal and the cover sheet becomes available for printing immediately upon payment; you don't even have to wait until the status registers "PAID]


    • Download the MS Word copy of the I-864 coversheet (available by clicking here[1]).
    • Change the XXX1234567890 at the bottom to your case number.
    • Go to idautomation to generate the barcode. [2].
      • Type the case number under "Data to encode."
      • Under "Barcode symbology," select CODE 39.
      • Select "No" for the "Add check digit,"
      • Select "No" for the "Add check digit to text,"
      • Select "No" for the "Show text below barcode" options.
      • Change the "X dimension" (bar width) to 0.07
      • Change the "Barcode bar height" to 0.7.
      • Click on "Create Barcode."
      • Right click on the barcode and click on Copy.
    • Paste the image into a graphics editing program such as IrfanView (either by selecting Paste under the Edit menu or hitting Ctrl + V on the keyboard)
    • Crop out the gray text "Powered by IDAutomation.com (i.e., draw a box around the barcode only and, e.g., in IrfanView, select Crop selection under the Edit menu).
    • Copy the image from the graphics program either by selecting Copy under the Edit Menu or by hitting Ctrl+C on the keyboard.
    • Go to the MS Word copy of the I-864 coversheet
    • Select the old barcode that's already there and hit the Delete key.
    • Click on Paste under the Edit menu (or hit Ctrl + V on the keyboard).
    • You then need to further adjust the size of the barcode by right-clicking on it and clicking on "Format Picture."
    • Click on the "Size" tab.
    • De-select "Lock aspect ratio"
    • Change the height to 0.4"
    • Change the width to 3.45"
    • Click on "OK."

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    NOTE: The above information does not address the specific requirements for any given case and is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney.

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