* Kristin *

Difficulty: | Review Topic: Port of Entry Review
Richie, my finace, arrived at LAX this afternoon at 14:20 on a direct BA/AA flight from LHR to LAX. We were a bit worried in that we hear people sometimes get taken aside and questioned a lot, etc.; however, it was nothing like that.
When approaching the queue to see the immigration officers, there was a 10 - 15 minute queue. When he got to the border control person, he asked the following questions:
* Where we met (told him we met in a bar in London, he chuckled - and said most people meet online)
* When we were getting married
The chap was generally very friendy and very efficient. Knew exactly what to do with the paperwork, brown envelope, I-94, etc. Very professional, very quick - absolutley wonderful!! Couldn't have asked for a better experience!!! Wonderful!!