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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #9769

Agana GU Review on June 4, 2012:



Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

The interview was pretty short and sweet. We made sure we had double copies of everything before we left the house. I figured you can never have too many copies.

Our interview was scheduled at 2pm but we didn't get in until 220. I spent the time looking over the US Citizenship questions that had out and told me wife I bet the average citizen couldn't answer most questions.

Our interviewer was an older Filipino lady and she was nice. She just asked us how we met and looked over some more paperwork. Then she talked to my wife about her middle name because she decided to take her Moms middle name instead of the fathers which is the custom. Then she asked about the baby as she could see my wife was super pregnant.

Overall the interview was not a bad experience for us. We were in there maybe 10 minutes. Hopefully it is that easy for everyone else.

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