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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #8404

Los Angeles CA Review on September 27, 2011:



Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

I didn't realize there was an option to review, this is quite late.

We were interviewed in December 2009. My wife and I had an appointment of of 1:30pm but we were not seen until almost 4pm (we were the last couple left in the waiting room, even the security guard felt sorry for us). The questions were brief, the IO spent the most time explaining what it means to have conditional PR status. The first question the IO asked my wife made me feel dismayed, he said, "you can speak English ok right?" I was thinking he did not review our file at all, where the biographical information would have shown that my wife was from Australia and she completed her secondary schooling and two university degrees and multiple professional certifications, which would have been difficult to do without any English language ability. Granted, she is Chinese-Australian, but still poor prep work in my opinion javascript:emoticon('')

The IO spent a couple of minutes asking her the yes/no questions and then asked for "any other documentation that would support our case", this was vague, so my wife asked him specifically what he would like to see. The IO asked for joint bank account and insurance information, both of which we had copies of and provided.

The interview was done in about 10 minutes, overall, the IO was polite but seemed somewhat ill-prepared.


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