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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #7632

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Review on May 20, 2011:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

As most likely guessed, the Vietnamese interpreter (almost 100% is a son/daughter of a communist) is disrespectful by yelling and screaming. Very poor ability in interpreting the materials. Poor body gesture and unprofessional. Wrong interpretation and unclear at times. Thank God my fiance is smart and caught it so many times with the little English that she knows. The interpreter even couldn't understand the Consulate Officer at times and asked him to write down what he said so that she is able to translate the materials. Those of you who needs to use an interpreter, please ask the question over again from the interpreter if it's not clearly and specific.

The Consulate Officer (CO) was older, white male, experienced, not friendly, but respectful. Very tough and experienced CO that throws a few tricky questions. Thank God again my fiance is smart and consistence. And she knows me probably more than I know myself. javascript:emoticon('')

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