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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #606

Brasilia, Brazil Review on May 30, 2006:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

The consulate is in Rio, not Brsilia. Our interview was in Rio on May 12. I attended with my fiance. We were there early and first in line with documents but it turned into an all day affair. There were about 18 people there for interviews. We were called in about 6th. I joined my fiance in the interview room, no problem. The officer asked if I was the petitioner. We were both sworn in. To our great surprise the officer asked no question of my fiance. And asked just 2 of me. He was very polite and professional. I stupidly left out my tax return. He said that if I could retrieve it yet that day he could make a determination. We shot over to an internet cafe and I retrieved it online. We were back at the consulate in less than 30 minutes. The guard at the consulate was not going to let us back in! We explained the situation but she said no, that we would have to make another appointment. This was not feasible. I showed her my passport and she shook her head. I then said that I was and American citizen and that I wanted to visit my consulate. Those were the magic words - she let us in. We took the tax return to the window and explained to the clerk. We waited over 3 hours. As the end of the day drew near we feared that the clerk misplace the tax return or we were being denied. To our pleasant surprise we were called to the window and received the form to bring back in two days to pick up the visa. Whew! When we came back in 2 days at 3 PM, my fiance had her visa in about 20 minutes. Some inconsistencies: several women had to leave the consulate to get photos retaken. They returned and apparently re-entered the consulate without problem. The instructions do not state that you need tax returns, but you do. The instructions say that the fee can be paid in U.S. dollars or Brazilian Reals. Not true. Citibank required dollars. Minor point - the waiting room AC was blasting cold air and we were literally stiff when we left. Take a sweater! Rating is a tough call. I can't give them a perfect 5. But how about 4.5

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