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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #5941

New Orleans LA Review on April 20, 2010:



Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We had our interview in New Orleans earlier today. We got there 20 minutes early and waited for about 30 mintues. I was surprised when they called my name. I am the petitioner. I asked if my husband needed to come and she said only me for now. I was confused because I was thinking we would be interviewed together. I was wrong. She asked for my license and made me swear to tell the truth. Then she proceeded to ask me questions. How did we meet, what website, who proposed, when did he propose, how many days did you stay in Nigeria, did you meet his family and who did you meet, after I told her that I met his parents and brothers/sister she wanted names. She asked if I had siblings and wanted to know their names. Wanted to know his birthday, how did we celebrate my birthday, what was the name of the restaurant we went to in order to celebrate, wanted to know how we celebrated Christmas. She wanted to know where we got married and I told her the city, who attended, where was the reception and the name of the place. She wanted to know his birthday. When she asked how we celebrated my birthday I offered her pictures to see but she didn't look at the time. She wrote down every answer that I gave. After all the questions, she wanted to see the pictures and I had to go thru every one that was in the album. I thought at some point she would say that was enough but she didn't. I explained a little about a few of what was going on in the pics and she also asked who certain people were. I thought later that she was asking me by myself and I'm the petitioner. Maybe she should have asked who they were to my husband but anyway..after all of that she escorted me back and ask me to send my husband back and for me to have a seat in the waiting room. I was really nervous and my heart was beating so fast. All I could do was pray. I was just afraid he wouldn't remember the name of the place we got married and the name of the restaurant we went to for my birthday and that he would be denied. After what seemed like forever, he came back and got me. This was when she wanted to see documetation and I ask "like what?" and she said anything that ya'll have together and I started pulling out documents. Once again, I thought she would say she had enough but I just kept giving things until there wasn't anything else to give. I gave her cards and she went thru every one. She kept all the copies of documents. At the end, she said that she only had one problem and my heart fell. She said that on the I693 report that the civil surgeon didn't put a date in the box "date TST applied" but he dated it when the TST was read and that he checked negative. We were one of the ones who had a RFE for medical and ended up going see a civil surgeon to repeat medical. She took the time to show us and I explained to her that he didn't apply the TB tesing that another dr. did and I showed her the document that I brought with us that showed that he had it done but it didn't have when it was applied only read. I also said about the confusing part of the initial RFE we received and she said that the thing about that was that if he had the medical from overseas we were to send it. I said that he didn't have it because he turned it in at POE and she said she had the TB testing results from when he had it done overseas and he passed. She explained that she will have to show a supervisor and either we will receive an RFE in mail to get it corrected or green card. I have no idea why we were interviwed separately. We had a smoothe K1 process. I had read thru here many times before our interview to get ideas of how it would be and I don't recall seeing anyone being interviewed separately and some where they barely look at the "evidence." I'm hoping and praying they will look past that little box that wasn't dated especially since we shouldn't have had to have the 2nd medical done when clearly they had the 1st medical results right there in hand. I know this is kind of long but I don't see many reviews for the New Orleans site and I would like to advise everyone to go to interview very prepared even though others may not seem to need it. Oh and talking in the car after we realized we gave the same answers, of course . He got the name of the place we got married wrong but it was a close variation of it and he explained that he didn't remember the name of the restaurant we went to for my birthday because he was only here a couple of months and wasn't too familiar with it. Also the girl that interviewed us wasn't overly friendly or too firm. I just hope we don't get another RFE. Best wishes everyone!

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