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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #5112

El Salvador Review on October 22, 2009:

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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Money, Money, Money..... I leave this review for those of you trying to find information on the visa process and the red tape you must abide by. First of all, being an American War Veteran means nothing, so erase that from you mind and mentality immediately. Second, with the current economy make sure you have at the least (withouth using a lawyer) at least three or four thousand dollars to spare for the "filing fees, pictures, translations, etc.etc.etc." Just know you are being punished for going about your spouse visa the correct way while so many illegals can freely roam our streets day and night. Ok, now for the embassy review... 2 Interviews, the first for submitting documents and for your spouse to deal with the jealous, extremely rude and overweight local latin person in control of her/his documents they submit. 99.9% of the time regardless of your income or previous years income, your spouse will be told they need a joint sponsor and form I-864A... Never in my life have I dealt with so much B.S. They way I feel and is true to all people.. It is not your fault who you fall in love with, nor is it someone else's place to tell you if you have permission to live out your life with them. This was god's decision and everyone on this earth deserves to have happiness in their lifetime. Money rules the world. Trust noone with their information and above all else, if you know the laws and rules then Stand Up For Yourself do not let the Embassy or it's workers treat you like sh**. Thanks for your time

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